Redis performance testing - redis

So I want to test redis by shooting 1000 set commands per sec and observe if the RAM usage shoots above a certain limit.
I tried using redis-benchmark but it does not provide the facility to limit the rate to 1000 set command per nor can i set an expiry for keys.
Also it simply returns the number of requests per second.
Also am going to use jedis client .I thought of using Jmeter to accomplish the above. Would that be a feasible option or is there any other tool or facility that redis provides to accomplish the same.

There is Redis Data Set extension which adds Redis load testing functionality into JMeter.
In order to set exact requests rate you can use Constant Throughput Timer.


Redis taking too much time to execute simple commands during concurrent access

Background of problem
Hello all , i have made a project in golang gin , and I have integrated the redis Clusterclient in it using ""
P.S. Redis that I am using is a redis cluster hosted on AWS
the redis commands that I am using are simply redis.Get and redis.Set only.
Now I have made one API and used caching in it, and when I run it locally, response times are around 200 to 300ms, which is awesome (thanks to Redis)
Main Problem
now when I start doing the load testing on the same API with around 100 concurrent users , response time gets significantly increased ( around 4 seconds). I used spans to monitor the time taken by a different part of the code, and I got this
Getting from primary, getting from secondary are for the redis.Get command
Setting the primary , setting the secondary are for redis.Set
both commands are taking around 1 sec to execute, which is unacceptable,
can anyone please tell me some way, so that I can tackle this problem
and reduce the time for the redis commands to execute
Ok so I have solved this somehow.
Firstly I have updated my golang redis client library from go-redis/v7 to go-redis/v8 . And it made a significant improvement. I will advise everyone to do the same.
But still I am suffering from high response time , so the next step for me wa sto change the redis infra. Earlier I was using a redis cluster which only had 1 shard, but now I have moved to another redis having 4 shards..
And it made a huge difference , my response goes from 1200ms to 180ms. Kindly note that these response time are coming when I am doing a load testing with 100 concurrent users with an average of about 130rps
So in short upgrade your redis client , upgrade your redis infra

since redis is single-threaded, then our concurrent requests become serialized requests when accessing redis. What is the significance of using redis?

We usually use redis for caching in the Spring‘s project. My problem is that since redis is single-threaded, then our concurrent requests become serialized requests when accessing redis. then,what is the significance of using redis?
Is it only because of "It's not very frequent that CPU becomes your bottleneck with Redis, as usually Redis is either memory or network bound.
using pipelining Redis running on an average Linux system can deliver even 1 million requests per second......
I am learning redis, Redis document FAQ
You've basically asked two questions in one question:
What is the significance of using Redis.
Well, Redis is known to be fast because it keeps the data in memory. If you ask whether being a single-threaded application is very restrictive - well, its a product, that works like this by design, maybe it could be even more performant if it was multithreaded, it depends on actual implementation under the hood after all.
In any case, it offers much more than just a "get data in memory":
- Many primitives to work with
- Configurable persistence
- Replication of data
And much more
If the question is whether the in-memory cache will be faster (you've mentioned Spring framework, so you're at Java Land) - then yes.
In fact, Spring Cache support Guava Cache (spring 5/spring boot 2 use Caffeine for the same purpose instead) - and yes it will be faster in a head-to-head comparison with Redis. But what if you have a distributed application with many instances and one instance calculated something and put it to cache, how do you get the same information from another instance without distributing the information between the instances. Well, there are tools like Hazelcast but it's out of scope for this question, the point is that when the application is beyond basic, the tasks like cache synchronization /keeping it up-to-date becomes much less obvious.
If you can deliver 1 million operations per second.
Now this question is too vague to answer:
What is the hardware that runs Redis?
What are the network configurations? (after all Redis calls are done over the network)
How often do you persist on disk (Redis has configurations for that)
Do you use replication and split the load between many Redis servers reaching an overall much faster throughput?
What commands exactly are being running under that hood?
In any case, when it comes to benchmarking you can set up your system in the option way and use the tool offered by Redis itself:
Redis Benchmarking Chapter in Redis tutorial
The tool is called redis-benchmark you can run it with various parameters and see how fast redis really is:
Here is an example (I encourage you to read the full article in the link):
$ redis-benchmark -t set,lpush -n 100000 -q
SET: 74239.05 requests per second
LPUSH: 79239.30 requests per second
This says: Connect to redis server available on localhost, run (-n) 100000 requests in a quiet mode (-q parameter) and run only tests specific for two commands: set and lpush

AWS cloud watch "Latency" metric and jmeter "Average" metric in summary report for api performance testing

While load/performance testing of API on ELB in AWS using JMeter, I see
AWS cloud watch Latency metric = 10 ms (seems good) and in JMeter's Summary Report Average metric = 3000 ms (seems bad).
The API returns 1MB of JSON data, but I don't understand why there is so much difference in numbers and is this api performance acceptable?
If the SLA said to have 100 ms API response time.
You are looking into different metrics:
Latency: JMeter measures the latency from just before sending the request to just after the first response has been received.
Elapsed time: JMeter measures the elapsed time from just before sending the request to just after the last response has been received.
So Latency is included into response time, it is so-called Time To First Byte and Elapsed Time is the Time to Last Byte. My expectation is that you should be sticking to what JMeter reports so you won't be confused with the metrics coming from different sources, JMeter is at least open source therefore you have the confidence regarding how the metrics are calculated.
If response time of 3 seconds is too high you can start looking into the reasons for this which could be:
Your API server is simply overloaded, check out CPU, RAM, Network, Disk usage using i.e. aforementioned Amazon CloudWatch or JMeter PerfMon Plugin
Your application configuration might not be ready for high loads. The majority of web/application/database servers defaults are suitable for application development and debugging only (same applies to JMeter) so most probably you will need to tune infrastructure.
Your application uses non-optimal algorithms. Use profiler tools to inspect where it spends time, what are the "heaviest" methods, how long database calls last, etc.
Also if your application is behind the ELB JMeter can cache IP address of one of the entry nodes and all your requests will be hitting only one host. To avoid this situation add DNS Cache Manager to your Test Plan.
JMeter Glossary
JMeter Best Practices
The DNS Cache Manager: The Right Way To Test Load Balanced Apps

Hitting redis server with redis hash using JMeter (using redis-dataset plugin)

I have a redis server running and I wanted to use JMeter to get the benchmarks and to find in how much time it hits 20K transactions per second. I have a hash setup. How should I go about querying it. I have put one of the keys as redis key and have put one of the fields of the hash as variable name.
If I use constant throughput timer, what should I enter in the name field.
Thanks in advance.
If you're planning to use Constant Throughput Timer and your target it to get 20k requests per second load you need to configure it as follows:
Target Throughput: 1200000 (20k per second * 60 seconds in minute)
Calculate Throughput based on: all active threads
See How to use JMeter's Throughput Constant Timer article for more details.
Few more recommendations:
Constant Throughput Timer can only pause the threads so make sure you have enough virtual users on Thread Group level
Constant Throughput Timer is accurate enough on "minute" level, so make sure your test lasts long enough so the timer will be correctly applied. Also consider reasonable ramp-up period.
Some people find Throughput Shaping Timer easier to use
20k+ concurrent threads is normally something you cannot achieve using single machine so it is likely you'll need to consider Distributed Testing when multiple JMeter instances act as a cluster.

Celery (Django) Rate limiting

I'm using Celery to process multiple data-mining tasks. One of these tasks connects to a remote service which allows a maximum of 10 simultaneous connections per user (or in other words, it CAN exceed 10 connections globally but it CANNOT exceed 10 connections per individual job).
I THINK Token Bucket (rate limiting) is what I'm looking for, but I can't seem to find any implementation of it.
Celery features rate limiting, and contains a generic token bucket implementation.
Set rate limits for tasks:
Or at runtime:
The token bucket implementation is in Kombu
After much research I found out that Celery does not explicitly provide a way to limit the number of concurrent instances like this and furthermore, doing so would generally be considered bad practice.
The better solution would be to download concurrently within a single task, and use Redis or Memcached to store and distribute for other tasks to process.
Although it might be bad practice, you could use a dedicated queue and limit the worker, like:
# ./ celery worker -Q another_queue -c 10