NoClassDefFoundError With Google Wallet and new Google Play Services 6.5.87 - google-play-services

After updating to use the new modularized Google Play Services I get the following error when trying to run my app.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/android/gms/R$style;
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
Here is my gradle dependency
compile ""
Looks like Google Wallet is trying to reference when it's style class is generated in Is there any way to fix this without and update to the Play Services SDK?

"Has nothing to do with mavenCentral, you need to make sure you have the latest SDK packages installed for "Google Repository" and "Google Play services"
This was already answered here: answered by Sam Dozor
i tired it and works great!


Compiling Titanium Modules from GitHub

After a few days of failure I realize I need more insight than google can deliver.
I am attempting to include a module in my otherwise working fine Titanium project but am not having any luck. The module in question is Ti.MapPlus, a fork of the standard Ti.Map module that I am already using. The GitHub repository does not have a compiled release, and it is not available via
I have tried to create a new Mobile Module Project without success; but suspect that this is the best route.
Can anybody walk me through the steps of getting the module working globally?
There are some releases here:

Application cannot be imported; it is either an invalid one or it contains specific features that are not supported

I followed the recommended solution:
IBM Worklight v6.0 - Error while adding an application to the Mobile Test Workbench
still got the error even though my jdk seems to be already correct
I didn't see any errors in the test workbench mobile client log (emulator), which log should I be looking at?
I suppose that you are using Android 4.4 and not Android 4.4W or 4.4L which are not yet supported. And you should have made recently an update of the Android SDK tools to version 23 (you can verify by opening the SDK Manager)
Google has modified in this release the way the tools are organized and this made MTWW regressed when instrumenting.
There is a workaround: copy <android-sdk-dir>/build-tools/20.0.0/zipalign[.exe] to <android-sdk-dir>/tools.
I had same problem. You may need hotfix or uptdate to RTW8.6.

Integrating Google Login in Unity3d iOS

I want to integrate google login in unity so that it can be ported to almost all Operating Systems. I tried stack and unity3d forum but could not find a suitable post. Downloaded a lot of code examples but of no use.
-> I read that there's a paid plugin 'Prime31' but i don't want to pay money for it.
-> I found some code from google in .NET that can be used to authenticate users but i was unable to add that zip file into unity. It could only be opened by MonoDevelop but then also could be added.
Also Found another plugin from gitHub but was again unable to use that.Unity GPGPlugin
I just want to give options to the users that they can either login with facebook or google account and then play the game.
I am quite new to unity so any code/hint/logic would be appreciated.
As far as I can tell, this is an official Google made plugin. I use it, and it's pretty easy. Its documentation is plenty thorough. It has been updated to the new all in one GMS jar. It works for both iOS and android. If you use it with their supplied admob plugin (which in Unity works a lot like the android sdk), you'll have to delete one file (both plugins define the same class, it doesn't seem to matter which version you keep).
edit: Unity will tell you which class has been duplicated.

Using new iTunesLibrary Framework to access iTunes library on Mac OS-X

I've been looking at adding iTunes Library access to a Mac app I'm developing.
I looked at some of the existing open source implementations, such as EyeTunes and iMedia - but found them to not be quite what I was looking for. Overkill in general.
So I tried out using the Scripting Bridge, and found that while functional it was slow. And since I didn't really need to control iTunes, the slowness was not worth it. It also had the downside of relying on iTunes to be running. It also is a bit irritating to get it working in a sandboxed app (though possible.)
So I finally started to roll my own by reading the iTunes Library.xml file. That seems to be working OK. But in the process of investigating the meaning of the Distinguished Kind key/value I stumbled upon a brand new, Apple supplied iTunesLibrary.framework !!!
Beautiful - the iTunesLibrary framework docs are here.
However, when I try to initialize the framework using the code as shown in the reference link:
NSError * error = nil;
ITLibrary* library = [ITLibrary libraryWithAPIVersion:#"1.0" error:&error];
It returns nil and provides the very helpful error like so (in my Sandboxed app):
Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=100001 "Could not load."
UserInfo=0x1140025b0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Could not load.,
NSUnderlyingError=0x1026fbe20 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
(OSStatus error -50.)"}
Thinking it might be a sandboxing issue, I also created a quick command line utility that attempts to init the library and it returns an almost identical error:
Failed to open library: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=100001
"Could not load." UserInfo=0x1018015b0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Could
not load., NSUnderlyingError=0x103a000e0 "The operation couldn’t be
completed. (OSStatus error 100005.)"}
Has anyone else tried out this new iTunes Library framework with anymore luck than I have had?
// EDIT: Answer below is correct. Code signing is required. The sample code in the answer is a handy starting point for using the framework. Additionally, in my case the problem was also that the iTunesLibrary framework code does not appear to work when the iTunes library is hosted on a network drive. Make this a bit of a deal breaker unless Apple fixes it.
You'll need to codesign your app using a certificate from the Mac Developer Program.
It's not documented anywhere, but, my suspicion is that this requirement was added due to iTunes cloud being a web service thing that requires accessing user accounts.
// Edit: In addition to setting CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY in the project settings as discussed above, you will also need to add /Library/Frameworks to the FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS in the project settings so that Xcode will know where to look for the #import's.
// Edit 2: I wrote a quick little sample app to show how iTunesLibrary is used, since, Apple's sample code and documentation is rather sparse:
From iTunes Library Framework Reference
You must code sign your app in order to get information back from the
iTunes Library framework.
The iTunes Library framework is available to users running iTunes
v11.0 or above.
Not sure if this is true for all of you, but in my case, I kept Code-Signing-Identity to - helped me. Now I don't need to sign the app.

Where is the libOAuth.a source?

Nowadays, I'm working on an iPhone project that is using social connections such as Twitter, Facebook..
When I tried to implement Twitter+OAuth solution into my project some another parts of project such as MySpace is giving error on oAuth implementation. It seems MySpace IOS SDK used old version of oAuthConsumer project.
So, I haven't find libOAuth.a source code. If I find it I will be handle my problem.
How do I find the libOAuth.a static library source ?
try downloading it from
Isn't this what you're looking for? And not only do you have to include it into the project but also make sure you copy into it. Then under Build Phases, you will have to add this to Link Binary to Libraries section.
You might find Google's new OAuth 2 library for Mac and iOS to be helpful.