Update globalChannelMap in Mirth Connect - variables

I inherited a Mirth Connect (v2.2.1) instance and am learning how it works. I'm now learning how globalChannelMap variables work, and I'm stumped by a misbehaving filter on a source connector.
In theory I can edit a csv text file in the Mirth Connect folders directory to update the globalChannelMap that is called by the filter.
But in practice the csv file is updated yet the source connector filter continues to call a prior globalChannelMap for the txt file. What step am I missing to update the globalChannelMap? Is there a simple way to output the current contents of a globalChannelMap?

You may need to redeploy. If you're seeing that you're using an old global channel map (using calKno's method), it means you need to redeploy the channel.
Channel's need to be redeployed anytime their code content is changed, be it an internal library (such as a code template), a transformer, or a global channel map.

You can get the map at the beginning of your filter and update it at the end or wherever it makes sense.
//get map
var map = globalChannelMap.get('mapName');
//log map value
logger.info('This is your map content: '+map);
//update map value
globalChannelMap.put('mapName', value);


How to switch between different properties files based on request at runtime?

Currently I read properties file by defining a global element like;
> <configuration-properties doc:name="Local Configuration Properties"
> doc:id="899a4f41-f036-4262-8cf2-3b0062dbd740"
> file="config\local_app.properties" />
But this is not enough for me
when try to deal different clients dynamically.
I need to pick right configuration file when request comes in. That is, for different clients I have different properties file.( their credentials and all different). When request is received from listener, i'll check with clientid header and based on that value, i'll pick right configuration file. My properties files are added to different location.(Doing deployment through openshift.) Not within mule app. So, we don't need to redeploy the application each time, when our application supports new client.
So, in this case, how to define ? and how to pick right properties file?
clientid =google, i have properties file defined for google-app.properties.
clientid=yahoo, i have properties file defined for yahoo-app.properties.
clientid=? I'll add properties file ?-app.properties later
Properties files are read deployment time. That means that if you change the values, you to redeploy the application to read the new ones. System properties need a restart of the Mule Runtime instance to be set. And Runtime Manager properties need a restart of the application. In any case the application will restart. Properties can not be used as you want.
There is no way to use configuration properties dynamically like that. What you could do is to create a module using Mule SDK that read properties files and returns the resulting set of properties, so you can assign the result to a variable, and use the values as variables. You will need to find a way to update the values. Maybe set a flow with a scheduler to read the values with a fixed frequency.

Xquery extracting property values from .properties file

I am currently trying to extract property values from my properties file, but am running into some problems. I can't test this in ML query console, because the properties file doesn't exist there. I am currently trying to grab the values of the file like this
let $port := #{#properties["ml.properties-name"]}
I've also looked at
$uri as xs:string,
$property as xs:QName
however that is limited to .xml files I believe. Does anyone have a way/work-around of accessing these values? I can't seem to find one I've looked at some documentation on Marklogic's website, but can't seem to get anything to work. The way I was accessing before was in ruby, through monkey-patching allowing me to access those private fields.The problem with that is the ruby script I call is only called once, while my .xqy file is ran every minute that sends args to another function. I need to access those args from the properties file, right now I just have them hard-coded in. Any thoughts?
You cannot access deployment properties like that, but you can pass them along with deployment. If you create a new REST app with latest Roxy, you should get a copy of this config.xqy added to src/config/:
That file is treated specially when deployed to the modules database. Properties references are replaced inside there. In your case, add another variable, and give it a string value following the #ml.xyz pattern:
declare variable $c:port := "#ml.property-name";
You can then import the config lib, and use it in your code.
These so-called Deployer Substitutions are described in more detail on the Roxy wiki:

How to access the location of the changelog file from custom task in Liquibase

I need to access the location of the change log file so that I can get the URL of other files that are in the same directory from a custom task.
The Change interface has a setter for the ChangeSet object which can be used to get the change log file, but the CustomChangeTask interface does not have this method.
From my understanding I need to use CustomChangeTask as my task does not generate SQL.
This is my question. I have decided to implement AbstractChange. It works just fine doing that and returning an empty array of SqlStatements.

Get a file from IVirtualImageProvider

I have a custom plugin for serving images trought LDAP IPlugin
and IVirtualImageProvider now im doing a task of importing users from LDAP to our own system and as such i need to import those images, i was wondering if there is any way of using the plugin i previously created to import those images, perhaps something in the like of
ImageResizer.ImageJob i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob("http://host/ad/A68986", "~/uploads/<guid>.<ext>", new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings(
But the first parameter (source) would be "resolved" by my LDAP plugin, ImageResizer API
Edit: I figured out this is possible since source can be a IVirtualFile, that implies that i know in advance which one to create (for my case my own ldap) it would be nice to pass the url and somehow get the correct IVirtualFile
Yes, ImageJob resolves any 'app-relative virtual paths' using installed IVirtualImageProviders. Such paths must begin with "~/", and match the path prefix and syntax you've designed, of course.
In your case, this might look like
var i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob("~/ad/A68986", "~/uploads/<guid>.<ext>",
new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings("width=2000;height=2000;format=jpg;mode=max"));
You can also call Config.Current.Pipeline.GetFile to get an IVirtualFile reference based on a path, if you just want the original data.

Update single attribute with Restkit

I want to update ONE SINGLE attribute on the Core Data Object and send the change to the server using RestKit.
I see that ResKit is always sending Object with ALL attributes and not only with the changed ones. That makes my app slow(er).
I also see that update response from server should return whole object back to the RestKit which is again slower that it could be (All I need is success/failure response)
Is there elegant solution for this? (I am pretty new to the RestKit)
You can create a request descriptor on-the-fly which includes only the attributes you want to send, you would either simply need to use a mapping operation yourself or be sure to only run one such operation at a time and call removeRequestDescriptor: on the object manager (this could be tricky for you to manage). The alternate is to put the data to upload into a dictionary and upload that, but that isn't ideal.
For the response, the mapping says what to map but it doesn't all have to be there, RestKit will take whatever it can and map that.