pdo print info using given value pdo - pdo

function getCars($memebrNo) {
// Change lines below with code to retrieve the cars of the member from the database
$stmd=$dbh->prepare('SELECT name FROM PeerPark.Car JOIN PeerPark.Member WHERE memberNo=:memberNo');
$stmd->bindParam(':memberNo', $memberNO, PDO::PARAM_STR);
these are my codes, but i want to print like the following, besides can someone tell me am i using the memberNo given in function the right way? Thanks
$results = array(
array('car'=> 'Gary'),
array('car'=> 'Harry' )

To get a result like that, your query should be:
$stmd=$dbh->prepare('SELECT name AS car FROM PeerPark.Car JOIN PeerPark.Member WHERE memberNo=:memberNo');
and then you should fetch the results with:
$result = $stmd->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
PDO::FETCH_COLUMN returns an index array containing all the values of the column. PDO::FETCH_ASSOC returns a 2-dimensional array where each element is an associative array mapping the column names to their values.


TYPO3 $query->in('valOne,valTwo,valThree', $arrayTwo)

I have a query in my repository which gets all product by categories and contentTypes.
I am looking for a query like this:
$query = $this->createQuery();
$constraint = $query->in('category', $categories);
if (!empty($contentType)) {
$results = $query->matching(
$constraint, $query->in('contentType', $contentType)
It works well if 'containType' contains just a single id as string, e.g '261'.
But if it is a string with multiple id's it looks like '261,284,291' and the query does not work longer.
I hope you got all information. Let me know if not :)
You can use GeneralUtility::trimExplode() or in your case probably more specific GeneralUtility::intExplode() to turn the $contentType CSV value into an array of values suitable for QueryInterface::in().

Is there any way to set multiple LIKE options inside where clause in cakephp 3

I want to retrieve all rows matched on multiple partial prase against with a column. My situation can be explained as following raw sql:
Here, abc, bcd, def are array elements. i.e: array('abc','bcd','def'). Is there any way to write code passing this array to form the above raw sql using cakephp 3?
N.B: I am using mysql as DBMS.
probably you can use Collection to create a proper array, but I think a foreach loop will do the job in the same amount of code. So here is my solution supposing $query stores your Query object
$a = ['abc','bcd','def'];
foreach($a as $value)
$or[] = function ($exp, $q) use ($value) {
return $exp->like('column1', '%'.$value.'%');
$query->where(['or' => $or]);
you could also use orWhere() but I see it will be deprecated in 3.6

How to write database/SQL query in Yii2, with and without a model

I have a table with multiple column and I want to return a column name using another column name as search criteria. How do I achieve this in yii2?
Below is sample code, normal sql should be:
$name = SELECT type_name FROM ProductTable WHERE type_id = 1;
echo $name;
This should return the value of the column type_name where the value of the column type_id equals 1. I tried this, but it doesn't work
$type_name = ProductTable::find()->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id]);
$type_name = Product::find(['type_name'])->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id]);
I also tried this, but I guess it was wrong
I hope my question is clear enough and any help will he appreciated
and u could also use createCommand!
$name = \Yii::$app->getDb()->createCommand("SELECT type_name FROM ProductTable WHERE type_id=:typeId", ['typeId'=>$model->type_id])->queryAll();
For a general introduction to Yii2's ActiveRecord, see the guide: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-db-active-record.html
If you want the complete row and have a model, you're just missing a one():
Product::find()->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->one();
If you do have a Model defined and just want a single value, try:
Product::find()->select('type_name')->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->scalar();
Which basically generates an ActiveQuery via the model, and changes it to return only the first column in the first row of matched results.
If you do NOT have a model, you could also generate a normal query without ActiveRecord usage (http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-db-query.html)
$name = (new Query())->select('type_name')
->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])
I assume you generated ProductTable by using Gii module.
Also, if type_id column is a primary key:
$product = ProductTable::findOne($model->type_id);
if($product !== null) { $product->typeName /*... read value ...*/}
or to get all records
$products = ProductTable::findAll($model->type_id); //match all records.
for any other column use the following syntax instead:
$product = ProductTable::findOne(['type_id' => $model->type_id]);
Use following code to get type_name
$PTable=ProductTable::find()->select('type_name')->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->one();
echo $PTable->type_name;

get data from table and from relative foreign tables in SQL

Hi have a text search input that looks for matching records in the DB and gets all the data from a table:
let's say like this:
$q = Input::get('items');
$q = "\"" . "($q)" . "\"";
$items = DB::table('my_items')->whereRaw(
So I get all the items in the DB from my textsearch, then I send the result as json to some script that updates my page with the items:
return Response()->json($items);
The relations are:
public function brand(){
return $this->hasOne('App\Brand', 'id', 'brand_id');
public function My_item(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\My_item');
Now the problem here is that in 'my_items' table I have some data as IDs that reference foreign tables.
For example I will have a 'brand_id' that for example references a 'brands' table where I can have information regarding the brand.
So for example I could have brand_id = 3 that means 'Microsoft' in my brands table (id = 3, name = microsoft).
Now what I need to do is not only passing the brand_id to my view but also the actual information (name), in this case Microsoft so that I can put that info in the item description.
But, how can I get that information before sending with that query? Is there some sort of flag I can use in the query like $items = DB::table bla bla with foreign?
this way works, DB:: method is dropped for:
$items = My_item::with('brand')->where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
this one doesn't:
DB::table('my_items')::with('brand')->where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
First of all, you can simplify your search query to something like this:
My_item::where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
Now, assign relations the relation to your other tables in your Models. Then you can get all information using the following syntax:
My_item::with('brand')->where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
Read more about relations here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent-relationships

How can I store the results of a SQL query as a hash with unique keys?

I have a query that returns multiple rows:
select id,status from store where last_entry = <given_date>;
The returned rows look like:
id status
1131A correct
1132B incorrect
1134G empty
I want to store the results like this:
$rows = [
ID1 => '1131A',
status1 => 'correct'
ID2 => '1132B',
status2 => 'incorrect'
ID3 => '1134G',
status3 => 'empty'
How can I do this?
What you are looking for is a hash of hash in Perl. What you do is
Iterate over the results of your query.
Split each entry by tab
Create a hash with the id as key and status as value
Now to store the hash created by each such query you create another hash. Here the key could be something like 'given_date' in your case so you could write
This will results in the parent hash having a reference of each query result.
For more you can refer to these resources:
Have a look at DBI documentation.
Here is part of script that does what you want:
my $rows;
while(my $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push #$rows, $hash_ref;
You can do this by passing a Slice option to DBI's selectall_arrayref:
my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
'select id,status from store where last_entry = ?',
{ Slice => {} },
This will return an array reference with each row stored in a hash. Note that since hash keys must be unique, you will run into problems if you have duplicate column names in your query.
This is the kind of question that raises an immediate red flag. It's somewhat of an odd request to want a collection (array/array reference) of data structures that are heterogeneous---that's the whole point of a collection. If you tell us what you intend to do with the data rather than what you want the data to look like, we can probably suggest a better solution.
You want something like this:
# select the data as an array of hashes - retured as an arrayref
my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($the_query, {Slice => {}}, #any_search_params);
# now make the id keys unique
my $i = 1;
foreach my $row ( #$rows) {
# remove each column and assign the value to a uniquely named column
# by adding a numeric suffix
$row->{"ID" . $i} = delete $row->{ID};
$row->{"status" . $i} = delete $row->{status};
$i += 1;
Add your own error checking.
So you said "save as a hash," but your example is an array of hashes. So there would be a slightly different method for a hash of hashes.