CALL SCREEN (not modal) in modal dialog box not allowed - abap

I have a program who does the following:
The user asks from the program to display the Z* tables in an ALV.
Then it selects a table and press the button SELECTTAB which it will run the following command:
**--Display screen with the fields listed for the given table
call screen 200 starting at 10 2 ending at 70 22.
But the program stops with the following error:
CALL SCREEN (not modal) in modal dialog box not allowed
What I want is the following:
1. The user selects a table from the ALV.
2. The program displays a screen with the 1st 100 fields of the table with a checkbox in from. The user selects the desire ones and press OK.
3. The system display the fields as a selection screen, the user fill with the desire values and press OK.
4. Finally, the program display the records in an ALV and the user proceeds with the final actions.
The error occurs in the 2nd step.

You posted the same question in the SAP forum, which has an answer : cf


My query, getting value from a textbox inside a subform, shows "small box"

The overall scenario: Actually trying to implement an order entry
system. A button on the main form opens 2nd form. In the 2nd form,
there are some combo-boxes and list-boxes from which the user selects
an item. Then pressing a button add that item with append query.
The problem is, as soon as I click anywhere in the 2nd (child) form;
the the id (autonumber) from parent vanishes(becomes null) for new
entry in the 2nd form. (I have lately discovered this vanishing by
using a text box to show current parent-id. Also found a solution,
posting as an answer)
I am trying to get two values from a textbox and a combo box. In the query datasheet view, i checked that, one value is received correctly but the other value it shows a very small box (putting picture below)
In this picture, "Expr2" field is showing small box. I used below statement to pull value from subform:
And here is the code in sql-view:
INSERT INTO products_t ( product_name, customer_id )
SELECT [Forms]![customer_f]![products_add_subf].[Form]![item_combo] AS Expr1, [Forms]![customer_f]![products_add_subf].[Form]![customer_id] AS Expr2;
What this small box mean and how to avoid it ? How to pull correct value instead of small box ?
The solution will prevent vanishing of parent-id from first form(parent); in the 2nd form (child).
Just disable "Allow Addition" in the 2nd form's property.
Open the 2nd form in "design view" . Double Click at the upper left corner of the form to open its property sheet. Goto "data" tab. In the "Allow Addition" select "no".
Now your append query will be able to grab the parent id field. It will not vanish !

MS Access one form to select table values and use to populate multiple fields on other form?

I have a table called GL_Account and IM_Productline
The table IM_Productline has various fields that need to be populated with a value from the field GL_Account.AccountKey (i.e. IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey and IM_ProductLine.CostOfGoodsSoldAcctKey)
To populate the IM_ProductLine table I made a form "Product Line Maintenance" with all the fields. To populate the field IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey I put a (magnifying glass) button behind the field with the following code:
Private Sub CMD_Select_GL_Account_Click()
If IsNull(Select_ProductType) Then
'do nothing
Forms![Product Line Maintenance].InventoryAcctkey = Me.SelectGLAccountKey.Column(0)
Forms![Product Line Maintenance].Refresh
End If
End Sub
So the button opens a form Called "Select GL Account" with a combo box that enable to SELECT GL_Account.AccountKey, GL_Account.Account, GL_Account.AccountDesc
FROM GL_Account; and when the OK button is clicked it writes the value from GL_Account.AccountKey to IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey, closes the form "Select GL Account" and then refreshes the form "Product Line Maintenance" so the account number and description become visible for the user.
This all work fine but here's my question:
Now rather than creating a new form for every account field I need to populate (i.e. "Select Inventory GL Account" select "Cost Of Goods Sold GL Account" etc) I'd prefer to use the form "Select GL Account" to select and populate the 11 different account fields. So behind each xxxAcctkeyfield on form "Product Line Maintenance" is a (magnifying glass) button that when clicked pulls up the form "Select GL Account" and when "OK" is clicked it writes the selected AccountKey to the correct field on form "Product Line Maintenance"?
I'd greatly appreciate anyone's efforts to understand what I am trying to explain and point me in the right direction.
Ok, there is the issue that all 11 fields should not require to be "copied" since you have a relational database (you would ONLY store the row PK ID of that selection in the current report. (a so called FK (foreign key) value). That way, say you want to change the choice? Well then you could pop up that form - search + select the one record with all that information, and then upon return ONLY store the one value.
So, I would give some thoughts to the above - you want to leverage the relational database features. And as a result, you don't need to "copy" all that data. This is not much different then say creating a invoice. I can create the new invoice, but all of the address information, and the customer that this ONE invoice belongs to? Well, that is one column with a FK value that points to the customer. Once I select that one customer, then display of the customer name + address can be say a sub form or some such - but no need exists to "copy" that information. It would also means with near zero code, you could move a invoice between customers!!! - (just change the one fk column with to the new/different customer ID (PK) value.
Now, back to the question at a hand?
You can certainly pop up a form, let the user select, enter, pick and do whatever. And THEN you can have the calling code grab + pick out the values from that form.
The way you do this? It involves a not too wide known trick.
The code that calls the form can simply open that form as a dialog form. This will HALT the calling code, the user does whatever, and when done the calling code will THEN continue. Not only does the calling code continue, but it can get/grab/pull/take any values from that pop up form WIHOUT having to use global vars.
The approach is thus thus:
dim strF as string
strF = "frmPopAskInfo"
docmd.OpenForm strF,,,,,,acDialog
' above code waits for user input
if application.AllForms(strF).IsLoaded = true then
' user did not cancel, get values from form
me!AccountNo = forms(strf)!AccountNumber
etc. etc. etc.
docmd.Close acForm,strF
end if
Now the only other issue? Well, the "ok" button on the popup for DOES NOT close the form, what it does is set visible = False. This will kick the form out of dialog mode.
me.Visible = False
So, if the user hits the cancel buttton (close form) or hits the X upprer right (close form), then the form will NOT be loaded when your calling code continues. But, if they hit OK button, then you don't close the form, but ONLY set visbile = false.
This allows the calling code to continue, you are free to get/grab/take values from that form, and then once done, you close the form.
So a form close in that popup = user canceled the form.
So, a popup form, and even a modal form? They do NOT halt the VBA calling code, but a acDialog form does!
You can thus place 2 or 5 little buttons that pops up this form, the user can pick/choose/select/enter values. When they hit ok, your calling code continues, and you are free to pull values from that form. So while all 3-4 buttons might pop up that form, each individual button launch of the form can have code that follows and updates the given control the pop button was placed beside.

Event for back button after AT LINE SELECTION in ABAP list report?

I have a list report that uses the event block AT LINE SELECTION (and HIDE).
WRITE: 'Testline'.
* and some more things
When I double click on a line in the main list, AT LINE SELECTION is processed, and the main list is replaced with a list that consists of the text 'Testline'.
When I klick on the green back button, the main list is shown again.
Everything works as espected.
Now to my question:
Is there some way how the report can be notified when the user clicks on the green back button to go from the detail list to the main list?
The obvious solution AT USER-COMMAND is not called.
This is the event where I want to SUBMIT the same report again to update the list.
(I know I could do this with an ALV report, but is this possible with a simple list report?)
When you check the documentation you will find the following information:
The function codes PICK and PF## ("##" stands for 01 to 24) do not cause the event AT USER-COMMAND, but the events AT LINE-SELECTION and AT PF##.
All function codes that start with the character "%" are interpreted as system functions and do not cause the event AT USER-COMMAND. The system functions for lists are listed in the following table 1.
The function codes in the following table 2, likewise, do not cause the event AT USER-COMMAND, but are handled by the list processor.
table 2 includes BACK (that's the default code for the green arrow).
What you can do: Write your own status.
REPORT ytest.
SET PF-STATUS 'LIST'. "<--- here
WRITE: / 'Hello World'.
WRITE: 'Testline'.
* and some more things
CASE sy-ucomm.
Now you can define your own status:
Don't forget to define PICK - or the double click will not work.
Define your own back-function.

Use command button to open selected record on a form without filtering?

I have a continuous form which displays a small amount of data from each record in my table ProjectT (i.e. project name, status) and a command button in the footer which I would like to open the selected record in its expanded single form (where all of the relevant info is displayed).
At first I set this button up using Access's wizard, but realized that Access opens a selected record by filtering the data on the form. The problem with this is that once the expanded form is opened, I want a user to be able to move to other records without having to select to unfilter the results. If I change the button on my continuous form to simply open the expanded single form, is there code I can run to make the form open to the selected record without putting a filter on?
Initially I thought to set the expanded form's (named ProjectF) default value to Forms!ProjectListF!ProjectID (where ProjectListF is the continuous form and ProjectID is the autonumber primary key for ProjectT), but this was not successful, I think because there is more than one ProjectID displayed on ProjectListF.
Another thing to consider is that I have another button on my Main Menu form which opens the ProjectF form in data entry mode to prevent the user inadvertently changing/deleting an existing record when they are trying to add a new one; I have no idea if this might be important when trying to find a solution to my issue.
I'm open to any suggestion--I have an okay handle on SQL, and have delved into a little VBA but am completely self taught. Any ideas? Thanks!
You can open the detailed form with this command:
DoCmd.OpenForm "ProjectF", , , "[ProjectID] = " & Me!ProjectID.Value & ""

Select next record on datasheet subform from separate form?

I have 2 forms. 1 subform.
The main form, MainFormF, has a subform which is hooked up to a query that takes data from a table and outputs it into a datasheet. Lets call this subform MainSubformF.
The 2nd form is loaded from a button on MainFormF. It has 2 buttons, previous and next. How do I attach these buttons to switch the next/previous record HIGHLIGHTED in the datasheet subform?
As you can see, that is what it looks like highlighted. It turns blue, if you didn't know.
The code I currently use but doesn't switch the selected records at all is this:
Private Sub Command65_Click()
On Error GoTo new_Err
Forms!MainformF!MainSubformF.SetFocus 'sets the focus to MainSubformF
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
End Sub
For the button to open up the More Info form, it takes information from a text box (lets name it InfoTxt) with this as it's control source:
I am thinking I can do something with that variable, like add +1 to it so when the button is clicked it adds +1 to the ProjectID? I don't think that will work now that I am typing this out, but I'll keep this here in case I am right... though I am thinking further into it and ProjectID's aren't always +1, as in case a record was deleted it may go 1,2,3,5,6 and if you get to 3 then click next it'll do nothing as it'll go to 4 not 5.
I simply don't have time to write out a complete answer, but Dev Ashish is a well-respected developer in the Access community and he devised a way to determine which records have been selected. My guess is you'll need to bookmark them somehow. Start with this Sub that Dev wrote:
Determine selected records in datasheet view