Bamboo CLI: How do you add/clone a job? - bamboo

I've been using the bamboo cli to try and automate the create of new build projects/plans. However I've run into a snag that while you can clone projects/plans and add tasks to jobs, there seems to be no way to create/clone jobs.
Any ideas on how to do this?

You have to go to Plan Configuration on the left side menu and then select the tab Stages. There you can create a job.


What is the best practice to run 2 pipelines on Gitlab

What is the best practice to run 2 pipelines on the same project?
build jars jobs and run tests jobs
should be run each merge request.
build jars jobs and run e2e tests jobs
should be run every day.
Can I create 2 pipelines on the same project?
where one scheduled and second on each merge request and part of build jobs are common for both pipelines, but tests jobs are different.
Each "stage" in the .gitlab-ci.yml file is considered a pipeline, so this should just be a matter of adding the correct scripting for each stage.
On pipeline_2, you could set it to a pipeline schedule and make it dependent on the success of pipeline_1. That's what I would do.

Call script after gitlab ci

I have started to work with gitlab ci and I am still new to CI in general. I currently want to call a script after a successful test build of my master branch. This script will notify my server to do a pull, build and restart.
I can not use kubernetes or docker, as the project lead doesn't want to use them.
I can do the scipt and such, but the gitlab ci config documentation is confusing and I cant seem to find an option on how to call the script after it finished.
Stupid of me asking. Its as simple as defining a new stage after the last stage and call the script there.
If you want to do a simple task at the end of a pipeline, try the after_script directive. There is also a before_script counterpart.
Docs at:

Is it possible correctly deploy ear to Websphere from Intellij Idea and save old bindings?

I have foo.ear that can be deployed or updated to WAS 7 without problems. foo.ear have some ext resources and group settings that i need merge when deploy to WAS and through console all works perfctly but take lage amount of time to go through all process. So I prefer automatic deploy from Intellij IDEA (2018) but when IDEA do deployment it drop all current bindings (ext resources and group settings) and i not found any option to mearge or at last save current bindings of app. So my question is could this be done from IDEA or at last from some script(e.g. maven)?
I believe that the thing is you're looking for is -bindear option.
You can manually provide build post/pre processing steps with IDEA
So you can try to invoke this with the ant task where you exec ejbDeploy command from that ant task with that option.
More about the task you can found in the documentation:

In GitlabCI - How can we trigger a build/pipeline if a specific build/pipeline is completed successfully?

We are using GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.8.7-ee 075705a and trying to use Gitlab CI.
Here is my scenario:-
I've two repositories repo1 and repo2 and I'm setting up two pipelines pipeline1 and pipeline2.
Now I'm looking for an option where I can configure pipeline2 to trigger a build if pipeline1 build is successful. One more thing, I need to get the version number of the pipeline1 in pipeline2
Note:- I know we can trigger pipeline2 from pipeline1 but I need other way around.
Please suggest.
A couple of options.
Use the gitlab api to do this (triggers).
Use webhooks to do this.
gitlab webhooks docs
gitlab triggers docs
with this. you can get any data / meta data for your stack.
and can automagically call it/set it on any condition.
This can also be done if your stack is using aws (CLI) and (or) Jenkins
Some sections that may interest you in gitlab triggers docs
When used with multi-project Pipelines
When a pipeline depends on the artifacts of another Pipeline
Triggering a pipeline from a webhook
Using cron to trigger nightly (or pretty much *ly) pipelines

Bamboo Jobs kick off from Rundeck and Execute Bamboo jobs from command Prompt

Have the following requirments.
Execute a Bamboo Job from RunDeck. ( I found plugins to execute Rundeck job from Bamboo, need to vice versa)
Call the jobs created in Bamboo by Command Prompt ( Thinking to execute the jobs using command prompt in Rundeck)
Please suggest any alternatives for the above task. Utilmate goal is to get the bamboo jobs kick off from Rundeck.
I would suggest using the REST API provided by Atlassian. Documentation can be found here and, more specific to your use case, here.
After you've got the correct API call(s) to trigger your Bamboo job, just add that as a curl step to the bottom of your rundeck job and it should do what you need.
FWIW - I've done this for Jenkins & Rundeck, but never in bamboo, but the solution should be the same since they're very similar products.