SQL Server select max date per ID - sql

I am trying to select max date record for each service_user_id for each finance_charge_id and the amount that is linked the highest date
select distinct
s.Finance_Charge_ID, MAX(s.start_date), s.Amount
Service_User_Finance_Charges s
s.Service_User_ID = '156'
group by
s.Finance_Charge_ID, s.Amount
The issue is that I receive multiple entries where the amount is different. I only want to receive the amount on the latest date for each finance_charge_id
At the moment I receive the below which is incorrect (the third line should not appear as the 1st line has a higher date)
Finance_Charge_ID (No column name) Amount
2 2014-10-19 1.00
3 2014-10-16 500.00
2 2014-10-01 1000.00

Remove the Amount column from the group by to get the correct rows. You can then join that query onto the table again to get all the data you need. Here is an example using a CTE to get the max dates:
WITH MaxDates_CTE (Finance_Charge_ID, MaxDate) AS
select s.Finance_Charge_ID,
MAX(s.start_date) MaxDate
from Service_User_Finance_Charges s
where s.Service_User_ID = '156'
group by s.Finance_Charge_ID
FROM Service_User_Finance_Charges
ON MaxDates_CTE.Finance_Charge_ID = Service_User_Finance_Charges.Finance_Charge_ID
AND MaxDates_CTE.MaxDate = Service_User_Finance_Charges.start_date

This can be done using a window function which removes the need for a self join on the grouped data:
select Finance_Charge_ID,
from (
select s.Finance_Charge_ID,
max(s.start_date) over (partition by s.Finance_Charge_ID) as max_date,
from Service_User_Finance_Charges s
where s.Service_User_ID = 156
) t
where start_date = max_date;
As the window function does not require you to use group by you can add any additional column you need in the output.


SQL SELECT filtering out combinations where another column contains empty cells, then returning records based on max date

I have run into an issue I don't know how to solve. I'm working with a MS Access DB.
I have this data:
I want to write a SELECT statement, that gives the following result:
For each combination of Project and Invoice, I want to return the record containing the maximum date, conditional on all records for that combination of Project and Invoice being Signed (i.e. Signed or Date column not empty).
In my head, first I would sort the irrelevant records out, and then return the max date for the remaining records. I'm stuck on the first part.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Start with an initial query which fetches the combinations of Project, Invoice, Date from the rows you want returned by your final query.
Max(y0.Date) AS MaxOfDate
FROM YourTable AS y0
GROUP BY y0.Project, y0.Invoice
HAVING Sum(IIf(y0.Signed Is Null,1,0))=0;
The HAVING clause discards any Project/Invoice groups which include a row with a Null in the Signed column.
If you save that query as qryTargetRows, you can then join it back to your original table to select the matching rows.
YourTable AS y1
INNER JOIN qryTargetRows AS sub
ON (y1.Project = sub.Project)
AND (y1.Invoice = sub.Invoice)
AND (y1.Date = sub.MaxOfDate);
Or you can do it without the saved query by directly including its SQL as a subquery.
YourTable AS y1
SELECT y0.Project, y0.Invoice, Max(y0.Date) AS MaxOfDate
FROM YourTable AS y0
GROUP BY y0.Project, y0.Invoice
HAVING Sum(IIf(y0.Signed Is Null,1,0))=0
) AS sub
ON (y1.Project = sub.Project)
AND (y1.Invoice = sub.Invoice)
AND (y1.Date = sub.MaxOfDate);
Write A SQL query, which should be possible in MS-Access too, like this:
MIN([Desc]) Descriptions,
SUM(Value) Value,
MIN(Signed) Signed,
MAX([Date]) "Date"
FROM data
WHERE Signed<>'' AND [Date]<>''
Note: for invoice 1 on project A, you will see a value of 300, which is the total for that invoice (when grouping on Project='A' and Invoice=1).
Maybe I should have used DCONCAT (see: Concatenation in between records in Access Query ) for the Description, to include 'TV' in it. But I am unable to test that so I am only referring to this answer.
Try joining a second query:
Select *
From YourTable As T
Inner Join
(Select Project, Invoice, Max([Date]) As MaxDate
From YourTable
Group By Project, Invoice) As S
On T.Project = S.Project And T.Invoice = S.Invoice And T.Date = S.MaxDate

How to join table is sql?

I have two tables which name shoes_type and shoes_list. The shoes_type table includes shoes_id, shoes_size, shoes_type, date, project_id. Meanwhile, on the shoes_list table, I have shoes_quantity, shoes_id, shoes_color, date, project_id.
I need to get the sum of shoes_quantity based on the shoes_type, shoes_size, date, and also project_id.
I get how to sum the shoes_quantity based on color by doing:
select shoes_color, sum(shoes_quantity)
from shoes_list group by shoes_color
Basically what I want to see is the total quantity of shoes based on the type, size, date and project_id. The type and size information are available on shoes_type table, while the quantity is coming from the shoes_list table. I expect to see something like:
shoes_type shoes_size total quantity date project_id
heels 5 3 19/10/02 1
sneakers 5 3 19/10/02 1
sneakers 6 1 19/10/05 1
heels 7 5 19/10/03 1
While for the desired result, I have tried:
select shoes_type, shoes_size, date, project_id, sum(shoes_quantity)
from shoes_type st
join shoes_list sl
on st.project_id = sl.project_id
and st.shoes_id = sl.shoes_id
and st.date = sl.date
group by shoes_type, shoes_size, date, project_id
Unfortunately, I got an error that says that the column reference "date" is ambiguous.
How should I fix this?
Thank you.
The date column exists in both tables, so you have to specify where to select it from. Replace date with shoes_type.date or shoes_list.date
Qualify all column references to remove the "ambiguous" column error:
select st.shoes_type, st.shoes_size, st.date, st.project_id, sum(slshoes_quantity)
from shoes_type st join
shoes_list sl
on st.project_id = sl.project_id and
st.shoes_id = sl.shoes_id and
st.date = sl.date
group by st.shoes_type, st.shoes_size, st.date, st.project_id;
If you want all columns from shoes_type, you might find that a correlated subquery is faster:
select st.*,
(select sum(slshoes_quantity)
from shoes_list sl
where st.project_id = sl.project_id and
st.shoes_id = sl.shoes_id and
st.date = sl.date
from shoes_type st;

Count query with timestamp value

I would like to create a count query (in Postgres) which counts data.data_name dependent on data.todb_date.
So what I want to is that the query counts all the rows that are higher than the requirement in the WHERE clause. I tried Count(data.data_name) and Count(*) but they didn't work.
My planned result looks like this:
todb_date: 2016-01-01
data.data_name : test1
count: 150
todb_date: 2017-01-01
data.data_name : test1
count: 130
This is the query I have tried:
SELECT data.data_name, parentdata.data_id,
data.data_id, parentdata.todb_date,
COUNT (data.data_name)
FROM parentdata, data
WHERE parentdata.data_id = data.data_id
AND parentdata.todb_date > '2016-01-01'
GROUP BY parentdata.data_id, data.data_id, data.data_name, parentdata.todb_date
As #Usagi Miyamoto suggested, you should use a data_trunc() function to group your results according to certain time increments (here: per year):
SELECT d.data_name nam, date_trunc('year',p.todb_date) yr, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM parentdata p
INNER JOIN data d ON p.data_id = d.data_id AND p.todb_date > '2016-01-01'
GROUP BY d.data_name,date_trunc('year',p.todb_date)
ORDER BY nam, yr
If you replace 'year' by 'date' you will get daily counts, see here.

Group table by custom column

I have a table transaction_transaction with columns:
id, status, total_amount, date_made, transaction_type
The status can be: Active, Paid, Trashed, Renewed, Void
So what i want to do is filter by date and status, but since sometimes there are no records with Renewed or Trashed, i get inconsistent data it returns only Active and Paid when grouping by status ( notice Renewed and Trashed is missing ). I want it allways to return smth like:
Active | 121 | 2017-08-09
Paid | 122 | 2017-08-19
Trashed | 123 | 2017-08-20
Renewed | 123 | 2017-08-20
The sql query i use:
COALESCE(SUM(TR.total_amount), 0) AS amount
FROM sms_admin_status ST
LEFT JOIN transaction_transaction TR ON TR.status = ST.type
WHERE TR.store_id = 21 AND TR.transaction_type = 'Layaway' AND TR.status != 'Void'
AND TR.date_made >= '2018-02-01' AND TR.date_made <= '2018-02-26'
Edit: I created a table sms_admin_status since you said its bad not having a table and in the future i might have new statuses, and i also changed the query to fit my needs.
Use a VALUES list in a subquery to LEFT JOIN your transaction table. You may need to NULLIF your sums to have them return 0.
One possible solution (not very nice one) is the following
select statuses.s, date_made, coalesce(SUM(amount), 0)
from (values('active'),('inactive'),('deleted')) statuses(s)
left join transactions t on statuses.s = t.status and
date_made >= '2017-08-08'
group by statuses.s, date_made
I assume that you forgot to add date_made to the group by. therefore, I added it there. As you can see the possible values are hardcoded in the SQL. Some other solution (much more cleaner) is to create a table with possible values of status and replace my statuses.
Use SELECT ... FROM (VALUES) with restriction from the transaction table:
select * from (values('active', 0),('inactive', 0),('deleted', 0)) as statuses
where column1 not in (select status from transactions)
union select status, sum(amount) from transactions group by status
Add the date column as need be, I assume it's a static value
The multiple where statements will limit the rows selected unless they are in a sub-query. May I suggest something like the following?
SELECT ST.type, ISNULL(SELECT SUM(TR.total_amount)
FROM transaction_transaction TR
WHERE TR.status = ST.type AND TR.store_id = 21 AND TR.transaction_type = 'Layaway' AND TR.status != 'Void'
AND TR.date_made >= '2018-02-01' AND TR.date_made <= '2018-02-26'),0) AS amount
FROM sms_admin_status ST

sql count/sum the number of calls until a specific date in another column

I have data that shows the customer calls. I have columns for customer number, phone number(1 customer can have many), date record for each voice call and duration of a call. Table looks lie below example.
CusID | PhoneNum | Date | Duration
20111 43576233 20.01.2016-14:00 00:10:12
20111 44498228 14.01.2016-15:30 00:05:12
20112 43898983 14.01.2016-15:30
What I want is to count the number of call attempts for each number before It is answered(Duration is > 0). So that I can estimate how many time I should call on average to reach a customer or phone number. It should basically count any column per phone number before min(Date) where duration is >0.
SELECT Phone, Min(Date) FROM XX WHERE Duration IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Phone --
I think This should give me the time limit until when I should count the number of calls. I could not figure out how to finish the rest of the job
EDIT- I will add an example
And the result should only count row number 5 since it is the call before the customer is reached for the first time. So resulted table should be like :
Your first step is valid:
,MIN(Date) AS MinDate
GROUP BY CusID, PhoneNum
This gives you one row per PhoneNum with the date of the first successful call.
Now join this to original table and leave only those rows that have a prior date (per PhoneNum). Group it by PhoneNum again and count. The join should be LEFT JOIN to have a row with zero count for numbers that were answered on the first attempt.
,MIN(Date) AS MinDate
GROUP BY CusID, PhoneNum
,COUNT(XX.PhoneNum) AS Count
ON XX.PhoneNum = CTE.PhoneNum
AND XX.Date < CTE.MinDate
GROUP BY CusID, PhoneNum
If a number was never answered, it will not be included in the result set at all.
Please try this query:
SELECT phonecalls.CusID, COUNT(0) AS failedcalls, phonenumber, success.firstsuccess FROM phonecalls,
(SELECT min(Date) AS firstsuccess, CusID, phonenumber FROM phonecalls WHERE Duration IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CusID, phonenumber) success
WHERE phonecalls.CusID = success.CusID AND phonecalls.phonenumber = success.phonenumber AND phonecalls.Date < success.firstsuccess
GROUP BY phonecalls.CusID, phonecalls.phonenumber, success.firstsuccess;
I've not tested it...
Note: users which have not established a successfull call are not listed. Is this ok, or do you need them listed as well? If so, you need to "left join":
SELECT phonecalls.CusID, COUNT(0) AS failedcalls, phonenumber, success.firstsuccess FROM phonecalls LEFT JOIN
(SELECT min(Date) AS firstsuccess, CusID, phonenumber FROM phonecalls WHERE Duration IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CusID, phonenumber) success ON
phonecalls.CusID = success.CusID AND phonecalls.phonenumber = success.phonenumber AND phonecalls.Date < success.firstsuccess
GROUP BY phonecalls.CusID, phonecalls.phonenumber, success.firstsuccess;
In SQL Server 2012+, you can use the following logic:
Assign the number of "unanswered" calls to each row in the data. This uses conditional aggregation with a window function.
Then, take the maximum of the count for answered calls for each user.
Count the number of answered calls.
The ratio is the average.
This ignores strings of unanswered calls not followed by an answered call.
The resulting query:
select phone, max(cume_unanswered), count(*) as num_answered,
max(cume_unanswered) * 1.0 / count(*) as ratio
from (select t.*,
sum(case when duration is null then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by phone order by date) as cume_unanswered
from t
) t
where duration is not null
group by phone;