How to add simple passport or basic auth to hapi - authentication

I need some help, trying to create a simple application which will
display a public login page and upon authentication only will redirect to index.html page..
I thought this should be pretty straight forward, have done a first step, but adding the Auth/ Passport plugin and redirects are not working..
Below is the example
Any help very much appreciated, kind of stalled here

What you're looking for is the hapi auth tutorial:
I forked your github repo to see what you were doing, but it looks like right now you have no auth related code preset in there. Essentially what you need to do is this:
Create a registration view that stores users in a database system like Postgres or MongoDB.
Hash user passwords.
Get setup with CSRF to prevent cross-site forgery requests.
Build a login view that checks the database for the user / password hash to validate credentials.
Use a session system (like with cookies) to persist user state.
Build helper stuff to load users from cookies.
Write helper stuff to check for users before allowing access to protected pages.
Now, this is obviously quite annoying to write all this yourself.
Luckily, hapi has some plugins which help with this sort of thing, namely:
Hope that helps!


Does Nuxt Auth Module use serverMiddleware or client one?

I want to understand whether nuxt-auth uses serverMiddleware and if not how can i implement one. I want to make my admin panel really secured, I have my backend secured however even if someone manages to overcome auth middleware on the frontend, which won't be that difficult(if auth Module uses client-side middlewares), I don't want nuxt to provide him/her with the layout and all pages even though I know that he/she is not going to be able to do anything because my routes on the backed require token verification and account data. If you can, please provide some info on the subject. Thanks!!!
So in short you cannot use the middleware provided by the #nuxtjs/auth plugin as a serverMiddleware, you can only use it as a normal middleware.
But that doesn't mean that it's insecure, normal middlewares actually executes both on server and client side before the page is rendered, so if you want to execute a middleware that will throw a 404 if the user isn't logged in you can do this in a normal middleware too, the serverMiddleware's capabilities are actually limited, you can't access nor the store or any client side information, because you only get (req,res, next) as parameters, and since Authentication is stored in store and cookies you can't make it work in Node.js only. This is a good example of what you can use serverMiddleware for:
If you console.log something in normal middleware you should be able to see it both in your developer console and bash where npm run dev is running, this would mean that first the server executes it and then the client side too.

Logout from Github Laravel Socialite

I have made an api in laravel with socialite and github and I need to log out so that the application asks me with which github account I want to log in every time.
What you are asking is how to logout from your registered user (which used Github) and destroy the oAuth session of github?
Maybe have a look at this:
laravel socialite logout issue
If you are using socialite, do check the documentation of each provider you use. Probably you should make a GET or a POST request to their service in order to log out the user.
For example, uses this link (documentation link) in order for you to log out your users:
Clicking it will log out your user from your service.
Do note that most provider might use similar techniques.
Use POSTMAN to make such requests and experiment (especially when you are trying to register users, making calls with POSTMAN might seem helpful)
Then you are faced with the following issue:
What type of data did you store on you database? (the next bullet might help you understand what I mean)
Did you store in some way, the provider name the user used to login to your system?
If so, each provider might use a different way to log out / register a user from your Laravel project.

Symfony 3 authentication provider fallback

I have implemented authentication mechanism on some mobile application using JWTBundle with symfony 3. Until now the process requires users to submit both their email and password in order to authenticate. This works great.
Today I would like to grant access/create_account using Facebook authentication.
From the mobile app, users will access the application without submitting any password but instead FB will probably return user's Facebook identifier along with some other info. I will then post those datas to login_check route.
At this point I need a way to check (at the very beginning of request processing flow) whether login_check POST datas are standard username/pwd credentials (which I guess are handled through daoauthenticationprovider by default ? which in turn pass the processing to JWT in order to create a authentication token) and if not, fallback to another custom XXAuthenticationProvider to handle those datas (eg. if a facebook identifier is present then lookup the user account with FB API, do stuff … then create a JWT token).
I read couples of articles dealing with Symfony's Security components but none explained the whole thing clearly neither exposed a way to proceed. I still have difficulties to figure out how I could hook into the security firewall to achieve this.
Is this a way to go and how can I achieve this ?
Thank you.

Jhipster authentication header

We are starting project based on the great jhipster work.
While we would like to keep the option to be session based (with a login page), we also have the need for enalble clients pass user info in the header of each request,
(e.g. Authenticate: username:password) to have it session less like without login, as regular users do.
Do we have this implemented OOTB? If not, what is the best approach for having that?
Thanks ahead for any comment & answer.
JHipster supports both "session-based" (with a login page, and the Spring Security token is stored in the HTTP Session), and OAuth2 (which is stateless, and the token are stored in the database).
The OAuth2 mechanism also uses a login page, but I guess you could make it work without it if needed -> isn't this the best solution for you?
We also have another stateless mecanism in the pipe, see

Access to api from gitlab webhooks

I need to develop a bunch of my own web hooks (or services maybe) for auto deploy, report into project management systems, etc.
But data posted to web hook don't have much information to fill my needs.
For example, I've received simple push event, how can I know is it force push or not? Okay, I have 2 treeishes, let's look at repository and check this push — oops, need user token to do it. Sad.
What is the right method to access gitlab api from web hooks? Probably I've missed something important? I'm really confused.
Let's try to find a solution. Possibilities
Imagine we can have a user who can read all projects in gitlab. But
that user should be connected to each project to have an access. Ok
What about to read repo by pusher? We can't because we need to use his private token to do this.
Maybe some internal functionality to read all repos or something? Sure not.
So. Maybe database? Nope. Because we need to clone repo at first and can't save data in DB anyway with refreshing caches.
I think we need a security token and maybe many checkboxes with access permissions for each joined web hook or an app (service).
Please feel free to share your ideas.
I've remembered partial solution. So scenario will be like that:
Create web service with your web hook.
Create a ssh key on the same host for some special (usually owner of web hook service) user to have an access to repos.
Add ssh key created at previous step as deploy key.
Finally: Register your webhook and add your deploy key for that hook to project — repeat it for each project what need this hook.
You have event listener (your web hook service), and you have access to that repository (ssh/git).
But still that solution doesn't have access to API itself.
Probably, there is also an another solution.
Create custom admin user with a big random password and some synthetic name like HookBot or something, remember private_token of that user;
Register your web hook;
Use api access to add your deploy key with HookBot (untested);
Use sudo api to get sources or something else. Just mimicry to pusher's account (sudo -u {author_id}) and go on, read repo, work with it, etc.
Maybe some another solutions? More legit?