3D animation programatically rendered in Blender - rendering

I have a project in which I would like to programatically create and render a 3d animation based upon input. I originally asked here on stackoverflow if Blender was right for the job, and the response was yes, but upon looking at the API, it says this:
Python was embedded in Blender, so to access BPython modules you need to run scripts from the program itself: you can't import the Blender module into an external Python interpreter.
I want to be able to create and render this scene without having to ever open another program like Blender. Is this possible, and is Blender still the right choice?
Thanks in advance!

At work me and colleague worked on a project that rendered 3d scenes altered externally. We used Python to modify/create scenes, and did the rending on server through the command line interface (no GUI).
You can pass a python script as an argument to Blender in the command line options to
generate your scene objects and do the rendering.
I don't see how you can render in Blender without using Blender.
You can use Blender if you want, obviously this is not your only option.
If you need to
create and render a 3d animation based upon input.
You can go as simple or as you complex as you'd like.
You can use OpenGL in your language of choice (C++, Java, Python, etc.)
and display the animation (with or without fancy renderings).
It's up to what 'render' means to your context.
If you need some nice shading(light, soft shadows, reflections, etc. - ray tracers basically), you can still show an interactive preview to your users and generate the scene
for a 3rd party renderer(like Yafaray, Sunflow, LuxRender, etc. - I've put together a short list of free renders), and show the progress to the users after they've chosen the external render option.
On a similar note, have a look at joons.
Cart by Suomi - Yafaray Gallery image
Julia quaternion fractal - Sunflow Gallery image
Klein Bottle - LuxRender Gallery image


Animation of electrons on a path Adobe Animate CC create JS

I want to create a motion of electrons moving along a wire in create js Adobe animate, have tried some other Js providers but it either too complicated for my needs or a bit costly for a small project.The code I am using is below:
Using a Motion Guide
createjs.Tween.get(target2&target1).to({guide:{ path:[0,0, 0,400,400,400, 600,100,0,0] }},7000);
// Visualizing the line
This works fine for one object but to do many like electrons following a wire path does not seem to work,as it only allows one target on the path. Is there another way I can accomplish this, I am using Adobe animate CC HTML 5
Thanks all for your time

Importing new Animations to a Existing Character from Blender to Unreal Engine

So I'm building a game and I've run into this problem.
I built a character from scratch in Blender with 5 animations.
I successfully exported the .fbx file and implemented it in Unreal engine.
There are no errors and the game works fine, all 5 animations working.
I now need to add more animations to the character. It's here I'm a bit confused.
I built 5 additional animations in Blender saved the .fbx file but when I try to import it to unreal I get a message saying successful reimport, but the new animations don't show up in the unreal engine file browser.
I am trying to avoid having to rebuild the animation blueprint from scratch. Is there any way I can add animation to unreal and use them with the same character.
I've looked up animation retargeting but is doesn't seem to be working in my case. I have not tried everything but i'm looking for solutions online and keep running into dead ends. Can anyone please help or point me to the correct direction i will be greatful.
The entire project was built in blueprints. There is no Custom C++ Code.
When you import the animation fbx files there should be a dialog box asking you which skeleton you want to apply the animation to, in most cases this should be enough for targeting the animation to the specified skeleton. You just want to make sure all of your skeletal meshes are targeting the same skeleton.
To answer my own question, you simply ensure the Root bone in Blender is named something other than "Armature" and export it as .fbx file. Import it in Unreal using your existing Skeletal Mesh.

MapKit how to get the Bezier path of a State

When i look at apple's Map, I can see the different bezier path of a specific place. I would like to know how to extact that information directly from the map. So let's say the user selects New York, I would like to highlight NEW York's Bezier path directly on the map. can this be done?
You will need an alternative form of data that ideally is very close to or exactly the same as the border being drawn by MapKit. You aren't going to get this from Apple.
Take a look at this blog post, where I accomplish the same thing with an open source framework (Mapbox GL) on the web:
The ability to highlight areas like this should work in the iOS version of the toolkit as well (https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-cocoa) though you will not be able to do the interactivity directly in that framework.

How to create a bitmap cropping control in WinJS

I want to create controls that lets the user decide crop area of a bitmap, in the common way, having four corners on the image. I saw that there is a sample C# app in the Microsoft site for this - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/showcase/details.aspx?uuid=bef08d57-fa4d-4d9c-9080-6ee55b8623c0
But I cannot figure out how to do this strictly WinJS. Do I need to create custom controls - if so how? Any sample code will help a great deal.
I have an example in my codeSHOW project. It's the demo called Rx Crop. It uses Reactive Extensions (which are awesome by the way), but if you didn't want that dependency you could probably just use the example to figure out how to do it without.
BTW, the codeSHOW project has a bug and a usability issue currently. I have an update in certification. For now, just make sure you select the Rx Crop demo on the home screen and then click See the Code. If you hit See the Code with no demo selected it will crash.
Do me a favor and rate the app. Thanks.

How can I create an animated .gif from a movie?

How can I create an animated .gif file from a movie I have?
I guess it is pretty simple in objective-C and cocoa, by using the QTKit, to extract images from a movie, now how can I glue them together as an animated gif?
I don't think there's anything built into OS X for creating animated GIFs. Your best bet would be to look at the gifsicle project. You could either call it via command-line, or borrow the code if your license allows it. (it's GPL)
There is a pretty good lib (even if 'old') for this task (and other kinds of image processing): libgd. It appears it is built into Mac OS X or easly installable through MacPorts. Here some doc about animated GIF creation from single images.