Last insert ID with ModX PDO? - pdo

I am trying to get the ID of a last row I've inserted with a php/mysql query:
$createjob = $modx->query($createjob);
$lastId = $modx->lastInsertId();
but this does not seem to be working.
Does any one know the correct way of doing this with ModX PDO?

Try this:
$createJob = $modx->newObject('CreateJob');
$createJob->set( 'value', 1234 );
// try saving
if( $createJob->save() ){
echo $modx->lastInsertId();
Read more here

Try simple sql query which gives the max id for record with specified class.
$q = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
$id = $modx->getValue($q->prepare());


What to use as my default to achieve the correct laravel select where?

Please, i'm writing a function and i need guidance
I want the filename to pull all the filename columns in the database table when file name is not defined, and when it is it should use the value to pull the right data.
My question is, what should i use as default for filename in in the function input to work?
Even if is raw sql i will appreciate
First of all you are missing, your functions name
function getFile($file_name = null){
$q = File::query();
if($file_name == null ){
// Do nothing this will get all files at the end since you haven't applied a where clause.
$q = File::where('filename',$file_name);
$result = $q->get();
return $result;

Customise zf2 join tables to single table to get arrays

Hi I have a working public function that joins 3 tables to get values for 2 arrays. Now the process only has one table (table2) which contains all the colvalues required for the arrays.
I have tried everything I know to customise this so only table2 is used to get the arrays, but I just get blank results.
Can anyone point to me an example of something similar which takes values from a single table to get 2 separate arrays. I inherited this so I do not know what the thinking behind it was.
thank you in advance.
public function get2ColArray($condition)
$sql =new Sql($this->adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
$select->join('table2', "table1.colval2 = table2.colval3", array('colval4'), 'inner');
$select->join('table3', "tabl1.colval1= table3.colval1", array('colval5'), 'left');
foreach ($condition['in'] as $key=>$val) {
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$sql_result = $statement->execute();
if ($sql_result->count() > 0) {
$results = new ResultSet();
$data = $results->initialize($sql_result);
return $data;
Got it, its abit blunt but works, thanks ...

Two separate database queries to relate separate tables with Drupal 7 module?

I am developing a custom module for a site I'm working on and have created the following code. This is my first module, so any ideas of what I could be doing better would be appreciate.
As it is, this module works perfectly for me. But, I want to optimize it and be sure that I fix shoddy code.
The function in question is as follows:
// Declared variables for future incrementation
// Call the native global user object from Drupal
global $user;
$userID = $user->uid;
// Check for nodes of given type owned by current user
$sql = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type = 'content_type' AND uid = " . $userID);
// Iteratively checks each node id against a custom Drupal field on a separate table
foreach ($sql as $record) {
// SQL query for all custom fields attached to the node id given above
$query = db_query("SELECT * FROM {field_birth} WHERE entity_id = " . $record->nid);
$result = $query->fetchObject();
// The unmodified birth format (Y-m-d 00:00:00)
$originalBirth = $result->field_date_of_birth_value;
// The sanitized birth format for comparison (Y-m-d)
$birth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($originalBirth));
// The current date/time (Y-m-d)
$now = date('Y-m-d');
//Future dates (Y-m-d)
$one_year = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 year', strtotime($birth)));
$two_years = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+2 years', strtotime($birth)));
$three_years = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+3 years', strtotime($birth)));
// A count of all records returned before logical statements
// Logic to determine the age of the records
if($now < $one_year) {
else if($now >= $one_year && $now < $two_years) {
else if($now >= $two_years && $now < $three_years) {
else {
My question is, can I avoid having two separate database queries to hit both tables? I am not really sure how to go about that. Also, am I doing things in a manner which will be resource intensive and highly inefficient? As I am not a programmer by trade, I am not certain when code is 'good'. I do want to try my best to make this good code though since it is a module for a website I hope will last a long time.
Thank you stackoverflow community!
EDIT: The code I got working thanks to Mike is as follows. If anyone has a similar question / problem hopefully this will help!
// Join field_birth_table to nodes of given type owned by current user
$sql = db_select('node', 'n');
$sql->join('field_birth_table', 'b', 'n.nid = b.entity_id');
->fields('b', array('field_birth_field_value', 'entity_id'))
->condition('n.type', 'content_type')
->condition('n.status', '1')
->condition('n.uid', $user->uid)
$results = $sql->execute();
You can use a left join between the node and field_birth table:
$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->leftJoin('field_birth', 'b', '(b.entity_id = n.nid AND b.entity_type = :node)', array(':node' => 'node'));
->fields('b', array())
->condition('n.type', 'content_type')
->condition('n.uid', $user->uid)
$results = $query->execute();

Getting precise column in Query result with Code Igniter

I am looking for a way to return the value of a precise column in the first result of a query.
The query result contains always 1 row containing the following columns :
I am trying to only get the rank value in order to push it into a session variable.
I tried messing with :
$row-> $query->row();
But then I don't know how to get only the value of the rank column. Ideally, I would want to get that value, then return it to allow my controller to set it in the session variable ( doing it in the model would be easier but would break the MVC pattern, right ?)
How can I do this ?
Have the controller call a function in the model that return that value. Let's say the model has a function name get_rank()
public function get_rank($id)
// assumes your ID is an int
$id = (int)$id;
// avoid wasting a query
if ($id < 1) return FALSE;
// build query
$this->db->where('id', $id);
// maybe some sorting / limiting here if you need it
// get result
$rs = $this->db->get();
if ($rs->num_rows() > 0)
// just get the first row
$row = $rs->row();
return $row->rank;
return FALSE;

Kohana ORM count_all() working but find_all() is not

I'm having an issue where I'm building an ORM query based on several conditions from a $_POST. The final query looks fine and returns records in a direct SQL query (phpmyadmin) but in my application does not return any records. here is the code...
$records = ORM::factory('record')->where(array('date >='=>$_POST['fromdate'],'date <='=>$_POST['todate']));
if ($_POST['agent'] != '0') $records->where(array('ccp_id'=>$_POST['agent']));
if ($_POST['supervisor'] != '0') {
$ccps = ORM::factory('employee')->where(array('supervisor_id'=>$_POST['supervisor'],'active'=>'1'))->find_all();
foreach ($ccps as $ccp) {
$agents[] = $ccp->id;
// echo kohana::debug($agents);
if ($_POST['lead'] != '0') $records->where(array('lead_id'=>$_POST['lead']));
if ($_POST['reasons'] != '[]') {
$reasons = explode(',',str_replace(array('[',']','"'),'',$_POST['reasons']));
$records->loaded is false. If I change out the find_all() with count_all() I get an accurate count.
With sample data in the $_POST I have this query in $records->last_query()
SELECT `records`.*
FROM (`records`)
WHERE `date` >= '2010-10-10'
AND `date` <= '2010-11-09'
AND `ccp_id` IN ('E128092','E128093','E124874','E124414','E129056','E137678','E078952','E112701','E084457','E098047','E099221','E001131','E120892')
AND `lead_id` = 'E110873'
AND `reason_id` IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24)
ORDER BY `records`.`id` ASC
this returns 4 records in phpmyadmin and (4) for count_all().
I do not understand why this is happening. Any insights would be helpful. Thank you.
In your last line you should have
$records = $records->find_all();
instead of
// this actually returns you the resultset and resets the query builder object
$records is a Database_Result and has no loaded property. Use count($records) or iterate it with foreach statement to get ORM objects.
Just a note: It's probably better not to wipe out the ORM object ( $results = $records->find_all() instead of $records = $records->find_all()) if you wish to use $records->count_all() or other calls later in your code. Just an issue I ran into.