How does Fiddler work with HTTPS - ssl

I made HTTP proxy server. But the problem that I can't decrypt SSL traffic.
I found that Fiddler install Trust Root Certificate. I did the same and now I don't have error that certificate untrusted but I got other error: wrong Common Name (CN). How fiddler change the CN of installed trusted certificate?
Will appreciate any answer.

Fiddler acts as an SSL termination proxy.
I.e. the connection goes like this:
Browser ---(SSL handshake)---> Fiddler --- (SSL handshake) ---> Actual Site
So your connection is first time encrypted and sent to Fiddler, where it is first decrypted by Fiddler and then again encrypted to be sent to the actual site that you access.
Additionally when you access a site Fiddler automatically generates a server certificate with a CN that is equal to the host name of the site and this certificate is signed by the CA of fiddler That's why Fiddler needs to install a set of trusted CAs in your browser so that the first SSL handshake can be made against a trusted authority.


Self signed cert in chain from only some servers

I have multiple Intel NUCs out in the field that I use for displaying digital signage. Out of the thousands I have in the field, a couple complain with this error:
SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain. More details here:, curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle" of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file using the --cacert option. If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might not match the domain name in the URL). If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use the -k (or --insecure) option.
I've confirmed that the cert is not expired, and the domain name matches
These units are running on Debian 7
Could the network they are on cause this issue with some sort of firewall setting?
When you visit the website what certificate is shown in the web browser? In your curl bundle is that the same certificate which is supposed to be used for SSL encryption? I'd guess no. CA will sign your cert.pem so that web browsers will show your green lock thereby authenticating your website. You most likely have an issue on the back end with the configuration of your curl bundle. You need to make sure that your server is using the CA cert not a self signed certificate like ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem for example.
Essentially your website should be using a static IPv4 address. As far as a network firewall stopping an SSL handshake from happening that may be possible, I have seen it happen on specific ports for example port 22 for ssh connections may be blocked at the network gateway for inbound traffic on a client side computer attempting a connection to a server. The SYN/ACK TCP handshake may time out in that type of network fire wall situation. However since you are getting an explicit response from your server about a self signed cert a firewall issue does not seem to be the problem.

Secure Nifi with SSL

I secure successfully a Nifi Node (localhost) with SSL but I have always a yellow padlock in my browser as you can see in the pic here
Do you have any idea?
If you used an untrusted certificate then this is expected behavior. You would have to purchase a real certificate for a real domain name in order for the browser to not warn you.
I see the description below:
Standalone : generates the certificate authority, keystores, truststores, and files in one command
Client/Server mode : uses a Certificate Authority Server that accepts Certificate Signing Requests from clients, signs them, and sends the resulting certificates back. Both client and server validate the other’s identity through a shared secret.
Standalone and client, both generate the certificate authority, keystores, truststores.
Sorry, I don't see the difference.

Self-signed certificates and HTTPS Error

I'm creating a Certificate Authority with openssl, and signing my server & client certificate with it (they both are the same).
Installing CA as a Trusted Root CA and Intermediate CA, server certificate - as a Personal one.
Adding server certificate in IIS6, adding bindings - and getting the right https connection via browser on server side.
But on the client side -
Installing CA as a Trusted Root CA and Intermediate CA, client certificate as Personal, server certificate as External.
Checking all the certificates - they are in a working state, CA is connected to client, everything looks normal.
Trying to get via Chrome - I'm getting the connection, but it is unsecured (can't connect to https). (But I still can connect Chrome, and use all the requests in Google Rest Client.)
What am I doing wrong here?
SOLVED. Had the same serial_number for both client and server certificates
SOLVED. Had the same serial_number for both client and server certificates

Invalid SSL certificate in Apache

I have installed an SSL certificate on my Apache server, but when I access the site via URL from a different machine, an HTTPS error is shown and viewing the certificate details says "this certificate has an invalid digital signature"
If I view the same URL from within the server itself, the certificate is fine and there is no HTTPS error.
I'm not sure what to look for in httpd.conf. Any advice?
You could use SSL Labs to find any SSL misconfigurations:
There you can also see if your certificate is correct and trusted.

why SSL certificate is needed after SSL handshake in same session?

My question is totally based on Https connections.
Scenario is as :
Suppose I m connecting to and after accepting SSL Certificate, I login to the same site and a session gets eshtablished. Then I delete certificate from the Browser and try to browse the same site further and then my browser asks for Acceptance of the certificate for same site. Why so?
As far as I know After SSL handshake when a Secret Key gets generated that key is used for all encryption for that session. I don't think there is any need of Certificate after establishing session with the server. So why my browser is asking for the certificate in between the established session.