Maven exclude directory from compiling and running under tests - maven-2

I'm trying to set up my first maven project for my code which can be found here:
I have 3 pom files:
I would like to exclude all files in the following directory from both compilation and testing:
Note the "test" part. According to this website I can use the maven-compiler-plugin together with excludes and testExcludes for that. So I've added the plugin:
I've tried a huge number of exclude rules (the above are just a small subset). I run "mvn clean; mvn test" but still I keep getting compile errors on classes within
Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

The solution appears to be simple. The following code suffices (notice the sue of testExcludes):
This didn't work for me because somewhere else in my code I had a lonely import statement which imported a file from the directory I wanted to exclude. Albeit this particular file wasn't used at all (I just forgot to delete the import statement), the import statement alone caused maven to compile the excluded directory anyway. Makes me wonder why maven doesn't detect this 'clash'? Nevertheless I'm happy to report that my problem is solved.


Intellij path rule to automatically recognize generated sources folder

I would like to know if it is possible to set up a rule that marks a generated sources folder as generated sources root in Intellij Idea automatically.
Usually, Intellij detects the target/generated-sources directory as generated sources. My problem is that I also need it to automatically recognize the directory target/generated as generated sources, which Intellij never did in my case.
This is because of a maven plugin that I use for generating code from XSD schema:
For some reason, this plugin generates code into the target/generated directory, and not into the target/generates-sources, of which I read that it is the convention and the default from many points of view.
I've tried searching on the web with similar keywords like in the title, but this was the closest solution to what I wanted to achieve. And even this solution doesn't solve my problem because Intellij doesn't allow setting some path patterns; it only offers a few options that don't include target/generated directory.
Another solution suggests changing the target output, which I can't do in every single project I work on; that is not a solution either.
This is important to me because I work with many projects, and sometimes when my code builds with maven but doesn't compile with Intellij I forget to check whether I marked all the generated folders as sources, or I don't even know there are generated sources in the project.
Does someone know a way I can achieve that Intellij automatically detects source files in target/generated directory?

Maven cobertura plugin - one report for multimodule project

I'm using maven cobertura plugin to report code coverage in my multimodule project.
The problem is that I don't know how to generate one report for all modules in project.
So far I have generated separate reports for every module, but it would be nice to have one report for whole project.
My parent pom configuration:
The plugin has been updated since this question was asked (and last answered) to now enable aggregated reporting, via the aggregate configuration property in the parent POM.
This produces the aggregated coverage report at target/site/cobertura/index.html which will include all modules.
(Each module will also have it's own report produced, if that is of any use.)
Parent pom.xml
To my knowledge, this is currently not supported, see MCOBERTURA-65. But the issue has a patch attached, maybe try it. But my suggestion would be to use something like Sonar to aggregate metrics.
I have been using Hudson as a Continuous Integration tool.
The Cobertura plugin allows me to see code coverage of all of the child modules when checking on the parent.
The Jenkins Cobertura plugin aggregates the report automatically but if you are interested in the coverage file itself for some other reasons you can do by following below procedure:
Download Cobertura from here
Go to your project workspace -> find all the .ser files and rename them
(i=0; find . | grep cobertura.ser$ | while read line;do echo $line; cp -i $line cobertura$i.ser;i=$(($i+1));done;)
use to generate global .ser file
~/cobertura-2.0.3/ --datafile cobertura.ser cobertura*.ser
use to generate report on global .ser file
~/cobertura-2.0.3/ ./cobertura.ser --destination ./ --format xml
You will have the global coverage.xml generated in the current directory.
You can use it for any kind of processing further.

How to display dependency conflicts in 'mvn site'

I can easily see if there are conflicts between (transitive) dependency versions using:
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose=true
... this will show the full resolution tree, including which elements were omitted (for duplicate or conflict or whatever). What I would like to do is to add the full tree to the 'mvn site' report.
Currently, the site report includes the dependency tree but only as resolved, i.e., without any conflicts. I see in the project-info-reports plugin that there is not currently any way to do what I want using the standard report.
I tried adding a section to the pom to include the maven-dependency-plugin 'tree' goal with the outputFile specified, but it wasn't included when I ran 'mvn site'. It was something like this:
Of course, the 'tree' goal is explicitly identified as not a report, but I was hoping to at least be able to produce a file that I could link to from the generated site. No dice.
Is there any way to force an arbitrary plugin's goal to execute during site generation? Am I totally out of luck here? Obviously I could write my own reporting plugin to do this, and/or submit a patch for the project-info-reports plugin, but I want to make sure I've exhausted all the built-in maven options.
(I'm using maven 2.1.0, but I didn't see anything about a change to this functionality in the release notes for later versions.)
Is there any way to force an arbitrary plugin's goal to execute during site generation? Am I totally out of luck here?
Just to answer your question, you can bind a mojo to the pre-site phase of the Site Lifecycle:
If you then run mvn site, dependency:tree will run.

Error when running maven generated executable jar

I'm having (a strange) problem when executing a maven generated executable jar:
user#host$ java -server -jar MyJar.jar
(and nothing more than this!!!)
Do you have any idea what this king of error comes from ?
In my pom.xml, I copy all the dependencies to a lib folder with:
And then I generate a .jar including the classpath (+ a prefix pointing to the lib folder):
The generated MANIFEST.MF seems to contain the proper classpath.
Thanks a lot for your help!
The error isn't saying much and this is indeed weird. Are you using Sun JDK?
Anyway, I don't really get how the dependencies get bundled into the final JAR with your setup and I don't think it contains everything required (I may be wrong of course).
Actually, I wouldn't even try to fix your current setup. To create an executable jar, you should prefer the assembly plugin. See this recent answer for example. Please modify your pom.xml with the suggested configuration (this will take 30 seconds) and try again. Then, please update your question with the new result/error, the pom.xml and the manifest.
I created a new Maven repository, rebuilt all the maven dependencies and somehow the issue was solved.
I've no idea how this happened, because I was just able to run without the jar ...
But thanks for your help anyway

maven compilation error: duplicate classes

In my maven2 project I have a directory ${basedir}/autogen that contains some autogenerated source code files produced by wsdl2java.
When running mvn compile I get an compilation error, because of duplicate classes, that lives in ${basedir}/autogen. This is true. But what is the compilation phase doing in ${basedir}/autogen? I have not told maven to add this directory as a source directory.
And there seems to be no way of telling maven to ignore the directory.
I had the same problem when using the maven-processor-plugin and found that the solution was to configure the maven-compiler plugin as follows:
-proc:none means that compilation takes place without annotation processing and therefore no duplicate classes (which are typically generated in the generate-sources phase)
I hope that helps.
I've seen this a few times. In almost all cases, it is due to the generated classes being added to the main src tree then checked into version control.
In my case, it worked when I changed source directory.
New POM looks like,
Pointing just a src folder with sourceDirectory tag.
Earlier it was
Note that earlier it was working in IntellIJ, but not on cmd.
Now it works on both.
I had a similar problem with JPA model generator. It occurred on this dependency:
I wrongly added the scope=provided and that resulted in:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.1:compile (default-compile) on project mocker: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] \Projects\entity\[10,7] duplicate class: entity.MockVehicle_
I had the exact same issue. In my case the problem was that I called maven with -f=./pom.xml. I have no idea why this leads to a different result (would be nice if someone can explain) but maybe good to know if someone else has the same issue.
I resolve it by remove generateAsync from my pom.xml the the GWT plugin will look like
<!-- <goal>i18n</goal> -->
Its hard to change default maven behaviour, i think its better to go with it - you could generate those files with maven wsdl2java-maven-plugin
I my case helped this:
<!-- -->
All answers here where not helpful. This may be the correct answer:
Another StackOverflow user wrote:
I have found an JetBrains Team member comment stating that:
IDEA automatically excludes the build 'target' folder, providing that
there are no generated sources under it, otherwise it excludes all
sub-folders but the generated.
Avro by standard in a generated-sources folder. This folder it not ignored by maven ans the generated classes in there will count as duplicate.
Maven will only igonre the target folder by default.
To fix add this line in the pom.xml:
This will put the generated-resources folder under the target folder.
I resolve the same issue
cleaning maven project :-mvn clean
delete com folder from src then compile
copy com from generated to src->main-->java
again compile
Hope this Help..