Selenium WebDriver Report Generation using Allure Reporting tool [closed] - selenium

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to Selenium WebDriver.I am currently using TestNg to generate reports .but i need to use Allure Reporting framework with TestNg to generate reports.I don't see any proper documentation for using Allure.Need help in installation and setting up Allure framework with TestNg.

Is there any specific reason for using Allure Reports.
I am using Extent Reports for my test these are very easy and very good at the same time.
Here is a sample extent report for selenium tests : Sample

Take a look at the following pages:
Main documentation
Maven example
Ant example
Gradle example


How to execute the BDD file without using a JUnit runner class file? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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It is possible to run BDD feature file without using runner class? If yes, How?
I don’t think it is possible to use without runner class, unless you modify the way cucumber is called.
I created NoCodeBDD precisely for this reason. You don’t need any project set up or coding to automate BDDs. You can download a free version from I would like to get some feedback from you and from the stackoverflow community

Suggest best reporting tool with selenium webdriver [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I have done with my selenium webdriver,I have tried TestNG and XSLT but still manager is not satisfied with output of generated reports. please suggest me best reporting tools for selenium.
I use following reports while working with TestNG and Selenium.
ReportNG: This is similar to TestNG report however looks far better than TestNG.
Maven SureFire Report: if you are using maven project you can have maven surefire plugin and generate a report, it's also far better than that of TestNG.
ExtentReport: this is my favorite. It's bit tricky to configure but worth it. It has extentx server as well which stores historical data.
Selenium itself does not provide any reporting features. Reporting is provided by the platform you are using to run tests. As you mentioned yourself, tools like TestNG, jUnit or even Cucumber. Perhaps there are some extensions to these testing frameworks that can provide better results.
What exactly your boss is unhappy with? Perhaps you can tune some settings to improve the current result?

How can we integrate saucelabs with using QAF automation framework? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am using QAF automation framework for my automation project. I want to execute my test cases on saucelabs. can anyone help me out here?
You need use remote driver and to set following properties to point your execution on sauce labs.
Provide appropriate driver capabilities. Refer [setting driver capabilities] documentation1.
Note: Make sure you are providing remote driver in driver name. for example

How to start writing test framework for the web application using the selenium web driver and testNG? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please provide some guidelines to start wiring the framework and provide suggestion about the architecture of the framework.
I am building my own framework so need help on the folder structure and the class structure guidelines
Use Page object Model if you are building an automation framework. It's make your script maintainable and flexible
Refer it:-
Hope it will help you :)

How can I do UI testing using selenium IDE [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are the requirements for User Interface testing using Selenium IDE?
I have to test a login page. Do I have to write a UI map file for this?
How can I implement the file in the IDE?
Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin , so only requirement is having a compatible version of firefox , and you could use the tutorials given by "sircapsalot"
Additional Notes -
1)As far as I know UI Map is a part of Coded UI and not a concern in Selenium IDE .
2)From personal experience I think Using Selenium Web driver over Selenium IDE would be a good choice for having maintainable robust test framework in long term