Send multiple values for one form param in clj-http? - api

(defn do-request [url query-map]
"Executes HTTP client"
(client/post url {:form-params query-map}))
(do-request "" {:a [val1 val2 val3]})
I need to send multiple values for a single key. The API docs state that I need to pass them like but when I pass that through clj-http as above it only does
(For more detail, I'm using Authorize.Net's version 3.1 CSV-based API and trying to add x_line_item which is defined to work as above.)

Actually #dAni was correct. Passing a vector as above works correctly. The debugging endpoint output from Authorize.Net only shows the last entry, but if you set the client email to one you control you will see the line items you send listed.


How do I get the documentID in Business Objects Restful API?

I'm trying to figure out how to download a PDF from the BOE restful API.
I've been following the answer from ƘɌỈSƬƠƑ here:
SAP BI Open Doc URL for retrieving pdf
I was able to accomplish step 1 (getting the token).
But on the second step, it mentions using the documentID.
On the front end of BOE, if I click on the report, and choose Properties, it shows me that the "ID/CUID" is:
ID, CUID:746001, AdgNq_GsaqhOqnzc4gRN_Jg
Does that mean the "DocumentID" is 746001?
I'm not sure if I'm using the correct ID, because when I hit:
I get:
<message>Rule not respected (Argument 'reportIds' must not be null)</message>
You don't need to obtain prompt information (/parameters endpoint).
I think you are using the correct ID since the error is on the report. You obtain a 404 Not Found response status, if the document does not exist.
After a successful login, simply call /biprws/raylight/v1/documents/5690743 and add to your request an header with name Accept and value application/pdf. Of course the X-SAP-LogonToken should also be provided.
It will export the whole document. If you only need a specific report, you need to retrieve its ID first. Call the URI /biprws/raylight/v1/documents/5690743/reports with Accept header equals to application/json.
Choose one of the report, and get its ID (for example, in my case reportID equals 1234). Then you can export the report as a PDF by calling the URI: /biprws/raylight/v1/documents/5690743/reports/1234 with Accept header equals to application/pdf.

Include request parameters in URL when using Postman

I need to fire some requests using Postman but I need to include the parameter in the URL.
What I need:
What I currently can configure in Postman:
I do not control the server, so I need to work it out how to craft the request in Postman to accept the input data as part of the URL, not as parameter. How can I specify input data in Postman to get it included in URL?
Click on Manage Environment
Add variable as path with Initial and current value as RanDOMid
Add path to URL:
#User7294900's answer should do for you in case all you want to do is include a variable in your request URL.
However, if you want to actually generate a random ID for every request, you may use {{$guid}} or {{$randomInt}} directly in you URL as follows:
This will generate a random GUID every time your request is fired and the generated GUID will replace {{$guid}} in your URL.
This will generate a random integer between 0 and 1000 every time your request is fired and the generated integer will replace {{$randomInt}} in your URL.
Refer postman documentation for more details -
Hope this helps!

Use URL as an API method for Slackbot in Express js

I am still new to javascript and trying to write a Slackbot in express js. I want to use the method defined in How should this look syntacticly and how do I use it since the method is simply a URL?
You need to make an http request for the URL and you'll be returned a response with an object containing the status (ok:true|false), if there are more messages (has_more:true|false), and then an array of the actual messages (messages:array).
The response should look something like this:
The url that you make the get request to should look something like:
Where BOT_TOKEN is the token attached to the bot you created, and CHANNEL_ID is the ID (not the name) of the channel whos history you want to get (9 uppercase alphanumeric characters, starts with a "C").
There are also a few other parameters you can include in the url. For example, "latest=", "oldest=", "inclusive=", "count=", and "unreads=". Details about those parameters can be found on the page you linked to (
If you want to test it out in your browser's console, find a page where jQuery is loaded, open your dev tools and head into the console, and enter the following (with your bot token and channel id swapped in):
$.get('', function(response){console.log(response)});

WSO2 api manager always expect query parameter issue in case query and path parameter?

Does anyone know how to use WSO2 api manager to specify all query parameters as optional through URL pattern specification in WSO2 API Manager UI(Paath Params also present in the same URI)? for example, I have a API which will be registered in WSO2 api manager , and its uri is 'search//?type="xx"&status="yy"', currently both of these 2 query parameters (type & status) are optional and is pathparam.
I specified URL Pattern "search/{stationcode}*". Now I am calling with path param only, it gives Error "No matching resource found in the API for the given request".
I call "search/TAMK", it is not working. But if I use "search/TAMK?" or "search/TAMK*" or "search/TAMK*", it works just fine.
I tried to use "search/{stationcode}/*", but still it did not solve the issue. It is always expecting one character for queryparam. Can any one please help me to solve this. Without query parameter it should work, right?
I would suggest you to use the new API Manager (1.9) and try the following.
Create an API with the backend URL of
when you define the URL patterns you can define the following pattern
and you can add 'type' and 'status' as optional parameters in the design view of the API creation page. You can choose the parameter type as 'query' and Required as 'False'

Astrid request returning empty

I'm trying to use the API, specifically to get data using the method under the "Request Format" section on this page -
The URL I built is:[MY APP ID]&time=1&user_id=[MY USER ID]&sig=[MY REQUEST SIGNATURE]
And it returns this:
Seems like it worked, but does anyone know why the "list" array might be returning empty? I've created a bunch of tasks in my profile so it should be showing those.
You need to sign in first with the method user_signin. If successful you get a token.
Then you need to call the task_list method providing the token.
You do not need to provide a user id with the task_list method. It is only used to select tasks that you share with this user.
Example for signing in:
Example for getting your tasks: