Setting BoM type to set/phantom in odoo 8 - odoo

I would like to invoice BoM products and from what I've seen this is really easy in odoo 7.0 , where you can set BoM type to phantom/set. However, in the newest version (8.0 for windows) there are only two types of BoM : normal and set. Neither suits my needs. Do I need to activate something to get phantom functionality or was it deprecated in version 8.0?

I researched that bundle option is unavailable in odoo 8.0, but you can create invoices for set components after ticking "invoice based on delivery" during a quotation creation.

In order to use the BoM feature just add the manufacturing module ( Settings > Module > Local Modules, hit install - wait and and create group product by entering into the manufacturing module.


Customer VAT ID / Number property

I found some resources online indicating that ORO has/had VAT ID / Number property on the Customer. Searching through the codebase I couldn't find any traces of VAT ID / Number. Is this still a case in the latest 4.* version? Also, does the Customer has properties such Company Registration Number?
As last one, what would be the best approach of extending the Customer entity and adding this fields?
The vat ID field is available in the german version of OroCommerce application:
For existing OroCommerce instances you can install this bundle
that provides an integration with wirecard, infinitepay and dpd.
The vat Id field is available there, but it is implemented as a part of infinitepay integration You can install it separately as well.
If you are not using infinitepay, to add a vat id field, you can copy the code from there to your customization,

How can I change invoice sequence in Odoo 10?

I want to change this format generated by default in odoo , with a custom format from this:
to this :
How I can do it?
activate the developer mode
Go to Settings > Technical > External Identifiers > Sequences
Search for the Customer Invoices and open the record
Change the prefix to ING-ENR-%(year)s-%(month)s (see image)
hope this helps!

Cannot validate a non-balanced entry error on validate supplier invoice OpenERP 7

I have faced the warning pop on validate the supplier invoice with OpenERP 7
1 - select supplier invoice and select supplier
2 - Add Product in invoice line
3 - select Other Info Tab and Add Payment Terms
4 - Validate the invoice
When trying to validate an invoice the application issues an error below OpenERP Warning :
"You cannot validate a non-balanced entry.
Make sure you have configured payment terms properly.
The latest payment term line should be of the "Balance" type."
Warning message raise only when there are debit and credit balance will not be matched.
I am also follwing the below article
Our customer using the old base addons for accouting related module in OpenERP V7
Also apply so many other patch on my existing addons for openerp V7
but not finding any solution relavent with this issue
Any one have idea what are the stapes need to stop my warning popup . or Is there any preconfiguration needed to solve my issue

Odoo 10: How to create project tasks from sale orders?

I have set my odoo system according to the "User Doc" of How to create tasks from sales orders? and want to generate project tasks automating when a sale order containing "Service" type product was created.
However, it wasn't working even after I have tried severals times.
I didn't find the the "Track Service" item when I set up a "Service" product.
screen shot
Is this the reason which odoo system can't generate task automating? Or there some thing else cause the issue?
Anyone can give me some advice?
this answer will help to do your task in odoo version 10.
In order to get the track the **Create Tasks From Sales Orders** you follow the following steps.
Step : 1 Install the required applications / Configuration
Install the 3 following app
1. Sales Management
2. Project management
3. Time-sheet management
Step : 2 Create and set up a product
Note :
Now in case to of the service product unit of the measurement is used in hours. to configure that go to
Go to Configuration -> Settings -> Unit of measures -> check the
Some products may be sold/purchased in different unit of measures
(advanced) radio button)
Now , create the product with following details
To create the product Go to the Sales -> Product -> Create
- Name: Service Contract
- Product Type: Service
- Unit of Measure: Hours
as this all are the general setup shown on Image below
Next configure Track Service:
You will found this under Sales -> Sales -> Product -> Invoice ->
Select Create a task and track hours.
Note :
Link your task to an existing project or create a new one on the fly if the product is specific to one project. Otherwise, you can
leave it blank, odoo will then create a project per SO.
as your product is a service invocable by hours you have to set the units of measures of the product to hours as well.
Step : 3 Create the Sales Order
Once the product is set up, you can create a quotation or a sale order
with the related product. Once the quotation is confirmed and
transformed into a sale order, the task will be created.
Step : 4 Access the task generated from the sale order
On the Project module, your new task will appear :
either on a related project if you have selected one in the product form
either on a new project with the name of related the sale order as title
(you can easily change the name of the project by clicking on More ->
as shown in below image.
The doc screenshot of the product form seems just wrong for Odoo 10. The track service option should be found in the page "Accounting" of a product. Maybe the module sale_timesheet has to be installed before.
If the system configuration is not working, then try creating tasks as follows manually in your code by inheriting sale.order model
Iterate over your order_line one2many field of sale.order and check any products are of type service, if the condition is satisfied then invoke the create function of the model project.task and pass the field(of project.task model) values as arguments

zmi: duplicates in add products list

I have an old-style product with several classes. In the class, I have defined the meta_type and I have also registered them in, i.e.:
def initialize(context):
permission = "Add ClassA",
constructors = (ClassA.manage_addClassA,
icon = 'www/images/ClassA.gif'
This worked fine until I updated my Zope from 2.9 to 2.13. Now in the zmi, in the "Add Products" dropdown list, these meta_types are shown two times each.
I tried to track the source of this error:, filtered_meta_types, all_meta_types
getattr(Products, 'meta_types', ())
Now I don't know where to look next :)
It's only a nuisance, it does not cause any problems in the functionality of the product. Maybe I should update it to a new-style zope product, but I'm curious where this error comes from.
You need to remove your <five:registerPackage /> registration from the configure.zcml file, because your legacy package is using the Products. namespace.
The Products. namespace has always been auto-loaded; the initialize(context) function is implicitly being loaded for that namespace since before it was an official namespace.
When Zope started to support packages outside of the Products. namespace, however, the decision was made (wisely) to make registration explicit instead, and the <five:registerPackage /> was introduced to let you use the old registration hook if you still needed it.
In your case, however, that means your initialize() function is being called twice; once because it is a Products. package, and once because you explicitly registered it.