#Error in IIF formula - sql

I am using report builder and I have created an IIF statement on a calculated field I have created (called Tolerance)
The field of "Tolerance" is returning a difference in time between two other fields in the format of 00:00:00.
My IIF statement is as follows:
=IIF(Fields!Tolerance.Value < = "-00:10:00", "Passed","Failed")
This is running OK in the report but the results are all #Error.

You have an space between < and =. This space is not allowed, as these are not two different operators, but a single <= operator:
=IIF(Fields!Tolerance.Value <= "-00:10:00", "Passed","Failed")

Is your field Tolerance.Value a number?
Value "-00:10:00" is a string.
=IIF(CSTR(Fields!Tolerance.Value) <= "-00:10:00", "Passed","Failed")
It would be helpful if you would provide samples of your Tolerance.Value values. This solution might only fix the #Error in your resulting report, but not be what you want in case Tolerance.Value should be formatted to similar format with your "-00:10:00" value.


SQL Query - Greater Than with Text Data Type

I've searched around and couldn't find an answer anywhere.
I'm querying a database that has stored numbers as a VARCHAR2 data type. I'm trying to find numbers that are greater than 1450000 (where BI_SO_NBR > '1450000'), but this doesn't bring back the results I'm expecting.
I'm assuming it's because the value is stored as text and I don't know any way to get around it.
Is there some way to convert the field to a number in my query or some other trick that would work?Hopefully this makes sense.
I'm fairly new to SQL.
Thanks in advance.
If the number is too long to be converted correctly to a number, and it is always an integer with no left padding of zeroes, then you can also do:
where length(BI_SO_NBR) > length('1450000') or
(length(BI_SO_NBR) = length('1450000') and
BI_SO_NBR > '1450000'
You can try to use like this:
where to_number(BI_SO_NBR) > 1450000
Assuming you are using Oracle database. Also check To_Number function
You can try this(after OP commented that it worked):
where COALESCE(TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(BI_SO_NBR, '^\d+(\.\d+)?')), 0) > 1450000
If you are talking about Oracle, then:
where to_number(bi_so_nbr) > 1450000
However, there are 2 issues with this:
1. if there is any value in bi_so_nbr that cannot be converted to a number, this can result in an error
2. the query will not use an index on bi_so_nbr, if there is one. You could solve this by creating a function based index, but converting the varchar2 to number would be a better solution.

SQL conversion failed when converting

following situation:
a column xy is defined as varchar(25). In a view (SQL Server Mgmt Studio 2008) I filtered all values with letters (-> is not like '%[A-Z]%') and converted it to int (cast(xy as int)).
If I now try to make comprisons with that column (e.g. where xy < 1000), I'm getting a conversion error. And the message contains a value that should have been filtered with "is not like '%[A-Z]%'". Whats wrong??
thanks for help in advance...
this works (it folters out for example value 'G8111'):
WHERE (b.CURENT = 'T') and UNID like '%[A-Z]%'
but when i put that in a view, an make select on it:
select * from my_view where xy < 3000
system says 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'G8111' to data type int.' but 'G8111' should be filtered out in query above...
The optimizer does crazy things at times, so despite the fact that an "inner" filter1 "should" protect you, the optimizer may still push the conversion lower down than the filter and cause such errors.
The only semi-documented place where it will not do this is within a CASE expression:
The CASE statement(sic) evaluates its conditions sequentially and stops with the first condition whose condition is satisfied. In some situations, an expression is evaluated before a CASE statement receives the results of the expression as its input.
You should only depend on order of evaluation of the WHEN conditions for scalar expressions (including non-correlated sub-queries that return scalars), not for aggregate expressions
So the only way that should currently work would be:
CASE WHEN xy NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN CONVERT(int,xy) END < 1000
This also uses a double-negative with LIKE to ensure that it only attempts the conversion when the value only contains digits.
1Whether this be in a subquery, a CTE, a View, or even just considering the logical processing order of SELECT and WHERE clauses. Within a single query, the optimizer can and will push conversion operations past filters.

DB2 SQL - How can I display nothing instead of a hyphen when the result of my case statement is NULL?

I'm writing a query that includes a CASE statement which compares two datetime fields. If Date B is > Date A, then I'd like the query to display Date B. However, if Date B is not > Date A, then the user who will be getting the report created by the query wants the column to be blank (in other words, not contain the word 'NULL', not contain a hyphen, not contain a low values date). I've been researching this today but have not come up with a viable solution so thought I'd ask here. This is what I have currently:
If I put NULL where the ? is, then I get a hyphen (-) in my query result. If I omit the Else statement, I also get a hyphen in the query result. ' ' doesn't work at all. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Typically the way nulls are displayed is controlled by the client software used to display query results. If you insist on doing that in SQL, you will need to convert the date to a character string:
Replace VARCHAR_FORMAT() with the formatting function available in your DB2 version on your platform, if necessary.
You can use the coalesce function
Coalesce (column, 'text')
If the first value is null, it will be replaced by the second one.

SQL function Instr()

I am having a column named DP as shown:
Now to retrieve the query for selecting the payments made in the month of april i came across a query
select * from payments where instr(dp,'APR')<>0
Okay , i am well acquainted with INSTR function and > sign , but cant interpret the logic with<> sign here !
i am also aware that <> is equivalent of != .
But my point is we could have used
instr(dp,'APR') instead of doing instr(dp,'APR')<>0
<> means "is not equal to". You can also write !=, if you prefer.
instr(dp,'APR') returns zero if 'APR' is not a substring of dp, so instr(dp,'APR')<>0 means "'APR' is a substring of dp". It could also be written as dp LIKE '%APR%'.
Update for updated question:
But my point is we could have used instr(dp,'APR') instead of doing instr(dp,'APR')<>0
No, you couldn't have. Some dialects of SQL treat zero as "false" and other integers as "true", but Oracle does not do this. It treats integers and Booleans as separate types, and does not implicitly convert between them. WHERE 0 is not a valid WHERE-clause.
<> is Not Equals - basically it's checking that a substring of 'APR' appears in the string.
If that function returned 0 then it would indicate 'APR' does not appear anywhere in the string to be searched.

Microsoft Access SQL Date Comparison

I am using Access 2007.
I need to return rows with a date/time field falling within a date range to be specified in query parameters.
The following doesn't error out, but doesn't appear to work.
Likewise this doesn't work for me
How can I get this to work?
Update: Using CDate doesn't seem to make a difference.
Is BLAH the name of a field or a table? As you SELECT BLAH I imagine it names a field, but then BLAH.CREATED_DTG makes no sense -- do you mean FOO.CREATED_DTG perchance?
Does your dates start and end with a #?
also you have <= and >= ... you probably only want = on one of these operators.
Are you sure the CREATED_DTG field is Date format?
Have you tried
WHERE (FOO.CREATED_DTG BETWEEN #01/01/1971# And #07/07/2009#);
(or whatever is appropriate in the way of dates -- the point is, not a parameter query)
Are [START____DTG] and [END____DTG] fields in the table FOO, or are they parameters? If they are parameters, then you need to declare their type in order to get validation of the input values. If so, you should add this before the first line of your SELECT statement: