PDF.js crashes WebKit2WebProcess.exe in Safari - safari

I'm embedding PDF.js using
<iframe src="/pathto/viewer.html?file=/pathto/example.pdf" class="pdf"></iframe>
The css I'm adding to it is only changing the width and height. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and the latest Safari as of a couple of days ago from the apple site: 5.1.7.
Any ideas any one?


Fabric js not working on IE 11

I have created whiteboard with fabricjs and javascript. It works fine in chrome and firefox but all of fabricjs functions does work in Edge but not working on IE 11 it is completely blank. How can I fix this problem?
My fabric version is 2.2.3.
internet-explorer-11 fabricjs whiteboard

DojoX slider not working on iOS 8 / safari 8

I had a project in Dojo, with Slider from DojoX. On iPad iOS 6 it was working ok. Now I updated the iPad to iOS 8 - and the slider does not react to touch anymore.
Online demo of slider (http://demos.dojotoolkit.org/demos/touch/demo.html) is also not working on iOS 8.
Anyone has any experience on this?
I suspect you (and the web site as well) are not using the latest Dojo versions that are required for iOS8 support. Upgrading to the latest release will probabably solve your issue.
Questions about dojo usage or possible bug are discussed on the dojo-interest mailing list. Web interfaces are available from the Dojo Toolkit Community page. If you’ve filing a bug, see How to File a Dojo Bug Report

Mobile Safari rendering bug? Black Box on site

Hey there I build a website a long time ago and now I noticed that there is a bug on my site!
If users open the page on a ios device with ios 6 in the safari app there is a black box on the bottom of the content box! (See screenshot below)
On other browsers like firefox or google chrome and also on safari for mac all looks fine.
The URL of the site is http://rsaschheim.de
Hope someone can help!
Thanks Laurenz
iOS 6 screenshot with Bug:
iOS 5 screenshot without Bug:
This seems to be fixed in the current iOS Version.

In Vaadin PDF does not work in popup Window

I am trying to display a PDF in a popup window using Vaadin 6.6.2 and the code as shown in this blog:
The problem I have is that whenever I close the Window containing the PDF it always hangs the current browser tab in IE 9.
I have tested this in Safari, Firefox, and IE 8 and its works fine. I also know that the problem is related to the embedded PDF as I have tried replacing the embedded PDF with a Vaadin Label and then the popup window closes fine in IE9.
I had a similar problem in Firefox 3.x, I solved it by upgrading to Firefox 4, and upgrading the Adobe plugin.
It seems to me the problem is on the browser/plug-in side.
If you are stuck with that browser/version, try just upgrading the plugin if that's not already on the latest version.

Safari browser - Mac vs Windows vs iOS

Can anyone let me know what is the difference between testing a Safari 5 in Windows vs Mac? Are there significant changes in how the page is rendered between windows vs Mac for the same version of Safari? If I test a page in Windows Safari, can I expect the page works exactly same in Mac Safari as long as Safari version matches?
Not significant but there are subtle differences, it's difficult to list them as I think it will depend on the html/css and version.
I have noticed small differences on one of my sites in the past, but as I can't remember the details I've found another example that someone has documented.
Anyway, I've satisfied myself that the differences I've seen are too subtle to fully test every release on each machine (the budget is small!), only on major changes.
One small difference for instance is that the iOS version won't allow you autoplay of any media (audio or video) in its html5 player whilst the Windows and Mac versions do.
i notice few thing in windows safari and mac safari,when we choose an image in windows safari then its not display as preview but in mac safari its display as preview before upload.so File reader api is not supporting blog type.