I am unsuccessfully trying to add arrows above and below the thumbnail & text list controls on the right side.
There is not an example for this in the full pack.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Reference: http://www.jssor.com/development/slider-with-arrow-navigator-jquery.html
Please leave me a comment if there is still problem.
Please see the attached photo. I´m trying to configs my IntelliJ to align the code line to the most left side. Could you please help ?
The solution was like this:
View --> Appearance --> Exit Distraction Free Mode
The hint was from #y.bedrov
How can I remove the blue underline?
ATM you cannot.
It was introduced to make currently active tab more visible in Darcula GUI Theme (IDEA-131683, IDEA-103206) where tab backgrounds are too similar. Check comments there (mainly first ticket).
So far the best match would be https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-168708 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
In meantime please try Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin -- it may provide such functionality (was created by one of the users before this new tab highlighting functionality was introduced) -- it's customizable so may not have such underline at all.
Your image link is broken.
Please, try to follow this path step by step:
File/Settings/Editor/Color Scheme/General
This General screen can remove with checkbox disable all underline
Also, you can look this image.
I hope have been helping you.
I want to use code snippets in VSCode. But when I type, for example, for in javascript file, the Intellisense doesn't suggest snippet "for-loop" - I need to manually scroll the dropdown and select it. Is there any way to make VSCode to suggest snippets at first? Thank you!
UPD: I have found the person with same problem, but he has no answers - link
You need to use editor.snippetSuggestions config option with "top" value. Please, see Customizing IntelliSense article for more tips and tricks.
There is one more way to deal with this issue by setting
"editor.tabCompletion": true,
that way whenever there is a snnipet available it will use it automatically without even opening the list by using tab twice.
File > Preferences > Settings (Code > Preferences > Settings on Mac)
open "Editor" menu on the left
edit "editor.tabCompletion": true
more info: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/intellisense#_customizing-intellisense
Now that VS Code mostly abstracted away the settings.json file, you can do the instructions shown by Kavu, with this bonus tip:
go to Preferences > Settings
find the Search settings text input, at the top
type in "snippet"
The setting should be at the top of the result set:
Setting editor.snippetSuggestions to top only works for certain snippets: for but not foreach. With top, the snippet does appear higher in the completion list, but for some reason the keyword version is what is highlighted, with the snippet option scrolled out of view (and the scrollbar quickly fades, giving the impression there's nothing hidden)
The editor.tabCompletion to true approach works for both for and foreach.
I want the output to show to the right of the code, not bellow it. I can change the view to two columns but I can't change the position of the output panel. For example:
Is it possible to change the position of the output panel to be to the right of the code, not below it?
There is a solution, which exists for years already, but does not seem to be widely used. It's the package buildview: it puts the build output in any other view, i.e. acts as a normal tab.
(perfectly works with sublime 3)
It seems this feature has been requested: http://sublimetext.userecho.com/topic/23694-ability-to-show-console-output-side-by-side-with-code/. So the answer would be no, there's no way to currently do this, and there doesn't seem to be mention of it in the changelog thus far for SublimeText3.
This is how I sit with a little problem that I can not take it away as has the red arrow and can not be right in the green arrow, how do I do it?, Hope you can help me further
I want the RED AWAY!
and the Greens I would be right, for example write something else or look like;)
You can see it here
The red arrow is a module called "blockreinsurance". You can override this content by creating a template to the right folder :
The green arrow is a mix of the footer and other modules, the easiest way to find out is to look at the source code, most of them have a comment before the block saying which module it is.