Trying to build project with appfuse - appfuse

I building my project with app fuse but unable to create it. Can any one help me to build appfuse spring project.

Appfuse samle project creation
in this link you can create a sample appfuse project .
Create a appfuse project using the link.
Import the project to your eclipse.
Right Click the pom.xml file goto Run-As and click Maven install wait until the process completed.
Now run your project in apache tomcat server.
If you need basic spring application you can refer this link Sample Spring example
If you need appfuse spring sample Try this Appfuse github


Deploying Datahub using maven and spring boot

I am trying to deploy MarkLogic datahub framework through spring boot project using maven . But not getting enough examples. Can someone please help here..
I have already downloaded the datahub java code but I also want to deploy data hub though it.
I have downloaded from

Need to configure javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.1 with project

I am trying to configure javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.1 and api with my java project, Please inform as to how to perform this action. i am using eclipse kepler entrprise edition.
You Can Right Click on your project, Configur Build Path and add external Jar file and browse to where your jar file is and add to your project if that what you are looking for

Deploying appfuse app on cloudbees as war

I have appfuse maven project , is it better to deploy it using Click start Tomcat or as a Jenkin Maven project? I have tried both but it does not seem to be working in any ways. I have created database and bound it to the app. still it gives error for spring bean creation etc. Can anyone help in this scenario?
If I would need to deploy my appfuse maven application on CloudBees platform, I will try two different ways:
Use the Tomcat 7 Maven ClickStart as a template changing the SCM to your repo.
Use the CloudBees SDK to deploy your application.
In this last case, you just need to generate your .war file, in case you use maven, launching:
mvn clean package
And then you can deploy your application from the CLoudBees SDK using:
bees app:deploy -t tomcat7 -a APPID MYFILE.war
You say that when you deploy your application it gives error for spring bean creation. However, you don't attach any stacktrace to your question, so it is difficult to do any kind of diagnosis on our end.

Cannot create cloudbees project using eclipse

I'm trying to follow CloudBees Toolkit for Eclipse How-to Guide to create a Hello World on cloudbees using a brand new Eclipse Juno that I just set up (with Subclipse). I have also followed step 3 to "Create a new SVN repository on CloudBees".
I'm up to step 4 where I was trying to create a new Project but when I'm the step to create new Jenkins job, there was a warning that says "Enable hosting in Forge to configure Jenkins job SCM automatically". If I next select to Host at Forge SVN, I can an empty repository combobox which I can't move on.
Anything that I missed out here?
Can you please try again now - there was a unexpected regression in one of our internal APIs.

Integrating JBoss ESB Tools and Maven Integration for Eclipse (M2E)

How do I go about creating a Maven project in Eclipse that is also recognizable to JBoss ESB Tools. Is this even possible?
This should help - and then once you've created the project, you can either import or create a new project and use your project's root directory as the base directory for your Eclipse project.