building a project with RhoStudio and then extending it with using xcode - objective-c

I have created a simple application using rhoStudio for iphone and then converted that project to xcode compatible.
I can see all my project in Xcode.
Now I want to add more functionality to the project and I want it to be done using the objective C i.e in Xcode, not form RhoStudio
How can I do it.
Is this possible that we can do half of the development using RhoStudio and half of it using Xcode.

I got my answer but in a different way, we can extend the rhomobile project further using xcode, but the thing is we cannot change the code that was created by the rhoStudio.
Now for the extension i found this wonderful tutorial at rhoMobile website.


Xamarin iOS binding library with multiple frameworks (native references) not working

I have 1 framework which is dependent on 2 other frameworks. For this, I created one binding library for iOS and included all three frameworks in it.
After creating this binding project, I included (added as reference project) it to a native iOS app. Now, the project(native) compiles without any error but the app doesn't run on the simulator. If I comment out the SDK code then app works perfectly. Not able to proceed further, what am I missing?
After below comments I checked frameworks again (just to be sure that my frameworks contain fat binaries). I found out that the frameworks in the visual studio project (path: ../ProjectName/ProjectName/obj/Debug) are smaller than the one that I imported and I am not able to see their package content also.

Xcode workspace with iOS and macOS

I have an iOS app which I need to build a supporting app for macOS. I was hoping to share code between them, specially the DataModel.
As the iOS app was using Pods, there was already a workspace.
I pulled in the macOS project into the workspace, and I can see all its files with no problem. But I don't seem to be able to figure out how to 'use' the class files from the iOS project in the macOS project. Would it have anything to do with Modules?
Or should I just make a new Target that is a macOS application?
I'm using Xcode 8.3.3 at the moment, and the projects are in Swift.
Select the source files you want to use and tick the "Target Membership" for your macOS target in the Inspector:
To use common code in different projects, make an extra project for your common code which builds as a Framework and include this framework in the iOS and in the macOS.
This tutorial might be helpful.

How to enable every developer run my xcode project

I had written a static library in objective c. Then I wrote an sample app that show how to run the static library. I want many developers to be able to run this sample app on a real device and not on the simulator(it is a BLE app and it is not possible to operate it on a simulator). How can I do that?
You'd have to publish it on the app store, but really you want to demonstrate the code needed to use your library, so just include the demo Xcode project with the library and developers can run it on their own devices/simulators and change whatever they wish.
This also provides self-documentation on how to integrate your library with their app.

Has anybody upgraded existing Universal Framework for iOS 8 and Xcode 6

There appear to be lots of people having issues since Apple's updates to support Universal Frameworks in their latest release. We have been using Universal Frameworks for quite some time. Of course, the update broke our Universal Frameworks and I have been trying to figure out how to get them to work again. I have looked at a few questions and found this one to be exceptionally helpful. There appears to be some confusion regarding whether scripts are still needed. I found some instructions here that say the new scripts are python scripts instead of shell scripts. But even with the information I have found out there, I am still confused.
Can anyone give me clear consise steps to convert an existing Universal Framework into one that compiles and builds in Xcode 6?
We are also facing similar issue when we upgraded to xcode6 and haven't found any solution so we decided to use apple ios custom cocoa touch framework .Below is the tutorial for building frameworks using xcode 6.
We have written up a step by step guide on how to implement and integrate Xcode Frameworks that describes:
1) How to create an Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
2) How to create a dependent Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
3) How to Integrate your working Xcode 6 Frameworks and dependent Frameworks into an iOS application.
This step-by-step instruction guide can be found here:

Importing VLCKit (after c59cb1b) in a Swift based project

So I get the latest VLCKit to compile and I see in the xcode project it has it's Defines Module set to Yes in the project Build Settings, and it has the Product Module Name set to VLCKit.
I run make VLCKit to build the framework, everything builds and I get my VLCKit.framework file.
I embed that framework into my Swift based app.
If I use the bridging header, it complains that it can't find the VLCKit/VLCKit.h
from the swift side import VLCKit is also an error.
Anyone get this to work?
Well I managed to fix the issue by just creating a new project VLCKit won't play in my swift bridged project, which is another issue entirely. It will play in a purely obj-c project though.