How can I change invoice sequence in Odoo 10? - odoo

I want to change this format generated by default in odoo , with a custom format from this:
to this :
How I can do it?

activate the developer mode
Go to Settings > Technical > External Identifiers > Sequences
Search for the Customer Invoices and open the record
Change the prefix to ING-ENR-%(year)s-%(month)s (see image)
hope this helps!


How to find an internal identifier for an Odoo database?

In Python, I want to pass a unique identifier for an Odoo database to a third-party application so that I can identify which DB the request has come from.
Where can I find a unique identifier?
You can use Odoo standard context variable.
For example:
The Unique ID of your database can be found like this:
Or with the following SQL query: select value from ir_config_parameter where key = 'database.uuid'
Or in the UI : in App Settings :
Switch to debug mode by adding "?debug=1" in your url, reload the page: Then go to the last item in the top menu bar: Technical
in the dropdown menu > System settings ... And in the displayed table, look for database.uuid

Prestashop Edit Registration Form

I use prestashop e-commerce system.
I need to get a phone number from the customer.
Phone field looks optional. I want to make it mandatory.
How can i do that?
enter image description here
You can set that field as mandatory in the BO > Customers > Addresses.

How to change display name of admin side menu of nopcommerce

Screenshot of the issue:
I want to change the display name.
What I did so far:
Added this line to sidemap.config
<siteMapNode SystemName="Customer reports" nopResource="Admin.Reports.Customers" PermissionNames="ManageCustomers" controller="Report" action="Customers" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />
Added this line to defaultResources.nopres.xml
<LocaleResource Name="Admin.Reports.Rewords">
<Value>Reword Reports</Value>
I was reading this blog :
But it does not work! :(
I'm use NopCommerce 4.1
Default resources are added to the database on nopCommerce installation, thus if you're trying to add any entry programmatically, you would need to add that record to the DB too. To check if required resource is available or not:
Goto admin > configuration > Languages > English(default) > Edit > String resources tab
And try to search with Resource name Admin.Reports.Rewords, you would be found that record is not present, now add it manually by Add new button, and check it admin menu.
Hope this helps!

Setting BoM type to set/phantom in odoo 8

I would like to invoice BoM products and from what I've seen this is really easy in odoo 7.0 , where you can set BoM type to phantom/set. However, in the newest version (8.0 for windows) there are only two types of BoM : normal and set. Neither suits my needs. Do I need to activate something to get phantom functionality or was it deprecated in version 8.0?
I researched that bundle option is unavailable in odoo 8.0, but you can create invoices for set components after ticking "invoice based on delivery" during a quotation creation.
In order to use the BoM feature just add the manufacturing module ( Settings > Module > Local Modules, hit install - wait and and create group product by entering into the manufacturing module.

prestashop mail customisation, and module translation

i have two question
1 - i installed referral program module , and i would like to customise the referralprogram-invitation.html mail template
so i putted the new template under : prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/mails/referralprogram-invitation.html
but i doesn't work !
2 - i would like to add some extra text to the program page of referral program module
so i copied the file already included with the module under
prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/translations/fr.php and I added the new text translation in this form
$_MODULE['<{referralprogram}prestashop>program_MD5'] = 'new text';
and it does not work?!!
You only forgot the language folder. Your mail templates must not be in :
but in
If you want to add text to the program page, you must:
First, make a copy of the file : prestashop_root/modules/referralprogram/views/templates/front/program.tpl to prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/views/templates/front/program.tpl
Then, you need to modify this file and add the text you want, where you want. To be translatable, your text must be added like this {l s='new text' mod='referralprogram'}.
Finally, you need to translate this text via the Localization > Traductions page of your BO and not directly in the fr.php file.
Do not hesitate if you need more information,