Two Digit date format in SQL - sql

I have a table field AccID where I have to concatenate Name with Date like 'MyName-010415' in SQL query.
Date format is 01-04-2015 or 01/04/2015. But I want to display it like 010415.

For the date part, to get the format you want you, try this:
RIGHT(DATEPART(YY, accid), 2) AS CustomFormat
FROM yourtablename
The DATEPART(DD, accid) will give you the day part and the same for mm and yy will give you the month and the year parts. Then I added the functions RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', 2) + CAST(... AS VARCHAR(2)), 2) to add the leading zero, instead of 1 it will be 01.
SQL Fiddle Demo
As #bernd-linde suggested, you can use this function to concatenate it with the name part like:
concat(Name, ....) AS ...
Also you can just SELECT or UPDATE depending on what you are looking for.
As in #bernd-linde's fiddle.

I am not sure which language you are using. Let take php as an example.
$AccID = $name.'-'.date('dmy');
OR before you save this data format the date before you insert the data in database.. or you can write a trigger on insert.

You need to use DATE_FORMAT to change format of your date and CONCAT to marge name with date.
SELECT CONCAT(name, '-', DATE_FORMAT(field,'%m%d%y'))
FROM tbl


Looking to replace the year in SQL Server

I am converting a date using CONVERT(varchar,DateOfBirth,101) for birthdates.
I want to show these dates with the current year, I've tried REPLACE but you can't use wildcards with it and when I use DATEPART, it doesn't format with the right digits for month and day. I also can't add years because they are wildly different birthdates. Thanks.
If you want to display the date as a string in 101 format for current year, one option uses a direct format():
format(DateOfBirth, 'MM/dd/2020')
You can compute the current date dynamically:
format(DateOfBirth, concat('MM/dd/', year(getdate())))
On the other hand, if you want your result as a date, then you could use datefromparts():
datefromparts(year(getdate()), month(DateOfBirth), day(DateOfBirth))
If it is a datevalue, you can use FORMAT function. If it is a character value, you can use RIGHT and REPLACE.
DECLARE #dateValue DATETIME = '05/12/1999'
DECLARE #dateCharValue VARCHAR(12) = '05/12/1999'
SELECT FORMAT(#dateValue, 'MM/dd/2020')
SELECT REPLACE(#dateCharValue, RIGHT(#dateCharValue,4),2020)
This could helped you:
The code CONVERT(varchar(5),GETDATE(),1) return this 05/27 and then just add the year of the date
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),GETDATE(),1) + '/' + cast(year(getdate()) as varchar)
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),GETDATE(),1) + '/' + convert(varchar,year(getdate()))
The result of both:
05/27/2020 --(This is my current date n.n )
This work but if you use a string something like your example DateOfBirth will be the variable and if this is a string (DateOfBirth = '5/27/1987') you need to convert the string DateOfBirth to Date:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),convert(date,DateOfBirth),1) + '/' + cast(year(GETDATE()) as varchar)
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),convert(date,DateOfBirth),1) + '/' + convert(varchar,year(GETDATE()))
The Result of Both :

Get only month and year in SQL Server

I want to fetch only month and year from a date column in SQL Server.
Example: if today's date is 02/03/2019, then I want 0319.
Note: I want the result in same order (2 digit month and 2 digit year). Zero should not be removed from month.
As an alternative approach, you could go for:
You can create a number using:
select month(datecol) * 100 + (year(datecol) % 100)
Prepending the zeros requires a bit more work:
select right('0' + convert(varchar(255), month(datecol) * 100 + (year(datecol) % 100)), 4)
Or, you can use format():
select format(datecol, 'MMyy')
You can try this
substring(convert(nvarchar,#date,12),3,2) + left(convert(nvarchar,#date,12),2)
You can create an user defined function, and then apply to your column/s
create function udf_Getmonthyear(#date as date)
RETURNS nchar(4)
DECLARE #d_format nchar(6) = (select convert(nvarchar,#date,12))
RETURN (select SUBSTRING(#d_format,3,2) + left(#d_format,2))
Use function DATEPART in TSQL to get any part of a DateTime value. e.g:
DATEPART(yy,datecol) gives you 4 digit year part of a DateTime column (e.g: datecol), using the % (modulus) operator you can get 2 digit year DATEPART(yy,datecol)%100.
DATEPART(mm,datecol) gives you month part of the datecol field.
select Right('0'+cast(DATEPART(mm,datecol) as varchar(2)),2) +
Right('0'+cast(DATEPART(yy,datecol)%100 as varchar(2)),2) MonthYearPart
from MyTable

SQL Varchar convert to Date - Sybase

I am using Sybase IQ and have the following stored as a varchar:
01October 2010
I want to convert this from varchar to date datatype with the following format:
yyyy-mm-dd eg.2010-10-01
How would I write this SQL statement? Thanks in advance.
With difficulty. There's a reason you should never store dates and times as strings.
It's been awhile since I've used Sybase, but what we need to do is get the field into YYYY-MM-DD format, and then pass it to the DATE() or DATETIME() function.
Let's assume the first two characters are always the day of the month, and the last 4 characters are the year. That means everything in between is the month. Let's also assume that there are no leading or trailing spaces. If either of these assumptions fails, then the query will fail.
Then you can do something like this:
RIGHT(UnnamedField,4) + '-' +
CASE LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(Unnamed,3,LEN(Unnamed) - 6)))
WHEN 'January' THEN '01'
WHEN 'February' THEN '02'
WHEN 'March' THEN '03'
WHEN 'December' THEN '12'
END + '-' + LEFT(UnnamedField,2)
FROM UnnamedTable
Note that, as others have mentioned, the date data type is not a formatted datatype. If possible you should format it in your application. If you must do it in the query, use the CONVERT() function.
Sybase is able to convert a string to a date. So if you use substring to extract the date into a format that IQ can convert, then you can just use the convert() function.
Here's an example of how to do it:
Sample data:
create table #tmp1 (col1 varchar(100))
insert #tmp1 values ('01October 2010')
Query to convert the value to a date:
substring(col1, 3, charindex(' ', col1) - 2) -- Month
+ substring(col1, 1, 2) -- Day
+ substring(col1, charindex(' ', col1), 5) -- Year (include the leading space)
from #tmp1
Now that the value is in a date format, you can use the convert function to convert the date datatype to string, using your specified format. The default output for a date datatype is yyyy-mm-dd already.
Edit: After taking a look at #BaconBits' answer, I've realized that I could simplify the query a bit by using the substring function wrappers left, right, and the convert wrapper of date. It's the same logic; but using the simplified wrappers might make it easier to understand.
substring(col1, 3, charindex(' ', col1) - 2) -- Month
+ left(col1, 2) -- Day
+ ' ' + right(col1, 4) -- Year (include the leading space)
from #tmp1

Output year and month with a string

Trying to output something like:
Using this:
Am I missing something in convert? Because I am getting this error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ',' to data type
Try this.
You might use CONVERT with 112 to reach a string without delimiters ("20161110"). Converting this to VARCHAR(*6*) will implicitly cut the day. One (in most cases positiv) side-effect: You will get a low month zero padded (e.g. 2016,04). Then I use STUFF to insert the ,:
If you do not like the zero padded month, you could replace the 0 in STUFF like this:
DECLARE #d DATETIME={d'2016-04-05'};
You are missing converting the output of MONTH() to a string. Here is one method:
select datename(year, getdate()) + ',' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(255)) as YearMonth
datename() is convenient because it returns a string. Unfortunately, for month it returns the name of the month, rather than the number.
You could also do:
select replace(convert(varchar(7), getdate(), 120), '-', ',')
Or use format() in SQL Server 2012+:
select format(getdate(), 'yyyy,MM')

Date Conversion in SQL

I have a date in following format in my DB.
10/16 - mm/yy
I need to convert it to:
Is this possible?
If it's not possible then please tell me why.
This is not a date, it's missing the day, it's a bad way to store year/month. There should be a 4 digit year to avoid confusion and the year should be listed first to enable correct sorting, e.g. '2016/10' or a numeric value 201610.
You can cast it to a DATE first and then use a FORMAT to disply only month/year:
set dateformat myd;
select format(cast(mystupidcolumn + '/1' as date), 'MMMM/yy')
Or SUBSTR the month part and use a CASE.
try this format,
SELECT DATENAME(month, DATEADD(month, #mydate-1, CAST('2008-01-01' AS datetime)))
You can display date by using this code
select datename(month, YourColumnName) + '/' + right(YEAR(YourColumnName),2)
FROM yourTableName
Simply change yourColumnName with name of your table column and yourTableName with name of table.
Yes you can, and it depend in what database you use to call date functions
If you column Datetime format
MySQL database MONTHNAME(now())
convert it will in your choice at database or you code logic
split the value and lookup at month enum or fake the date to be accepted and complete date format like 01/10/16
so do something like SELECT DATENAME(Month, datecolumn) + '/' + YEAR (datecolumn)
also you can use instead of Year function DATEPART(yy,datecolumn)
the way you do it with format will look like
but excepted to get first 3 char of month JUN