Celery (Django) Rate limiting - rabbitmq

I'm using Celery to process multiple data-mining tasks. One of these tasks connects to a remote service which allows a maximum of 10 simultaneous connections per user (or in other words, it CAN exceed 10 connections globally but it CANNOT exceed 10 connections per individual job).
I THINK Token Bucket (rate limiting) is what I'm looking for, but I can't seem to find any implementation of it.

Celery features rate limiting, and contains a generic token bucket implementation.
Set rate limits for tasks:
Or at runtime:
The token bucket implementation is in Kombu

After much research I found out that Celery does not explicitly provide a way to limit the number of concurrent instances like this and furthermore, doing so would generally be considered bad practice.
The better solution would be to download concurrently within a single task, and use Redis or Memcached to store and distribute for other tasks to process.

Although it might be bad practice, you could use a dedicated queue and limit the worker, like:
# ./manage.py celery worker -Q another_queue -c 10


Is it possible to limit resources of a running app in yarn?

Sometimes at work I need to use our cluster to run something, but it is used up to 100%, because certain jobs scale up when there are available resources, and my job won't execute for a long time. Is is possible to limit the resources of a running app? Or should we somehow choose a different scheduling policy, if so, then which one?
We use Capacity Scheduler.
It depends on what your apps are, are you 100% coming from large queries (hive app) or from another let's say, spark app.
Spark can eat up the whole cluster easily, even doing almost nothing, that is why you need to define how many cpus to give to those apps, memory, driver memory, etc.
You accomplish that when you do the spark submit, e.g.
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --queue {your yarn queue} {program name} --driver-cores 1 --driver-memory 1G --num-executors 2 --executor-cores 1 -executor-memory 2G
That will limit that application to use only those resources (plus a little overhead)
If you have a more complicated environment then you will need to limit by queue, for example, queue1=20% of the cluster with up to 20% only, the default is like queue1 can go up to 100% of the cluster if nobody is using it.
Ideally, you should have several queues with the right limits in place and be really careful with preemption.

since redis is single-threaded, then our concurrent requests become serialized requests when accessing redis. What is the significance of using redis?

We usually use redis for caching in the Spring‘s project. My problem is that since redis is single-threaded, then our concurrent requests become serialized requests when accessing redis. then,what is the significance of using redis?
Is it only because of "It's not very frequent that CPU becomes your bottleneck with Redis, as usually Redis is either memory or network bound.
using pipelining Redis running on an average Linux system can deliver even 1 million requests per second......
I am learning redis, Redis document FAQ
You've basically asked two questions in one question:
What is the significance of using Redis.
Well, Redis is known to be fast because it keeps the data in memory. If you ask whether being a single-threaded application is very restrictive - well, its a product, that works like this by design, maybe it could be even more performant if it was multithreaded, it depends on actual implementation under the hood after all.
In any case, it offers much more than just a "get data in memory":
- Many primitives to work with
- Configurable persistence
- Replication of data
And much more
If the question is whether the in-memory cache will be faster (you've mentioned Spring framework, so you're at Java Land) - then yes.
In fact, Spring Cache support Guava Cache (spring 5/spring boot 2 use Caffeine for the same purpose instead) - and yes it will be faster in a head-to-head comparison with Redis. But what if you have a distributed application with many instances and one instance calculated something and put it to cache, how do you get the same information from another instance without distributing the information between the instances. Well, there are tools like Hazelcast but it's out of scope for this question, the point is that when the application is beyond basic, the tasks like cache synchronization /keeping it up-to-date becomes much less obvious.
If you can deliver 1 million operations per second.
Now this question is too vague to answer:
What is the hardware that runs Redis?
What are the network configurations? (after all Redis calls are done over the network)
How often do you persist on disk (Redis has configurations for that)
Do you use replication and split the load between many Redis servers reaching an overall much faster throughput?
What commands exactly are being running under that hood?
In any case, when it comes to benchmarking you can set up your system in the option way and use the tool offered by Redis itself:
Redis Benchmarking Chapter in Redis tutorial
The tool is called redis-benchmark you can run it with various parameters and see how fast redis really is:
Here is an example (I encourage you to read the full article in the link):
$ redis-benchmark -t set,lpush -n 100000 -q
SET: 74239.05 requests per second
LPUSH: 79239.30 requests per second
This says: Connect to redis server available on localhost, run (-n) 100000 requests in a quiet mode (-q parameter) and run only tests specific for two commands: set and lpush

When to use - Delayed Job vs RabbitMQ

Can someone give me the clarity of the advantages of using RabbitMQ(message queue) instead of Delayed Job(background processing) ?
Basically I want to know when to use background processing and messaging queue ?
My web application has 3 components one main server which will handle all user requests and 2 app servers where all the background jobs(like es reindex, es record update, sending emails, crons) should be run.
I saw articles which say Database as a queue(delayed job) is very bad as the consumers will be polling the database for new jobs and updating the statuses of jobs which will lock the tables. Then how does rabbit MQ or other messaging queues store to avoid this problem.
There are other alternatives for delayed job like sidekiq which will run over redis instead of mysql. It is better to use sidekiq instead of rabbitmq?
And are there any advantages of using sidekiq over delayed job?
You have 2 workers and 1 web server: I guess your web app dispatches some delayed jobs to your workers. So you need a way to store the data related to those background jobs.
For that, you can use both a database (like Redis, this is what sidekick is doing) or a message queue (like RabbitMQ). A message queue is a specialized system that is very efficient for this use case (allowing a much higher throughput). A database would let you have a better introspection (as you can request the jobs table to see what your current situation is), while the queuing system would be more efficient but also is more a black box and will require new skills.
If you do not have performance issues, the simpler the better, even a simple mysql database should be enough. If you want a more powerful system or need a lot of monitoring you can also consider using a specialized hosted service such as zenaton (I'm founder) that will do all the heavy lifting for you, including scheduling or more sophisticated orchestration of your background jobs.
Both perform the same task, i.e executing jobs in the background, but go about it differently.
With delayed job one uses some sort of a database for storage, queries for the jobs thereafter then processes them. It's simple to set up but the performance and scalability aren't great.
RabbitMQ or its alternatives Redis e.t.c are harder to set up but their performance, flexibility and scalability is great, we are talking in the upwards of 5000 jobs per second besides you have tend to use less code.
Another option is to use task orchestration system like Cadence Workflow. It supports both delayed execution and queueing, but provides higher level programming model and tons of features that neither queues or delayed execution frameworks.
Cadence offers a lot of advantages over using queues for task processing.
Built it exponential retries with unlimited expiration interval
Failure handling. For example it allows to execute a task that notifies another service if both updates couldn't succeed during a configured interval.
Support for long running heartbeating operations
Ability to implement complex task dependencies. For example to implement chaining of calls or compensation logic in case of unrecoverble failures (SAGA)
Gives complete visibility into current state of the update. For example when using queues all you know if there are some messages in a queue and you need additional DB to track the overall progress. With Cadence every event is recorded.
Ability to cancel an update in flight.
Built in distributed CRON
See the presentation that goes over Cadence programming model.

How to handle resource limits for apache in kubernetes

I'm trying to deploy a scalable web application on google cloud.
I have kubernetes deployment which creates multiple replicas of apache+php pods. These have cpu/memory resources/limits set.
Lets say that memory limit per replica is 2GB. How do I properly configure apache to respect this limit?
I can modify maximum process count and/or maximum memory per process to prevent memory overflow (thus the replicas will not be killed because of OOM). But this does create new problem, this settings will also limit maximum number of requests that my replica could handle. In case of DDOS attack (or just more traffic) the bottleneck could be the maximum process limit, not memory/cpu limit. I think that this could happen pretty often, as these limits are set to worst case scenario, not based on average traffic.
I want to configure autoscaler so that it will create multiple replicas in case of such event, not only when the cpu/memory usage is near limit.
How do I properly solve this problem? Thanks for help!
I would recommend doing the following instead of trying to configuring apache to limit itself internally:
Enforce resource limits on pods. i.e let them OOM. (but see NOTE*)
Define an autoscaling metric for your deployment based on your load.
Setup a namespace wide resource-quota. This enforeces a clusterwide limit on the resources pods in that namespace can use.
This way you can let your Apache+PHP pods handle as many requests as possible until they OOM, at which point they respawn and join the pool again, which is fine* (because hopefully they're stateless) and at no point does your over all resource utilization exceed the resource limits (quotas) enforced on the namespace.
* NOTE: This is only true if you're not doing fancy stuff like websockets or stream based HTTP, in which case an OOMing Apache instance takes down other clients that are holding an open socket to the instance. If you want, you should always be able to enforce limits on apache in terms of the number of threads/processes it runs anyway, but it's best not to unless you have solid need for it. With this kind of setup, no matter what you do, you'll not be able to evade DDoS attacks of large magnitudes. You're either doing to have broken sockets (in the case of OOM) or request timeouts (not enough threads to handle requests). You'd need far more sophisticated networking/filtering gear to prevent "good" traffic from taking a hit.

Sharing a Redis database?

I'm using Redis as a session store in my app. Can I use the same instance (and db) of Redis for my job queue? If it's of any significance, it's hosted with redistogo.
It is perfectly fine to use the same redis for multiple operations.
We had a similar use case where we used Redis as a key value store as well as a job queue.
However you may want to consider other aspects like the performance requirements for your application. Redis can ideally handle around 70k operations per second and if at some time in future you think you may hit these benchmarks it's much better to split your operations to multiple redis instances based on the kind of operations you perform. This will allow you to make decisions about availability and replication at a more finer level depending on the requirements. As a simple use case once your key size grows you may be able to flush your session app redis or shard your keys using redis cluster without affecting job queing infrastructure.