New Password System - passwords

Tell me the flaw of this password system .
During Registration Page
user select from min 1 up to 5 images from the image pools.
user could select number of guesses default to 5 guesses .
User Login Page
6 grids of images on display with "YES" , "NO" and "DONE" button .
The password system will randomly select from min 0 up to 3 correct image to add to the 6 image grid and user should click "YES" button if any image matches else click "No" button .
press done when finished .
The "Done" button will always be visible and enabled . User needs to know when to click it .
If user select 6 guesses , user needs to click done when answered all six else the system will continue asking for input up .
so what do you guys think ??


ionic 4 create dynamic Multi step Form from Json

have to create multi step signup form from api response( JSON )
form can contain upto 3 pages and should support text field, select box and checkbox group.
The form should support the following validations.
a. Required
b. Regex(Input should match the regex configured in json.)
c. min and max value(text field only)
Each page should have a front and back button at the bottom and final page should contain submit page.
When the next button is clicked, all the fields in the page should be validated. If there are any errors, they should be highlighted.
If not, user should be taken to the next page. When submit is clicked, the value of all the form fields should be collected as a key value pair and sent to the service for processing.

CALL SCREEN (not modal) in modal dialog box not allowed

I have a program who does the following:
The user asks from the program to display the Z* tables in an ALV.
Then it selects a table and press the button SELECTTAB which it will run the following command:
**--Display screen with the fields listed for the given table
call screen 200 starting at 10 2 ending at 70 22.
But the program stops with the following error:
CALL SCREEN (not modal) in modal dialog box not allowed
What I want is the following:
1. The user selects a table from the ALV.
2. The program displays a screen with the 1st 100 fields of the table with a checkbox in from. The user selects the desire ones and press OK.
3. The system display the fields as a selection screen, the user fill with the desire values and press OK.
4. Finally, the program display the records in an ALV and the user proceeds with the final actions.
The error occurs in the 2nd step.
You posted the same question in the SAP forum, which has an answer : cf

Alert is not showing during manual but alert is showing in automation

I need to clear the textbox and enter value .After that i am moving to next step.This scenario is working fine in manual but not in automation.After enter the value and trying to move next step but alert is showing with following message
"Textbox field should not be empty".But already value is in textbox which i entered.Anyone please give me suggestion.
After enter the value in the textbox just click the same textbox then alert will not show in this type of scenario

Applescript to input text in website

set query to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Query" default answer "" buttons {"Input", "Cancel"} default button 1)
open location ""
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
key code 48
end tell
delay 1
So i'm trying to make an applescript that:
1) Prompts with dialogue box to enter data
2) Opens up webpage
3) Presses tab to get to first text box
4) Pastes data from step 1
I've figured out how to get to up to step 4 but when i print the query variable it only prints it within the applescript not the webpage.
set query to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Query" default answer "" buttons {"Input", "Cancel"} default button 1)
open location ""
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
key code 48
delay 1
keystroke query
end tell
I needed to add keystroke into the commandline
Try this instead:
set query to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Query" default answer "" buttons {"Input", "Cancel"} default button 1)
tell application "Safari"
if not (exists document 1) then reopen
set URL of document 1 to ""
delay 3
do JavaScript "document.getElementsByName('SCREEN')[0].value=" & quoted form of query & "" in document 1
end tell

Autohotkey Win XP automating small task

I have a small task I would like to automate with Autohotkey and it looks like it is more or less directly transferable to autohotkey syntax:
1. Ctrl+v
2. Alt+tab
3. Click certain link in a window (no combo-key for this but it's always in the same place)
4. Enter (carriage return)
5. Alt+s
6. Ctrl+v
7. Enter
Now it would be nice to map this combo to something else e.g. Windows Key+Space.
What I have got so far is:
0. SetWinDelay 100 (using a connection to an remote computer)
0. SetKeyDelay 0
1. Send, ^c
1. ClipWait, 0.1
2. Send, {Alt down}{tab}
2. Send, {Alt up}
3. ?????
4. Send, {enter}
5. Send, !s
6. Send, ^v
7. Send, {enter}
Is this approximately right? Anyone up for helping me fix it or filling in the holes, so to speak :)
Another alternative to step 3, 4 and 6 would be to simply loop though the contents of the clipboard (a number string) and sending each letter of the string to keypresses? Maybe this would be the easier way
If you want to "click" on a certain position, to open a menu, you can first right click on your AutoHotKey icon and open the "window spy". This window spy will show you the mouse position. Yo can use the mouse positions to perform your actions in the active application.
SoundBeep 1000, 300 ; Wake up user
SplashTextOn, 200, 100, Script Preparations, Please Click on the person icon link. ; Show new Instructions text
WinMove, Script Preparations,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)+150, (A_ScreenHeight/2)+200 ; Move the window with the name "Script Preparations" Down and Right on the main screen
KeyWait, LButton, D ; Wait for LeftMouseButton click Down
MouseGetPos, xposE ,yposE ; Store the position where the mouse was clicked (Employee)
MouseClick, left, %xposE% ,%yposE%, 2 ; Perform a double mouse click on the captured mouse location
SplashTextOff ; Remove Text box
In this case, I first ask the user to manually click on the right location. This is only required when the position to click changes WITHIN the active window (variable tiles within the active window). Once you have the position stored, you can re-use it all throughout your script.
b.t.w. instead of using Alt+Tab, I suggest using this:
settitlematchmode, 1 ; Set search in title to start with....
settitlematchmode, Fast ; Slow is not required here. Slow is only required when hidden text needs to be found.
SwitchWindow("Microsoft Excel - 1 QRM Upload and Change Template") ; Activate the
window with the title: Microsoft Excel - 1 QRM Upload and Change Template
You could even use someting like this:
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Ensure that the Title Match mode is set to 2: Find anywhere in the title
SetTitleMatchMode, Fast ; Ensure that the Title Match mode is set to FAST
winactivate, %WindowName% ; Activate the window with the title stored in the variable WindowName
WinWaitActive, %WindowName%, , 5 ; Wait up to five seconds for the screen
if ErrorLevel ; Execute this when the window is not activated within 5 seconds
{ ; Start-If Wait failed
SoundBeep 1000 , 1000 ; Warn the user
MsgBox,4097,Time Out, Script timed out while waiting for %WindowName%.`n`rYou Must manually activate %WindowName% and then continue the script by pressing OK. ; Message to user
IfMsgBox, Cancel ; Do when the user clicked on Cancel
{ ; Start-If User clicked Cancel
ExitApp ; Exit this program when the user clicked on Cancel
} ; End-If User clicked Cancel
WinWaitActive, %WindowName%, , 5 ; Try to activate the window AGAIN
if ErrorLevel ; If window can't be found
{ ; Start-If window can't be found
MsgBox,4096,Exit, %WindowName% still NOT Active. ; Warn user
ExitApp ; Exit this program when the expected window is still not found
} ; End-If window can't be found
} ; End-If Wait failed
Robert Ilbrink