In Rational Team Concert v5.0.2 how to get members list in workitem dropdown attribute? - rtc

I want to add a attribute "Person Responsible:" and it should provide me a list of all members/users added within the project area, to allow me select a user. Just as what we have for "Owned by:".
How to get implement this.
I have RTCv5.0.2.

You can create a custom attribute of type contributor (or contributor list).

Related structured data type for driving instructor or other learning center

Trying to find a proper type of structured data for driving school/driving instructor. According Google recommendations "Use the most specific LocalBusiness sub-type possible; for example, Restaurant, DaySpa, HealthClub, and so on."
Looking at LocalBusiness sub-types
More specific Types
there is nothing related AutomotiveBusiness maybe can be used, but its sub-types are more related to the machinery, but not the education side.
Looking at Organization branch, there is EducationalOrganization, but there is nothing for additional learning courses
Any suggestions?
The semantics of a hierarchical structure with HTML heading elements for your web page, the content of which your business represents can help.
The most important element such as H1 represents the subject of the content, which in your case is the name of your business.
This business of yours offers services such as driving courses. The name of these courses can be specified as the content of element H2 or H3, if element H2 is already in the content, for example, it can be something similar to "Our services or offers".
Based on such a hierarchical structure, you can create your structured data and this will meet Google's requirement:
Your structured data should be a true representation of the
page content.
Thus, it might make sense to set your top-level type such as LocalBusiness, and specify the business name, legal business name, business description, and other properties that you can find in the Schema and Google documentation.
To specify your courses, you can use the makesOffer property and embed the Offer type to this property, which in turn has an itemOffered property in which you can nest the Course type. This can be a good solution for a list of your courses, which you can represent in structured data as an array.
Also, you can use subjectOf property for Course type embed.
In turn, the Course type has the property such as provider in which you can set the name of your business and this will create a reciprocal link between your business and the course (s) that the business offers, i.e. create linked data.
If the page content has a call to action, then you might consider embed the OrganizeAction type in the potentialAction property.

Query for List of user stories in rally that are not in the feature's Release

I am trying to add a custom list on my dashboard that shows me a list of all user stories that are not part of the feature release
(Release.Name != Feature.Release.Name) isn't working
WSAPI does not support expressions as the right hand side of a query, so you won't be able to use a custom list to find this data exactly.
But, if you know the name of the release you're looking at you can craft a query like this:
((Release.Name != "My Release") AND (Feature.Release.Name = "My Release"))
That would give you all stories with a different release than their parent feature.

Brand filtering on category pages

In Bigcommerce, is it possible to add brand filtering to category pages?
The current options appear to be that you can select from "all brands" by visiting the brands page, or you could use the search engine to narrow your results but you're forced to type a keyword or space. I want to offer a way to narrow the products by brand for the specific category the user is viewing.
I've spoken to tech support and they've informed me that this is NOT an option through the control panel and would have to be done through the API.
In my attempt to do this with the API however, it doesn't appear there is anyway to dynamically identify which category a user viewing. Outside of hard-coding a template for each individual category, how can this be accomplished?
I was informed by API support that this is NOT possible. Their recommendation was to submit the idea to the support team for future implementation, and that I might be able to accomplish it through a combination of javascript and screen scraping.

SharePoint 2010: Advanced filtering on Managed Metadata field

I'm implementing a document management site on SharePoint 2010. Each document that is stored on the site, is tagged with one or more geographical locations indicating what the content of the document is about. I have implemented this using a Managed Metadata field that is bound to a term set in the term store containing all possible locations. The locations are organized hierarchically, so let’s say first by country, then by region, city etc.
I want to be able to quickly locate documents in a document library for a given location. SharePoint 2010 offers 3 out-of-the-box ways to accomplish this: (1) filtering on the column header, (2) using metadata navigation, and (3) using key filters.
So far, so good. Now this is where things are getting tricky. Each location in the term store is identified by a number of different labels. So each location has a default label and an average of 3 or 4 additional labels (synonyms). For example: a location could be referred to as “Amsterdam”, “S-123” and “W-456”.
I want to be able to:
Filter the document library by using any of the labels including the
Include all locations that are below the location that he/she
specifies, in short: to recursively set the filter
Going back to the 3 out-of-the-box options:
Filtering on the column header; does NOT support use of synonyms and
does NOT support recursive filtering
Using metadata navigation; does NOT support use of synonyms but does
support recursive filtering
Using key filters; does support use of synonyms but does NOT support
recursive filtering
Can you think of a creative solution that meets my requirements using the out-of-the-box controls? And if not, what options do I have for full customization (custom filter web part, extending out-of-the-box web parts etc.)?
Hope to hear from you!
I think I might have an answer. This works in our System - SharePoint 2010.
In you SharePoint instance, create your View of the list, but don't define any Filters. Save the View.
Open SharePoint Designer 2010 and navigate to the list and view.
In Design view, you then need to select the "WebPartPages:XsltListViewWebPart" (you may need to click one on the column headings to get the grey page elements to appear).
At the top of the screen, select the Options Ribbon tab, a green List View Tools upper-tab appears.
On this ribbon, far left, select Filter.
Define you filters.
It is tricky and not a smooth UI. Note the Group button allowing you to create groups of AND and OR elements. (I'd post an image here of the UI, but I no not have the experience points yet.)
Good Luck.

Can you restrict the access on a custom field type?

I want to create a custom field type (MyCompLookup) that will be used in lists that all users will have access to. However, the field type will be fairly complicated / confusing to a regular user who is creating a simple list in their department's site. Is there a way to restrict certain users from selecting the custom field when they are creating columns for their lists?
I'm afraid you can't set ACL on field types.
A few things you can do to achieve some kind of workaround:
Add a custom logic in SPField OnAdded method that removes the field immediately after it was added by a regular user. This method might be very confusing for users, so at least you should give a descriptive name to your field. You can find a similar solution here, where I add extra fields to the list in this method.
You can add a custom editor control (see a simple sample here) to your field, that interactsts with other controls on the add new field page, for example disables the OK button.
Hope it helps.