Has anybody upgraded existing Universal Framework for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 - objective-c

There appear to be lots of people having issues since Apple's updates to support Universal Frameworks in their latest release. We have been using Universal Frameworks for quite some time. Of course, the update broke our Universal Frameworks and I have been trying to figure out how to get them to work again. I have looked at a few questions and found this one to be exceptionally helpful. There appears to be some confusion regarding whether scripts are still needed. I found some instructions here that say the new scripts are python scripts instead of shell scripts. But even with the information I have found out there, I am still confused.
Can anyone give me clear consise steps to convert an existing Universal Framework into one that compiles and builds in Xcode 6?

We are also facing similar issue when we upgraded to xcode6 and haven't found any solution so we decided to use apple ios custom cocoa touch framework .Below is the tutorial for building frameworks using xcode 6.

We have written up a step by step guide on how to implement and integrate Xcode Frameworks that describes:
1) How to create an Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
2) How to create a dependent Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
3) How to Integrate your working Xcode 6 Frameworks and dependent Frameworks into an iOS application.
This step-by-step instruction guide can be found here:


Install and distribute dylib with program

I purchased a chilkat FTP2 license, and need to replace my existing code (taken from the Apple's SimpleFTPSample) with the one provided by this library.
How do I properly install it on my Mac and set my project up to distribute it with my App? Does every user need to install it on his Mac by himself or can it be packed with the App?
Every tutorial I found is quite complicated, I would need something simple as I am new to Xcode and Objective-C
Distribution is as downloadable App over my webpage.
Its for Mac OS X.
You can not distribute non-Apple dynamic libraries with iOS apps on the app store.
The reason every tutorial you find is complicated is because the only way to get Xcode to actually build an iOS app with a dynamic library involves some hacks and workarounds.

Problems with library compiled from source code for SDK versions Greater than ios5

I am doing iphone project, in that am using ODataProtocol, but i can't able to find the Odatagen library for iOS 6, in OData Upto iOS 4.3 libraries.. how can i use that Odata in my app for iOS 6.
I'm not 100% positive what the O.P. is looking for, but I'm guessing it's Microsoft's Open Data Protocol. I found an "ODataForObjC" project on github.
This SDK hasn't been updated in almost a year, but I just built the "crimeData" sample app that comes from that project in Xcode 5 with no hassles except tons of "deprecated" warnings and the actual service it's trying to connect to is throwing a "403" error.

Airplay SDK vs Monotouch?

I think the title is pretty self explanatory. The only thing is I come from the background of XCode and Obj-C and I have this project that I have to develop for IOS, Android and BB. So what are my options? which one would you recommend? I am leaning more towards Mono, is that a good call?
Do you have any experience with C#?
Since you have an Objective-C background, it might be easier for you to use Obj-C, and Java for Android/BlackBerry. Otherwise it will be C# for iOS/Android and Java for BlackBerry (you could potentially have to learn 2 languages there).
I have very a strong preference for MonoTouch and find it much more productive than Objective-C, but I came from a C# .Net/Windows background.
I would stay away from "cross-platform" tools such as Airplay SDK, you app will probably be slower and not feel very native in the end. MonoTouch and Mono for Android are more truly native.
As you want to target three platform, I think your only option is Marmalade. Otherwise you have to write your project for those three platforms, separately. Using Marmalade you can distribute your project for all those mentioned platform easily just using their Deployment Tool. And for iOS development you don't need to own a Mac or xCode, although for publishing your project into Apple Store you still need to join Apple Developer program.
I personally not recommend MonoTouch as you still need a Mac computer (if you already don't have one). Plus, you still face the problem with porting your project into BB because AFIK MonoTouch don't support it. Also with MonoTouch you have to learn Cocoa, Cocoa Touch framework and Android framework, as MonoTouch is only an abstract class over these SDKs in C#. But if you go with Marmalade you only need to learn Marmalade SDK, which IMP is simpler than Android and Cocoa*.

Twitter integration in iOS 4 & 5 App

I am currently working on app which is supposed to have Twitter integration. The app should also be built so it can be used on iOS 4.3 devices. We'd like to use the built in Twitter Framework on iOS 5 and possibly drop twitter support for iOS 4 devices (not sure about that yet).
The question is: Is this possible? As far as I can tell I can only link statically on iOS builds, which would mean an App built with the Twitter framework can not be run on an iOS 4 device. If this is possible, how would I got about linking the Twitter framework so I can get the app running on iOS 5 with built in Twitter support and ignore the Framework on iOS 4.
It is possible. Apple has introduced weak linking of frameworks that are not supported on older versions. You can get more details regarding weak linking here.
See one more similar question regarding weak linking here.
Hope this solves your problem.

building a project with RhoStudio and then extending it with using xcode

I have created a simple application using rhoStudio for iphone and then converted that project to xcode compatible.
I can see all my project in Xcode.
Now I want to add more functionality to the project and I want it to be done using the objective C i.e in Xcode, not form RhoStudio
How can I do it.
Is this possible that we can do half of the development using RhoStudio and half of it using Xcode.
I got my answer but in a different way, we can extend the rhomobile project further using xcode, but the thing is we cannot change the code that was created by the rhoStudio.
Now for the extension i found this wonderful tutorial at rhoMobile website.