Specify build directory name - msbuild

I need project to be built into folder:
Where is a current building assembly version specified in assembly: AssemblyVersion attribute.
I tried using different variables like $(AssemblyVersion), GetAssemblyIdentity task but had no luck.. I'm not so good at using MSBuild.

A quick and dirty solution to this is to, after the build, use GetAssemblyIdentity to extract the version info and then move the $(TargetFile) to the appropriate directory.
This assumes you don't have any dependencies going on. Otherwise, you'll need to modify the $(TargetPath), $(TargetName), and $(TargetExt) or go with the "proper" way of doing it - modifying $(OutputPath) dynamically.
<Target Name="AfterBuild" AfterTargets="Build">
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="AssemblyIdentity"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetPath)" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)$(Version)" />
The proper way would be to modify $(OutDir) aka $(OutputPath), but that would involve things like modifying the AssemblyVersion.cs file (or more complexly, a copy of it injected automatically into the build chain).
You could also instead parse the version from the AssemblyVersion.cs file.


Pass property for single project on commandline when building a solution

When I use msbuild to build a solution containing multiple projects, can I pass a property on the command line in a way that the property will only be used for one of the projects?
That means, can I say that -p:Foo=42 shall be used for Project1, but not for Project2?
MSBuild cannot specify a property for one of the project by the solution file(msbuild xxx\xxx.sln) easily and only targets can be specified. Or you have to type multiple msbuild command line to specify to the related csproj file to enable that changed property like msbuild Project1.csproj -t:build -p:xxx=xxx, msbuild Project2.csproj -t:build. However, it is too complex and inconvenient.
So I recommend that you could use msbuild script to get what you want.
1) create a file called build.proj file:
<!--add all the projects from the solution and remove the any project you want to modify the foo property-->
<MostProjectFile Include="**\*.csproj;**\*.vcxproj" Exclude="**\Project1.csproj" />
<!--add any projects you want to modify the foo value-->
<SpecialProjectFile Include="**\Project1.csproj" />
<Target Name="Build">
<!--build the most projects and remove the project which you want to change foo property-->
<MSBuild Projects="#(MostProjectFile)" Targets="Build" Properties="Configuration=Debug"/>
<!--build any projects that wants to modify the foo property separately-->
<MSBuild Projects="#(SpecialProjectFile)" Targets="Build" Properties="Configuration=Debug;Foo=42"/>
2) if you want to change the foo property again, you can just modify the build.proj based on your needs.
Run msbuild xxx\build.proj -t:Build to build it.

MSBuild: Ignore targets that don't exist

Solution1.sln contains two projects:
ProjectB has a custom target called "Foo". I want to run:
msbuild Solution1.sln /t:Foo
This will fail because ProjectA doesn't define the "Foo" target.
Is there a way to make the solution ignore the missing target? (E.g., do nothing if the target doesn't exist for a specific project) without modifying the SLN or project files?
There is a two-part solution if you don't want to edit the solution or project files and you're happy for it to work from MSBuild command-line but not from Visual Studio.
Firstly, the error you get when you run:
MSBuild Solution1.sln /t:Foo
Is not that ProjectA does not contain a Foo target but that the solution itself does not contain a Foo target. As #Jaykul suggests, setting the MSBuildEmitSolution environment variable will reveal the default targets contained within the solution metaproj.
Using the metaproj as inspiration you can introduce a new file "before.Solution1.sln.targets" next to the solution file (the file name pattern is important) with contents like this:
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Target Name="Foo">
<MSBuild Projects="#(ProjectReference)" Targets="Foo" BuildInParallel="True" Properties="CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)" SkipNonexistentProjects="%(ProjectReference.SkipNonexistentProjects)" />
The MSBuild element is mostly just copied from the solution metaproj's Publish target. Adjust the target name and any other details to suit your scenario.
With this file in place, you'll now get the error that ProjectA does not contain the Foo target. ProjectB may or may not build anyway depending on inter-project dependencies.
So, secondly, to solve this problem we need to give every project an empty Foo target which is then overridden in projects that actually already contain one.
We do this by introducing another file, eg "EmptyFoo.targets" (name not important) that looks like this:
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Target Name="Foo" />
And then we get every project to automatically import this targets file either by running MSBuild with an extra property, eg:
MSBuild Solution1.sln /t:Foo /p:CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets=c:\full_path_to\EmptyFoo.targets
Or include the CustomerBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets property in the Properties attribute on the MSBuild element in the first targets file where you could optionally specify the full path relative to the $(SolutionDir) property.
However, if you're willing to run Foo in conjunction with any of the default solution targets (ie Build, Rebuild, Clean, or Publish) you could take some inspiration for how the Web Publishing Pipeline in MSBuild uses the DeployOnBuild property to call the Publish target on Web projects in a solution containing other project types that don't support publishing.
More info on the before.Solution1.sln.targets file here:
You can target those by project name, like /t:project:target (might need quotes, I can't remember).
You can find all the generated targets by setting the environment variable MSBuildEmitSolution = 1 ... which causes msbuild to save to disk the temp .metaproj file which it generates for your solution. That file has all those targets defined in it, just open it up and take a look ;)
Maybe not the best answer but a reasonable hack.
msbuild ProjectA.csproj
msbuild ProjectB.csproj /t:Foo
When msbuild building solution - msbuild emits only limited set of targets into it's .metaproj file, and afaik - you can't build custom target through building sln file, you have to use original project1.csproj or custom build script.
Just for reference:
Use ContinueOnError when using MSBuildTask or -p:ContinueOnError=ErrorAndContinue when using (dotnet) msbuild
It may be in limited scenarios helpful: For example you have a list of .csproj files and want attach metadata only to specific project file items then you could write something like this:
<Target Name="UniqueTargetName" Condition="'$(PackAsExecutable)' == 'Package' Or '$(PackAsExecutable)' == 'Publish'" Outputs="#(_Hello)">
<_Hello Include="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)" />
<Target Name="BuildEachTargetFramework" DependsOnTargets="_GetTargetFrameworksOutput;AssignProjectConfiguration;_SplitProjectReferencesByFileExistence"
Condition="$(ExecutableProjectFullPath) != ''">
<Message Text="[$(MSBuildThisFilename)] Target BuildEachTargetFramework %(_MSBuildProjectReferenceExistent.Identity)" Importance="high" />
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="_Hallo2" />
<Message Text="[$(MSBuildThisFilename)] ########### HELLO %(_Hallo2.Identity)" Importance="high" />

Creating MSBuild target hooks

Can someone please point me to a reference about target hooks in MSBuild?
I'm looking for something that will let me define targets to run before and after a specified target. I know this can be done using the DependsOnTargets property but I've seen references to using target hooks and I'd like to explore that area.
A good list of built-in overridable build process hooks can be found here. For custom targets, the only thing I can think of is to use either the DependsOnTarget attribute (like you mentioned) or the BeforeTargets/AfterTargets attribute (like #Ritch Melton mentioned.) Be careful, the BeforeTargets/AfterTargets are only available in MSBuild 4.0
If you understand the idea behind DependsOnTargets then open up the Microsoft.Common.targets file in the .Net SDK directory (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5). That file defines the build process for the MSBuild task and .Net projects created by Visual Studio. Look for tags called BeforeXXXX, and AfterXXXX. BeforeBuild and AfterBuild are referenced in the default.csproj file - Snippet:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it. Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
There are others, like Clean, Rebuild, etc..
Define a Target (or Targets) to execute inside those Target elements, like this (Creates a directory, or list of directories based on the value in the Directories Property:
<Target Name="CreateDir">
<MakeDir Directories="D:\Dogs.txt"/>
Then include those Targets in the BeforeXXX Target:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" BeforeTargets="CreateDir">

MSBuild doesn't respect PublishUrl property for my ClickOnce app

I'm trying to make a batch file to publish the few ClickOnce application we have in one click. I'm using msbuild for that, and as an example the below command line shows how I'm doing it:
/v:normal > Log.txt
(wrapped for easier reading)
when I run the above command it builds and publish the application in the release directory, i.e. bin\release! Any idea why msbuild doesn't respect PublishUrl property in my example above?
PS: I tried also different combinations including remove 'Configuration', use 'Rebuild' and 'PublishOnly' as targets, and remove the the quotation marks but without any success.
You are setting the wrong property. Try PublishDir instead.
You can pass it into MSBuild as you are or you can set it in the project file (or maybe the sln file too, not sure I always use the project file.) like this
I've just done a few blog posts on MsBuild and ClickOnce stuff, check it out you 'should' find them useful...
Some features are done by Visual-Studio and not by the MSBuild-script. So the click-once-deployment behaves differently when it's executed from the command-line.
The ApplicationRevision isn't increased with every build. This works only when is exectued from Visual Studio
In in somecases, the PublishUrl isn't used. Quote from MSDN:
For example, you could set the PublishURL to an FTP path and set the InstallURL to a Web URL. In this case, the PublishURL is only used in the IDE to transfer the files, but not used in the command-line builds. Finally, you can use UpdateUrl if you want to publish a ClickOnce application that updates itself from a separate location from which it is installed.
I've created a special MSBuild-file which does this things. It runs the publish-target and copies then the files to the right location.
An example of the build-file, as requested by alhambraeidos. It basically runs the regular VisualStudio-build and then copies the click-once data to the real release folder. Note that removed some project-specific stuff, so it's maybe broken. Furthermore it doesn't increase the build-number. Thats done by our Continues-Build-Server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Publish" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<!-- the folder of the project to build -->
<!-- This is the web-folder, which provides the artefacts for click-once. After this
build the project is actually deployed on the server -->
<Target Name="Publish" DependsOnTargets="Clean">
<Message Text="Publish-Build started for build no $(ApplicationRevision)" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjLocation)/YourProject.csproj" Properties="Configuration=Release" Targets="Publish"/>
<SchoolPlannerSetupFiles Include="$(ProjPublishLocation)\*.*"/>
<SchoolPlannerUpdateFiles Include="$(ProjPublishLocation)\Application Files\**\*.*"/>
DestinationFolder="$(DeploymentFolder)\Application Files\%(RecursiveDir)"
<CallTarget Targets="RestoreLog"/>
<Target Name="Clean">
<Message Text="Clean project:" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjLocation)/YourProject.csproj" Properties="Configuration=Release" Targets="Clean"/>
I'll put in my 2 cents, this syntax seems to work (right or wrong):
For me, the soultion was to escape the path.
Instead of:

Conditional compilation with automated builds in Visual Studio

Here's what I'm trying to do:
A single build script
That script builds two executables from the same Visual Studio project.
The first compiled .exe has a small amount of code disabled.
The other compiled .exe has everything enabled.
I've been reading up on conditional compilation and that takes care of my needs as far as enabling/disabling blocks of code.
I just can't figure out how to control conditional compilation from a build script using msbuild.
Is there a way to manipulate conditional compilation variables from a build script or some other way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
Use build configurations in your project file. Set the parameters in a PropertyGroup that is optionally included based on the configuration. The configuration can then also define the output path for the two different versions of the assembly.
For the version that needs to remove some code use a configuration that includes the PropertyGroup.
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'CompiledOutDebug|AnyCPU' ">
Then use an MSBuild script that calls the project MSBuild script twice and uses the Properties attribute of the MSBuild task to specify the configuration to build:
<Target Name="Build">
<MSBuild Projects="MyProject.csproj;"
Properties="Configuration=Release" />
<MSBuild Projects="MyProject.csproj"
Properties="Configuration=CompiledOutDebug" />
Hamish beat me to it.
Here's an alternate solution using the same concepts:
At the command line:
msbuild -t:Clean
msbuild -t:Clean
msbuild -property:DefineConstants=MY_CONDITIONAL_COMPILE_CONSTANT
The 1st and 3rd 'msbuild -t:Clean' ensures that you don't have left over turds from previous builds. The 2nd 'msbuild' builds without the conditional define, while the 4rth builds with the conditional define.
If the above are just a couple on shot items, then a batch file maybe enough. I recommend learning a bit of MSBuild and actually scripting everything in a MSBuild file as Hamish has done.
If you don't want to create a separate target for the two compilations, you can do it by specifying the conditional define in the DefineConstants property when you call the build the second time:
<Target Name="Build">
<MSBuild Projects="MyProject.csproj;"
Properties="Configuration=Debug" />
<MSBuild Projects="MyProject.csproj"
DefineConstants=$(DefineConstants);CONDITIONAL_DEFINE" />
Note that if you do it this way, you need to also overwrite the AssemblyName, otherwise your second build might pick intermediate files from the first build.
You should also look at the MSBuild task docs on MSDN, there are some interesting tidbits there.