what i need to do is adding a symbolic trait to a selected range so if it is italic and i pressed bold button then it should be italic and bold
- (IBAction)boldedSelectedText:(UIButton*)sender {
UIFontDescriptor* bodyFontDescriptor=[UIFontDescriptor preferredFontDescriptorWithTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleBody];
UIFontDescriptor* boldFontdescriptor=[bodyFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:UIFontDescriptorTraitBold];
self.body.font=[UIFont fontWithDescriptor:boldFontdescriptor size:0.0];
- (IBAction)italicSelectedText:(UIButton *)sender {
UIFontDescriptor* bodyFontDescriptor=[UIFontDescriptor preferredFontDescriptorWithTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleBody];
UIFontDescriptor* italicFontdescriptor=[bodyFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic];
self.body.font=[UIFont fontWithDescriptor:italicFontdescriptor size:0.0];
the problem is when i select a text and make it bold then italic , it become italic only and vice it can not be bold and italic at the same time i don't know what should i do to add anew trait to previous traits?
The Font Symbolic Trait is a bitmask (NS_OPTIONS). You need to set the flag to either one or both based on your selected options.
Something like :
UIFontDescriptor* italicBoldFontdescriptor = [bodyFontDescriptor
#{ UIFontSymbolicTrait: #(UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic | UIFontDescriptorTraitBold) }
The fontDescriptorByAddingAttributes will, as the per the doc,
returns a new font descriptor that is the same as the receiver but with the specified attributes taking precedence over the existing one
This will allow you to keep other settings.
I have an NSTextBlock subclass that has a specific backgroundColor set. Now when I add a custom paragraph style to a range of text like this
let block = MyTextBlock()
block.backgroundColor = myBackgroundColor
let pstyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
pstyle.textBlocks = [block]
attributedText.addAttribute(.paragraphStyle, value: pstyle, range: textRange)
// Append the attributed string to the text views textStorage ...
the text block is shown without a background color. I know that the text blocks works, because rectForLayout gets called, but when I try to override drawBackground it never gets called.
Do I have to do something else for NSTextBlocks to draw their background?
PS: Borders also seem to be ignored. I also tried to find a sample on Github, but that also doesn't draw any backgrounds, despite having a background color set.
After trying everything, I finally managed to get the background to show up, by setting
setValue(100, type: .percentageValueType, for: .width)
It seems that the drawing logic expects some value for the content size. Really nice documentation job there. This requirement is nowhere to be found.
I stumbled upon a special problem in my current project.
We have UICollectionView using a custom layout called SquareMosaicLayout.
Within this collection view the first cell it presenting a UITextView.
This text view again shall show an html text created with:
NSMutableAttributedString(fromHTMLString: htmlString, textColor: textColor, font: font)
Now when this string is assigned to the text view the collection view somehow stops working which means it does not ask the datasource for new cells when scrolling through the collection view.
This results in the collection view showing blank space.
Unfortunately I did not have time to isolate the problem in terms of if the custom layout breaks anything but it definitely has to do with assigning the string. If we don't do that the collection view works as expected.
We still did not found the reason for the behaviour but a first workaround.
It is possible to set the NSMutableAttributedString asynchronously.
extension UITextView {
[ ... ]
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let optionalAttributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(fromHTMLString: htmlString, textColor: self.textColor, font: self.font)
guard let attributedText = optionalAttributedText else { return }
self.attributedText = attributedText
[ ... ]
In that case the UICollectionView behaves normal showing all the cells.
There is a good tutorial on how to achieve this in Odoo-8 here:
Tutorial , but it doesn't work on Odoo-12.
Odoo natively allows you to set a field of your model as a basis for color differentiation in calendar view.
<calendar ... color="your_model_field">
The problem is that he will decide automagically what color to assign to every value.
I need to be able to decide what color mapping to use.
Doing some diving in the web module js files, more specifically on
web/static/src/js/views/calendar/calendar_renderer.js on line 266
I found a promising function which appears to be the one responsible for deciding which color to set.
getColor: function (key) {
if (!key) {
if (this.color_map[key]) {
return this.color_map[key];
// check if the key is a css color
if (typeof key === 'string' && key.match(/^((#[A-F0-9]{3})|(#[A-F0-9]{6})|((hsl|rgb)a?\(\s*(?:(\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*),?){3}(\s*,[0-9.]{1,4})?\))|)$/i)) {
return this.color_map[key] = key;
var index = (((_.keys(this.color_map).length + 1) * 5) % 24) + 1;
this.color_map[key] = index;
return index;
This function is fed the value of your field (for every calendar event) and returns the color to be used "supposedly" as background for the calendar event square.
According to the second if statement, if you manage to instantiate the CalendarRenderer class with a color_map object which has the possible values of your field as keys and color codes as values you should be ok.
According the the third if statement, if the values of your field are strings with color codes (#FFF, rgb(x, y, z) , etc) they will be set in the color_map object and returned to be used as background colors.
The last part I guess is how odoo decides on a color when no mapping is provided.
I tried both approaches with the same efect:
Image displaying the calendar view
Namely, all the calendar events are rendered with the default color taken from the fullcalendar.css stylesheet (line 529), but the color reference displays correctly on the sidebar to the right.
I would appreciate any light shed on this matter, It has to be possible to make this work!.
I have a TreeGrid in SmartClient. Now I want to color some set of lines like line numbers 3-5, 7-11 etc. I am using an external button which passes the values to the SmartClient. Can anybody tell me how to do that? A button is passing the value and it's working fine. But the problem is, where to get the value in SmartClient and how can I color that set of lines.
Since TreeGrid is a ListGrid, I would imagine you could override the getCellStyle function and set the colors as you see necessary.
So basically in pseudo code:
if (row >= 3 and row <=5)
return "style1"
if (row >= 7 and row <=11)
return "style2"
return this.baseStyle
where style1 and 2 are defined in css
And how to custom and keep states with using specific style name (myStyle) like :
I try to use #Override of getCellStyle
for returning "myStyleA" or "myStyleB"
which i want conserve dynamics suffixs : "Dark", "Over", "Selected", ...
An idea ?...
The state of the record is indicated by adding a suffix to the base style.
There are four independent boolean states, which are combined in the order given:
"Disabled" : whether the cell is disabled; enable by setting the "enabled" flag on record returned by getCellRecord
"Selected" : whether cell is selected; enable by passing a Selection object as "selection"
"Over" : mouse is over this cell; enable with showRollovers
"Dark" : alternating color bands; enable with alternateRowStyles
Is there anyway to change parts of the text I add into CEikRichTextEditor control without selecting the text first - which shows the green selection rectangle over the text - and then apply text style?
Here is the code I use which gives an ugly and sloppy style when user see the running green selection rectangle over the text especially when I insert the text inside a loop
CDesCArray* temp = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
iNumbers.Copy(_L("Here is the numbers"));
iRichText1->SetTextL(&iNumbers); // iRichText1 is a pointer to CEikRichTextEditor object
for(TInt i = 0; i < temp->Count(); i++)
TInt x = iRichText1->Text()->DocumentLength();
iRichText1->RichText()->InsertL(x, (*temp)[i]);
TInt line = iRichText1->Text()->DocumentLength();
iRichText1->RichText()->InsertL(line, _L("\f\f"));
Many thanks in advance.
You need to operate on the CRichText object owned by the editor and apply a paragraph or character format over it (using ApplyCharFormatL() / ApplyParaFormatL()). This avoids any need to select text.
Example applying a paragraph format
Example applying a character format