Image freeze when a continuation is called - crash

I'm trying to test the continuation facility in Pharo, with this code(in the playground):
| cont f |
Continuation currentDo: [ :cc | cont:=cc ].
f value. "1"
cont. "a Continuation"
However, as soon as I call the continuation saved in cont(replacing cont. by cont value.), the image freezes immediately, and I have to press atl+. to gain back control.
VM version: VM: NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid: acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 May 15 2014 NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid: acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 May 15 2014 Commit: ed4a4f59208968a21d82fd2406f75c2c4de558b2 Date: 2014-05-15 18:23:04 +0200 By: Esteban Lorenzano <> Jenkins build #14826
Pharo version: [version] 4.0 #40614
Edit: I was stupid, didn't think this through...

You've effectively created an infinite loop by reevaluating the same code again and again. You can see that if you debug the code and step through it. The original context will always be restored and then evaluated starting with the first expression following the #currentDo: send. This is exactly what the continuation is supposed to do: save the current position in the execution and restart there later on.

I do not have a Fedora to test, however I tried your code in Ubuntu, using this version of Pharo:
wget -O- | bash
./pharo-ui Pharo.image
and your code seems to work properly :(
In case this error persists, could you be more specific about the version of the vm you are using?:
./pharo Pharo.image --version
And the version of Pharo you are using?:
./pharo Pharo.image printVersion
Also, send us the crash.dmp file would help a lot.


replace the kscreenlocker_greet

Sorry my English language
I need the following
If you launch the menu -Start -> Shutdown -> Lock
Then you can see the lock screen
Now press CTRL + ALT +F2
let's log in to this terminal under the root user
And let's see the running processes ps -eH | less
We will see the process tree, and who started whom
You can find the following
ksmserver -> kscreenlocker_greet
If you look at how kscreenlocker_greet was launched using ps -aux | grep greet
Then we will see the following
/usr/libexec/kf5/kscreenlocker_greet --immediateLock --ksldfd
Is it possible somewhere (I hope it's not hard code) to replace this command with another command or an application being launched? And if so, where can it be found? Very necessary!
I would like to replace the command call with another application.

How to interact with a subprocess through its stdin, stdout, stderr in Smalltalk?

This Python code shows how to call some process in Windows 10 and to send to it string commands, to read its string responses through stdin, stdout pipes of the process:
Python 3.8.0 (tags/v3.8.0:fa919fd, Oct 14 2019, 19:37:50) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from subprocess import *
>>> p = Popen("c:/python38/python.exe", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
>>> p.stdin.write(b"print(1+9)\n")
>>> p.communicate()
(b'10\r\n', None)
As you can see the python.exe process returned 10 as an answer to print(1+9). Now I want to do the same in Pharo (or Squeak): in Windows 10 OS - I suppose something similar, i.e. short, simple, understandable, really working.
I installed OSProcess, ProcessWrapper (they were missing in Pharo, also its strange that I got warning that they are not marked for Pharo 8.0 and were not checked to work in Pharo 8.0, but OK), and I tried ProcessWrapper, PipeableOSProcess (copy-pasted different snippets from the Web), etc - with zero success! The results were:
nothing happens, python.exe was not started
VM errors console was opened (white console in the bottom of the Pharo, which is controlled with F2 menu)
different exceptions
Would somebody show me simple working example how to start a process and to to send it commands, read answers, then send again, and so on in some loop - I plan to have such communication in a detached thread and to use it as some service, because Pharo, Smalltalk in general is missing most bindings, so then I will use subprocess communication like in "good" old days...
I know how to call a command and to get its output:
out := LibC resultOfCommand: 'dir ', aDir.
but I am talking about another scenario: a communication with a running process interactively (for example, with SSH or similar like in the example above - python.exe).
PS. Maybe it's possible to do it with LibC #pipe:mode even?
Let me start with that the PipeableOsProcess is probably broken on Windows. I have tried it and it just opened a command line and nothing else (it does not freeze my Pharo 8). The whole OSProcess does not work correctly in my eyes.
So I took a shot at LibC which is supposed to not work with Windows.
I’m a module defining access to standard LibC. I’m available under Linux and OSX, but not under Windows for obvious reasons :)
Next is to say that Python's Windows support is probably much better than Pharo's.
The solution, which is more like a workaround using files, is to use LibC and #runCommand: (I tried to come up with a similar example as you had shown above):
| count command result outputFile errorFile |
count := 9+1. "The counting"
command := 'echo ', count asString. "command run at the command line"
outputFile := 'output'. "a file into which the output is redirected"
errorFile := 'error'. "a file where the error output is redirected "
result := LibC runCommand: command, "run the command "
' >', outputFile, "redirect the output to output file"
' 2>', errorFile.
"reading back the value from output file"
outputFile asFileReference contents lines.
"reading back the value from the error file - which is empty in this case"
errorFile asFileReference contents lines.

How to get information on latest successful pod deployment in OpenShift 3.6

I am currently working on making a CICD script to deploy a complex environment into another environment. We have multiple technology involved and I currently want to optimize this script because it's taking too much time to fetch information on each environment.
In the OpenShift 3.6 section, I need to get the last successful deployment for each application for a specific project. I try to find a quick way to do so, but right now I only found this solution :
oc rollout history dc -n <Project_name>
This will give me the following output
deploymentconfigs "<Application_name>"
1 Complete config change
2 Complete config change
3 Failed manual change
4 Running config change
deploymentconfigs "<Application_name2>"
18 Complete config change
19 Complete config change
20 Complete manual change
21 Failed config change
I then take this output and parse each line to know which is the latest revision that have the status "Complete".
In the above example, I would get this list :
<Application_name> : 2
<Application_name2> : 20
Then for each application and each revision I do :
oc rollout history dc/<Application_name> -n <Project_name> --revision=<Latest_Revision>
In the above example the Latest_Revision for Application_name is 2 which is the latest complete revision not building and not failed.
This will give me the output with the information I need which is the version of the ear and the version of the configuration that was used in the creation of the image use for this successful deployment.
But since I have multiple application, this process can take up to 2 minutes per environment.
Would anybody have a better way of fetching the information I required?
Unless I am mistaken, it looks like there are no "one liner" with the possibility to get the information on the currently running and accessible application.
Assuming that the currently active deployment is the latest successful one, you may try the following:
oc get dc -a --no-headers | awk '{print "oc rollout history dc "$1" --revision="$2}' | . /dev/stdin
It gets a list of deployments, feeds it to awk to extract the name $1 and revision $2, then compiles your command to extract the details, finally sends it to standard input to execute. It may be frowned upon for not using xargs or the like, but I found it easier for debugging (just drop the last part and see the commands printed out).
On second thoughts, you might actually like this one better:
oc get dc -a -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n\t"}{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env}{"\n\t"}{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}{"\n-------\n"}{end}'
The example output:
[map[name:SQL_QUERIES_DIR value:daily-checks/]]
You get the idea, with expressions like .spec.template.spec.containers[0].env you can reach for specific variables, labels, etc. Unfortunately the jsonpath output is not available with oc rollout history.
You could also use post-deployment hooks to collect the data, if you can set up a listener for the hooks. Hopefully the information you need is inherited by the PODs. More info here:

GVim not recognizing commands in plugin

How do I get gvim to recognize sqlcomplete.vim commands?
I'm unable to use the sqlcomplete.vim plugin. When running :version I get the following output:
and scrolling all the way to the bottom here is the rest of the output:
and the env variables:
:echo $VIM
:echo $HOME
Here is the output of :scriptnames:
When running the sqlcomplete.vim command such as :SQLSetType sqlanywhere the output I get is:
How do I get gvim to recognize sqlcomplete.vim commands?
Another piece of helpful information is the output of :echo &rtp :
Some points you could check:
:scriptnames shows plugin\sqlcomplete.vim
But the link you provided points to .../vim/runtime/autoload/sqlcomplete.vim, there is no .../vim/runtime/plugin/sqlcomplete.vim, and the version at also doesn't contains a /plugin file:
install details
Copy sqlcomplete.vim to:
.vim/autoload/sqlcomplete.vim (Unix)
vimfiles\autoload\sqlcomplete.vim (Windows)
For documentation:
:h sql.txt
Maybe you have installed it incorrectly.
The file on your link has version 12 at its header, while the latest version is 15. Try updating to the latest version
Note that this plugin does not define the SQLSetType command.
You could check that by simple searching the file the on link. And on its header:
" Vim OMNI completion script for SQL
" Language: SQL
" Maintainer: David Fishburn <dfishburn dot vim at gmail dot com>
" Version: 15.0
" Last Change: 2013 May 13
" Homepage:
" Usage: For detailed help
" ":help sql.txt"
" or ":help ft-sql-omni"
" or read $VIMRUNTIME/doc/sql.txt
Following :help sql.txt:
2.1 SQLSetType *sqlsettype* *SQLSetType*
For the people that work with many different databases, it is nice to be
able to flip between the various vendors rules (indent, syntax) on a per
buffer basis, at any time. The ftplugin/sql.vim file defines this function: >
And scriptnames is not listing ftplugin/sql.vim

mod_perl segmentation fault

I'm running an apache 2.2.3 on an Oracle64-bit (Red Hat clone) and I'm hitting a brick wall with an issue. I have a program which utilizes MIME::Lite to send mail through sendmail (I apologize, not sure what versions of sendmail or mod_perl I'm running, although I do believe the sendmail portion is irrelevant as you'll see in a moment)
On occasion, apache will segfault (11), and digging deep into the MIME::Lite module, I see it is on the following line:
open SENDMAIL, "|$sendmailcmd" or Carp::croak "open |$sendmailcmd: $!\n"; (this is in MIME::Lite)
Now, one would automatically suspect sendmail, but if I did the same line to use /bin/cat (as shown):
open SENDMAIL, "|/bin/cat"
apache still segfaults.
I attached an strace to the apache processes and see the following:
(when it does NOT crash)
12907 write(2, "SENDMAIL send_by_sendmail 1\n", 28) = 28
12907 write(2, "SENDMAIL /usr/lib/sendmail -t -o"..., 40) = 40
12907 pipe([24, 26]) = 0
12907 pipe([28, 29]) = 0
12907 clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x2b4bcbbd75d0) = 13186
Note the "SENDMAIL sent_by_sendmail" are my comments. You can clearly see pipes opening. When it DOES crash, you'll see the following:
10805 write(2, "SENDMAIL send_by_sendmail (for y"..., 40) = 40
10805 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) # 0 (0) ---
Now notice it never pipes. I've tried GDB and it hasn't really shown me anything.
Finally, I wrote a simple program to run through mod_perl and regular cgi:
print header();
print "test";
open SENDMAIL, "|/bin/cat" or Carp::croak "open |sendmailcmd: $!\n";
print SENDMAIL "foodaddy";
print "test done <br/>";
Under mod_perl it has successfully crashed.
My analysis is telling me it has to do with it trying to open a file handle, the piping function returns either false or a corrupt file handle.
I also increased the file descriptor limit to 2048, no dice.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to where I should look? Any thoughts?
I appreciate the help
I just spent a long time tracking down a problem that started with identical symptoms. I eventually discovered that Test::More does not play well with mod_perl . Removing this module from my code appears to have solved the problem (so far!). I didn't follow this any deeper, but I suspect that the problem actually lies in Test::Builder.
I managed to treat perhaps only the symptoms, not the cause. I happened to have this issue when used global/package scope variables on the package level, used inside a perl object instance, as soon as I passed them as object properties instead, not as automatic default perl variables scoping, I stopped to experience perl segmentation fault suddenly.