Simple SQL Search within a string - sql

I have some data that will look like this:
05124110 LMY RET 2015
I need in SQL to return a row if there is LMY and RET it can be as one piece
LMY RET but maybe better to check for both separately in case the users add one extra blank.

select * from [table] where [column] like '%LMY%' and [column] like '%RET%'
Note that this will be case-insensitive, so 'lmy ret' will be returned as well. This will also return things that have "RET LMY"; I'm not sure if that's desired or not.

FROM yourTable
WHERE yourColumn LIKE '%LMY%RET%'


How to use bigquery to test if string in list of strings with wildcards

I would like to write something equivalent to the below, but it appears not to work. Is this possible in BigQuery?
select *
from table
where lower(field1) in ("%foo%", "%bar%", "%baz%")
I also need this functionality inside a case when clause
case when (lower(field1) in ("%foo%", "%bar%")) then "string1"
else "string2" end as NewField
Use below approach
select *
from table
where regexp_contains(lower(field1), r'foo|bar|baz')

SQL full text search behavior on numeric values

I have a table with about 200 million records. One of the columns is defined as varchar(100) and it's included in a full text index. Most of the values are numeric. Only few are not numeric.
The problem is that it's not working well. For example if a row contains the value '123456789' and i look for '567', it's not returning this row. It will only return rows where the value is exactly '567'.
What am I doing wrong?
sql server 2012.
Full text search doesn't support leading wildcards
In my setup, these return the same
FROM [dbo].[somelogtable]
where CONTAINS (logmessage, N'28400')
FROM [dbo].[somelogtable]
where CONTAINS (logmessage, N'"2840*"')
This gives zero rows
FROM [dbo].[somelogtable]
where CONTAINS (logmessage, N'"*840*"')
You'll have to use LIKE or some fancy trigram approach
The problem is probably that you are using a wrong tool since Full-text queries perform linguistic searches and it seems like you want to use simple "like" condition.
If you want to get a solution to your needs then you can post DDL+DML+'desired result'
You can do this:
....your_query.... LIKE '567%' ;
This will return all the rows that have a number 567 in the beginning, end or in between somewhere.
99% You're missing % after and before the string you search in the LIKE clause.
is the same as as using WHERE att = '66'
if you write:
will return you all the lines containing 2 'sixes' one after other

Using a GUID In The Where Clause

For some reason I'm unable to use comparisons on GUID columns, it does not return any results.
See below, with the WHERE clause set to the exact value of the 'secguid' column, it does not return any results. What's going on?
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid = '3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA'
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid LIKE '3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA'
Using LIKE does not work either.
Try this
SELECT [fileID],
FROM [dbo].[dbMobileFile]
WHERE CAST(secguid as uniqueidentifier) = CAST('3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA' as uniqueidentifier)
Since you mention that the column is stored as NVARCHAR, its possible that the string has leading or trailing whitespaces, which is why it might not be popping up in the query with the WHERE clause.
You can try this :
SELECT [fileID],
FROM [dbo].[dbMobileFile]
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(secguid)) = '3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA'
which should show you the result as leading and trailing whitespaces are eliminated in the WHERE clause.
Also, in case you want to make use of the LIKE operator, you can write your query as :
SELECT [fileID],
FROM [dbo].[dbMobileFile]
WHERE secguid LIKE '%3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA%'
Hope this helps!!!
I've had this problem with a corrupt database. Some GUIDs be contained in the WHERE clause, with other GUIDS on the same table would not return results.
Turns out that database had Index issues. Run DBCC to make sure your database isn't corrupt.
The accepted answer works, but it is a bit verbose and probably not the intended way to do this. UniqueIdentifier is qualified by {}, so the following is the easiest;
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid = '{3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA}'
See inside the database that guid value stored as 32 hex digits:00000000000000000000000000000000 so if we search by 32 hex digits separated by hyphens: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, it's not get any output
Try this:
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid = ('3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA')
Use parentheses to enclose GUID string LIKE ('GUID')

Need to check parameter against table rows in SQL Query

I would like to build one sql query in that one of my filed of form should not contain common names (maintained list of words in separate table) and i am passing value of that filed as parameter and want to check that it shouldn't contain any common name from that table.
How can i achieve that using sql query?
Note : if common name is 'abc' and i am passing parameter as '!abc123' since it contains that word query should return false.
Thanks in advance.
Try something like (Untested Query):
SELECT CommonName
FROM CommonNamesTable
WHERE CommonName like '%NameToTest%'
OR CONTAINS(NameToTest, CommonName);
Basically you need the string match options:
Take a look at options of CONTAINS and read about Queries with full text search
Is this what you're looking for?
SELECT (COUNT(*) == 0) FROM tablewithcommonwords
WHERE wordfromform LIKE CONCAT('%', wordcolumnnfromcommonwordstable, '%');
Try this:
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT word FROM CommonWord WHERE #yourparam
LIKE '%' + word + '%')
Return 0
This works if the #yourParam is contained in any word or name, what you do not want to use. It only returns 1 if it is not contained by any row in the table.
I worte this sentence only on this way (you can use a simple Exists instead of NOT Exists), because may you want to extend the functionality in the true part.
if exists (select * from reservedwords where #parameter like '%'+word + '%')
select 0
select 1
I would like to suggest that You have to use keypress Event in Your TextBox and then Handle your Code after Each character enter in your TextBox.

Regular expressions inside SQL Server

I have stored values in my database that look like 5XXXXXX, where X can be any digit. In other words, I need to match incoming SQL query strings like 5349878.
Does anyone have an idea how to do it?
I have different cases like XXXX7XX for example, so it has to be generic. I don't care about representing the pattern in a different way inside the SQL Server.
I'm working with c# in .NET.
You can write queries like this in SQL Server:
--each [0-9] matches a single digit, this would match 5xx
SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE SomeField LIKE '5[0-9][0-9]'
stored value in DB is: 5XXXXXX [where x can be any digit]
You don't mention data types - if numeric, you'll likely have to use CAST/CONVERT to change the data type to [n]varchar.
WHERE CHARINDEX(column, '5') = 1
AND CHARINDEX(column, '.') = 0 --to stop decimals if needed
AND ISNUMERIC(column) = 1
i have also different cases like XXXX7XX for example, so it has to be generic.
WHERE PATINDEX('%7%', column) = 5
AND CHARINDEX(column, '.') = 0 --to stop decimals if needed
AND ISNUMERIC(column) = 1
Regex Support
SQL Server 2000+ supports regex, but the catch is you have to create the UDF function in CLR before you have the ability. There are numerous articles providing example code if you google them. Once you have that in place, you can use:
5\d{6} for your first example
\d{4}7\d{2} for your second example
For more info on regular expressions, I highly recommend this website.
Try this
select * from mytable
where p1 not like '%[^0-9]%' and substring(p1,1,1)='5'
Of course, you'll need to adjust the substring value, but the rest should work...
In order to match a digit, you can use [0-9].
So you could use 5[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] and [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]7[0-9][0-9][0-9]. I do this a lot for zip codes.
SQL Wildcards are enough for this purpose. Follow this link:
you need to use a query like this:
select * from mytable where msisdn like '%7%'
select * from mytable where msisdn like '56655%'