MapKit how to get the Bezier path of a State - xcode6

When i look at apple's Map, I can see the different bezier path of a specific place. I would like to know how to extact that information directly from the map. So let's say the user selects New York, I would like to highlight NEW York's Bezier path directly on the map. can this be done?

You will need an alternative form of data that ideally is very close to or exactly the same as the border being drawn by MapKit. You aren't going to get this from Apple.
Take a look at this blog post, where I accomplish the same thing with an open source framework (Mapbox GL) on the web:
The ability to highlight areas like this should work in the iOS version of the toolkit as well ( though you will not be able to do the interactivity directly in that framework.


Cytoscape.js extension for more flexible coloring of edges

I'm using cytoscape.js to draw a graph. I'd like to do some fancier coloring of my edges similar to this:
I can't find any existing extensions for this, and the docs are pretty unclear on how I might write one to do something like this. I could probably hack this particular dashed style with two edges and some dash config-ing, but...thats hacky. Is there a way to do this correctly, or am I SOL?
Visual style features need visual style properties and renderer support. Extensions are usually for layouts or interactive widgets (e.g. tooltips).
If you want particular style properties, you should define them in a feature request in the issue tracker. PRs are always welcome, but it’s good to define the feature well first so we can discuss and iterate on the API design beforehand.
There’s a lot going on in the picture, but maybe you mean something along the lines of a line-dash-background-color property? It’s also not clear to me what the usecase is for having the alternating colours. In any case, start by defining the property or properties in a Github issue and we’ll go from there.

How to create a bitmap cropping control in WinJS

I want to create controls that lets the user decide crop area of a bitmap, in the common way, having four corners on the image. I saw that there is a sample C# app in the Microsoft site for this -
But I cannot figure out how to do this strictly WinJS. Do I need to create custom controls - if so how? Any sample code will help a great deal.
I have an example in my codeSHOW project. It's the demo called Rx Crop. It uses Reactive Extensions (which are awesome by the way), but if you didn't want that dependency you could probably just use the example to figure out how to do it without.
BTW, the codeSHOW project has a bug and a usability issue currently. I have an update in certification. For now, just make sure you select the Rx Crop demo on the home screen and then click See the Code. If you hit See the Code with no demo selected it will crash.
Do me a favor and rate the app. Thanks.

Very confused by a binding issue between a Cocoa app and a Movie Loader patch in Quartz Composer

I've been programming for a while, but just recently decided to start developing for Mac OS X. I feel like I've come to grips with the basics of Objective-C and Cocoa development over the past week. I'm planning on making graphics apps, and as such am currently in the process of learning how to control Quartz compositions through a Cocoa app. I went through the tutorial that apple offers (with the Mac Engravings composition), and was able to create that just fine. In order to make sure that I truly understood what I learned, I decided to create my own composition and link it to a slightly more complicated Cocoa application.
Essentially, I have a composition that loads a movie or image through a Movie Loader patch, at which point it applies various filters to the frames before outputting it. In my Cocoa app, I've written code (or rather copied and pasted from other apple examples) that lets a user pick a file using an NSOpenPanel object. The filepath of the file they pick gets placed in a text-box that I placed in the app's window using Interface Builder. I binded the value of said text-box to the "Movie_Location" key in my composition, which is a published input in the Movie Loader patch that I'm using. However, no matter what I do, movies and images aren't loaded into this composition no matter what I try. The only thing that gets displayed is the default image that I have saved in that input from Quartz Composer (or nothing if I leave it blank before publishing).
I've added a Clear Color patch to the composition and binded that to a colorwell in my UI, and that successfully changes the color in my display, so I know that the composition and my Cocoa app are communicating. I've spent numerous hours at this point trying to figure out what's going on, and I've just about given up. Does the Movie Loader have any weird behaviors that I'm not aware of, or is there something obvious that I seem to be missing? I'd really appreciate any help or advice from anybody.
Thanks for reading through this...
There are two things I can think of as reasons why it is doing this:
The file path isn't formatted incorrectly. Try checking backslashes, colons, etc.
The box isn't updating the value. Try literally clicking in the text field and hitting enter.
That's all I can think of without seeing your quartz composition and/or code.
Check the other continuous box, in the general properties.
I figured this out yesterday. spudwaffle's second idea is what was going on. If I were to type a filepath in and hit enter, it would work just fine. I got this to work properly by just removing the bind and instead using the setValue:keyInPath: function that a patch controller offers. That said, is there some way to force a text-box to update? I remember seeing a "continuously update" or something like that button within the bind sub-menu in the inspector, but my code didn't work with that checked either.
Thanks to those of you that tried to help me! I really appreciate it.

3D animation programatically rendered in Blender

I have a project in which I would like to programatically create and render a 3d animation based upon input. I originally asked here on stackoverflow if Blender was right for the job, and the response was yes, but upon looking at the API, it says this:
Python was embedded in Blender, so to access BPython modules you need to run scripts from the program itself: you can't import the Blender module into an external Python interpreter.
I want to be able to create and render this scene without having to ever open another program like Blender. Is this possible, and is Blender still the right choice?
Thanks in advance!
At work me and colleague worked on a project that rendered 3d scenes altered externally. We used Python to modify/create scenes, and did the rending on server through the command line interface (no GUI).
You can pass a python script as an argument to Blender in the command line options to
generate your scene objects and do the rendering.
I don't see how you can render in Blender without using Blender.
You can use Blender if you want, obviously this is not your only option.
If you need to
create and render a 3d animation based upon input.
You can go as simple or as you complex as you'd like.
You can use OpenGL in your language of choice (C++, Java, Python, etc.)
and display the animation (with or without fancy renderings).
It's up to what 'render' means to your context.
If you need some nice shading(light, soft shadows, reflections, etc. - ray tracers basically), you can still show an interactive preview to your users and generate the scene
for a 3rd party renderer(like Yafaray, Sunflow, LuxRender, etc. - I've put together a short list of free renders), and show the progress to the users after they've chosen the external render option.
On a similar note, have a look at joons.
Cart by Suomi - Yafaray Gallery image
Julia quaternion fractal - Sunflow Gallery image
Klein Bottle - LuxRender Gallery image

Displaying image on Scroll View

I am developing an iPhone application where i want to display three image in each row on scroll view where i need to click action on each image like Photo album in iPhone. I am not getting any sample code.
Hoping for help
There's plenty of sample code out there, I found this after only basic googling. You want to search for "UIImageView Iphone". It's also worth mentioning that Apple's very own Developer Center is extremely well written, and will teach you everything you need to know about iPhone programming.
Generally it is frowned down upon to say to look more or read documentation, but you really haven't looked at all. Especially because of Apple's own resource that tells you how to do almost anything, especially something like this. It's not something you can pick up and bits and pieces of and expect to be successful with, it really should be learned starting from the beginning and moving forward. This is especially true if you've never programmed before or are unfamiliar with C/Objective-C.
Three20 has a photo browser that is open source and works similarly to the iPhone's photo browser with some nice code examples. The images come from an image source object that can relate them to images in your apps bundle or images on the web. Looks like its Google group is here. I think that to use images in your bundle you use a URL formed like: bundle://image-name.png and not the typical use of the main bundle to get a path to resource.