Create autoserial column in informix - sql

is it possible to create a autoserial index in order 1,2,3,4... in Informix and what would be the syntax. I have a query and some of my timestamps are identical so I was unable to query using a timestamp variable. Thanks!

These are the commands that I ran to add an id field to an existing table. While logged in to the dbaccess console.
alter table my_table add id integer before some_field;
create sequence myseq;
update my_table set id = myseq.nextval;
drop sequence myseq;
alter table my_table modify (id serial not null);
Thanks to #ricardo-henriques for pointing me in the right direction. These commands will allow you to run the instructions explained in his answer on your database.

That would be the SERIAL data type.

You can use, as #RET mention the SERIAL data type.
Next you will struggle with the fact that you can't add a SERIAL column to an existing table. Ways to work around:
Add an INTEGER column, populate with sequential numbers and then alter the column to SERIAL.
Unload the data to a file, drop the table and recreate it with the new column.
Create a new table with the new column, populate the new table with the data from the old, drop the old and rename the new.
Bear in mind that they may not be unique. Hence you have to create an unique index or a primary key or an unique constraint in the column to prevent duplicates.
Another notes you should be aware:
- Primary key don't allow NULLS, unique index and unique constraints allow (as long there is only one record), so you should specify NOT NULL on the column definition.
- If you use a primary key or a unique constraint you can create a foreign key to it.
- In primary key and unique constraint the validation of the uniqueness of the record is done in the end of the DML, for the unique index it is done row a row.
Seems you're getting your first touch with informix, welcome. Yes it can be a little bit hard on the beginning just remember:
Always search before asking, really search.
When in doubt or reached a dead end then ask away.
Try to trim down your case scenario, built your own case the simple away you can, these will not only help us to help us but you will practice and in some cases find the solution by yourself.
When error is involve always give the error code, in informix it is given at least one error code and sometimes an ISAM error too.
Keen regards.


How to solve the ORA-01758 problem without delete data and add primary key

I want Write ALTER TABLE SQL statement to add a column to the table. The column is classified as NUMBER datatype, NOT NULL attribute, and primary key.
But it shows ORA-01758.
If I select DEFAULT 0, it really solves the problem, but I cannot set up a primary key and INS_ID shows 0, not (null)
Because this table's data is from a excel document, what should I solve it without delete data?
If I must delete data how restore it easily?
Typically you can either:
provide a default value so oracle can fill the column as it creates, satisfying the constraint or
create the column as nullable, fill it with relevant data, then enable the not null restriction/make it the primary key after it has data or
empty the table
1 is not an option for you, because the values will have to be unique if they are to be a primary key. You could consider associating the column with a sequence or making it an identity column though
2 is a likely option for you if an auto generated incrementing number is no good as a PK (for example the key data is already known or calculated)
3 is something you've already said is not an option
Give some thought to the ongoing maintenance requirements - every front end app that writes data into this table will need to be upgraded to understand it has a primary key unless you're using a sequence/identity or similar that provides a unique value for the row. If there will be a lot to update and you dont care to have a PK in a particular form or from some existing value/relationship elsewhere, having an auto number PK can be helpful. If this data needs to relate to existing data that has a key, you need to upgrade front end apps so they can respect the new PK

Primary Key and Unique Index -- sql scripts generated by SQL Developer

When export sql scripts by SQL Developer there are multiple options available, but either way there have to generate a UNIQUE INDEX on primary key like this
and add PRIMARY KEY to the same table and same column
So the question is: does it looks like kind of redundancy? I thought creating a primary key on a column should by default create an unique index on that column too? So why the first command is necessary?
And this may cause data redundancy?
I am on Oracle 11g so please share any ideas about why it should look like above.
Thanks in advance.
There is no redundancy - or only a little bit :)
The second command will use the index available if exists. Otherwise(if first DDL does not exists) will create an index.
The split into two commands is useful when you had given a proper name to the index and want to keep it.
UPDATE: The link indicated by Thomas Haratyk is a must read, I really like it:
UPDATE2: a_horse_with_no_name is right, it can be done in a single statement like:
alter table TRANSACTION
add CONSTRAINT pk_test PRIMARY KEY (id);
So, it will keep the name(won't create a sysblalbla object name) and if you use the 'USING INDEX' keyword you can specify index atributes, for example storage atributes.
But again, you will not have any problems with those two statements, only an index is created.
Probably SQL Developer prefer to get a ddl per object and there might be cases when it's better its way.

Avoiding a two step insert in SQL

Let's say I have a table defined as follows:
CompoundKey varchar(255) NOT NULL,
CompoundKey is a string with the primary key P_Id concatenated to the end, like Foo00000001 which comes from "Foo" + 00000001. At the moment, entries insertions into this table happen in 2 steps.
Insert a dummy record with a place holder string for CompoundKey.
Update the CompoundKey with the column with the generated compound key.
I'm looking for a way to avoid the 2nd update entirely and do it all with one insert statement. Is this possible? I'm using MS SQL Server 2005.
p.s. I agree that this is not the most sensible schema in the world, and this schema will be refactored (and properly normalized) but I'm unable to make changes to the schema for now.
Your could use a computed column; change the schema to read:
CompoundKeyPrefix varchar(255) NOT NULL,
CompoundKey AS CompoundKeyPrefix + CAST(P_Id AS VARCHAR(10))
This way, SQL Server will automagically give you your compound key in a new column, and will automatically maintain it for you. You may also want to look into the PERSIST keyword for computed columns which will cause SQL Server to materialise the value in the data files rather than having to compute it on the fly. You can also add an index against the column should you so wish.
A trigger would easily accomplish this
This is simply not possible.
The "next ID" doesn't exist and thus cannot be read to fulfill the UPDATE until the row is inserted.
Now, if you were sourcing your autonumbers from somwhere else you could, but I don't think that's a good answer to your question.
Even if you want to use triggers, an UPDATE is still executed even if you don't manually execute it.
You can obscure the population of the CompoundKey, but at the end of the day it's still going to be an UPDATE
I think your safest bet is just to make sure the UPDATE is in the same transaction as the INSERT or use a trigger. But, for the academic argument of it, an UPDATE still occurs.
Two things:
1) if you end up using two inserts, you must use transaction! Otherwise other processes may see the database in inconsistent state (i.e. seeing record without CompoundKey).
2) I would refrain from trying to paste the Id to the end of CompoundKey in transaction, trigger etc. It is much cleaner to do it at the output if you need it, e.g. in queries (select concat(CompoundKey, Id) as CompoundKeyId ...). If you need it as a foreign key in other tables, just use the pair (CompoundKey, Id).

Appending Rows into an SQLite Database Where Primary Key May Already Exist

I’m trying to merge a few pairs of SQLite3 databases that have the same tables (and schemas). Some of the tables are pretty simple and just have rows of plain data, but some of the tables have primary keys. Some of the keys are unique like a URL (eg url LONGVARCHAR PRIMARY KEY), and some of them are just simple integer indexes, but NOT set to auto-increment (eg id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY).
I’ve found several topics on merging databases (and I had already manually merged one pair of non-primary-key databases without effort), but am concerned about the ones with keys which may already exist in both.
My question is what happens if a row is inserted to a database where a row with the same key already exists? It should overwrite the row that has that key right? I was hoping that it would append them to the table and update the key, but that only works if the key has a numeric component that is set to auto-increment correct?
Can anyone confirm my suppositions—and if possible, offer a suggestion on the easiest way to append such rows?
Thanks a lot.
You should have no problems if you set the primary key in the destination table to auto increment.
Therefore, when you do you bulk insert command or whatever you are using to insert values into your new table, you simply do not supply input for your primary key field and there will NEVER be a duplicate.
ID Name
Just don't provide ID field, ie/
INSERT INTO tableName ("Synetech")
The insert would just add this with the next available ID index in the table.
Good Luck!
If you try to INSERT a duplicate primary key, it will give you an error and not allow the insert. SQLite also supports the 'REPLACE INTO' syntax, which will update on a duplicate primary key.
If you want to append on duplicates, you will have to check whether a field with that key already exists, and if so then change the key to some new value. The correct way to do this likely depends on your application. For integer keys you could just take the max+1, but for the url keys it's not clear what the correct behavior should be.

Any way to enforce numeric primary key size limit in sql?

I'd like to create a table which has an integer primary key limited between 000 and 999. Is there any way to enforce this 3 digit limit within the sql?
I'm using sqlite3.
SQLite supports two ways of doing this:
Define a CHECK constraint on the primary key column:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
mytable_id INT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (mytable_id BETWEEN 0 and 999)
Create a trigger on the table that aborts any INSERT or UPDATE that attempts to set the primary key column to a value you don't want.
CREATE TRIGGER mytable_pk_enforcement
WHEN mytable_id NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 999
RAISE(ABORT, 'primary key out of range');
If you use an auto-assigned primary key, as shown above, you may need to run the trigger AFTER INSERT instead of before insert. The primary key value may not be generated yet at the time the BEFORE trigger executes.
You may also need to write a trigger on UPDATE to prevent people from changing the value outside the range. Basically, the CHECK constraint is preferable if you use SQLite 3.3 or later.
note: I have not tested the code above.
You may be able to do so using a CHECK constraint.
CHECK constraints are supported as of version 3.3.0. Prior to version 3.3.0, CHECK constraints were parsed but not enforced.
(from here)
So unless SQLite 3 = SQLite 3.3 this probably won't work
jmisso, I would not recommend reusing primary keys that have been deleted. You can create data integrity problems that way if all other tables that might have that key in them were not deleted first (one reason to always enforce setting up foreign key relationships in a database to prevent orphaned data like this). Do not do this unless you are positive that you have no orphaned data that might get attached to the new record.
Why would you even want to limit the primary key to 1000 possible values? What happens when you need 1500 records in the table? This doesn't strike me as a very good thing to even be trying to do.
What about pre-populating the table with the 1000 rows at the start. Toggle the available rows with some kind of 1/0 column like Is_Available or similar. Then don't allow inserts or deletes, only updates. Under this scenario your app only has to be coded for updates.