Twitter integration in iOS 4 & 5 App - objective-c

I am currently working on app which is supposed to have Twitter integration. The app should also be built so it can be used on iOS 4.3 devices. We'd like to use the built in Twitter Framework on iOS 5 and possibly drop twitter support for iOS 4 devices (not sure about that yet).
The question is: Is this possible? As far as I can tell I can only link statically on iOS builds, which would mean an App built with the Twitter framework can not be run on an iOS 4 device. If this is possible, how would I got about linking the Twitter framework so I can get the app running on iOS 5 with built in Twitter support and ignore the Framework on iOS 4.

It is possible. Apple has introduced weak linking of frameworks that are not supported on older versions. You can get more details regarding weak linking here.
See one more similar question regarding weak linking here.
Hope this solves your problem.


Has anybody upgraded existing Universal Framework for iOS 8 and Xcode 6

There appear to be lots of people having issues since Apple's updates to support Universal Frameworks in their latest release. We have been using Universal Frameworks for quite some time. Of course, the update broke our Universal Frameworks and I have been trying to figure out how to get them to work again. I have looked at a few questions and found this one to be exceptionally helpful. There appears to be some confusion regarding whether scripts are still needed. I found some instructions here that say the new scripts are python scripts instead of shell scripts. But even with the information I have found out there, I am still confused.
Can anyone give me clear consise steps to convert an existing Universal Framework into one that compiles and builds in Xcode 6?
We are also facing similar issue when we upgraded to xcode6 and haven't found any solution so we decided to use apple ios custom cocoa touch framework .Below is the tutorial for building frameworks using xcode 6.
We have written up a step by step guide on how to implement and integrate Xcode Frameworks that describes:
1) How to create an Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
2) How to create a dependent Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
3) How to Integrate your working Xcode 6 Frameworks and dependent Frameworks into an iOS application.
This step-by-step instruction guide can be found here:

Can I still upload an application that does not support iOS8+?

Can I still upload an application that does not support iOS8+?
I currently have an app that we are releasing for iOS7 and 7.1, but it was rejected because it was not compatible for iOS8.
We are currently in the process of building the iOS8 version, but wanted to release something quickly.
You just need to build & submit it with XCode 6, iOS SDK 8.0.
They may reject if the app doesn't work with iOS 8. Do a quick test to make sure it doesn't crash, and all major functions are working fine.
No you can't. I'm not sure the exact date that apple made it mandatory to support iOS 8 but I do know it has passed so any new apps/updates submitted to the app store need to support iOS 8.

Problems with library compiled from source code for SDK versions Greater than ios5

I am doing iphone project, in that am using ODataProtocol, but i can't able to find the Odatagen library for iOS 6, in OData Upto iOS 4.3 libraries.. how can i use that Odata in my app for iOS 6.
I'm not 100% positive what the O.P. is looking for, but I'm guessing it's Microsoft's Open Data Protocol. I found an "ODataForObjC" project on github.
This SDK hasn't been updated in almost a year, but I just built the "crimeData" sample app that comes from that project in Xcode 5 with no hassles except tons of "deprecated" warnings and the actual service it's trying to connect to is throwing a "403" error.

Cannot test the social framework on a device lower than IOS6

I am working with the social framework. On iPads with IOS6 it works fine.
But when I test it on a device with IOS 5 I get the following error.
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Social.framework/Social
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/3A3020E0-09D7-49DD-96E2-2E0F20C098D2/
Reason: image not found
Can anybody help ?
Kind regards.
The social framework isn't available before iOS 6, which explains the problems you're having.
What you need to do is weak link the social framework, which will let you use it on iOS 6 but won't cause pre iOS 6 devices to try to load it. To weak link a library you should select your application's target in XCode, go to the Build Phases tab, and under Link Binary with Libraries make sure that the 'Social.framework' entry is set to Optional rather than Required.
The social framework was introduced in iOS 6, but if you want you have sharing ability for facebook, twitter and many other social networks / sites on devices running versions of iOS before 6.0 then feel free to explore sharekit:
Its really easy to use and works for both iOS 6 apps and apps running on previous versions of iOS.
That is because the Facebook integration is only available on iOS6. You can however still use facebook using the original Facebook API for < IOS6 devices.

Map Integration in ios6

How can I integrate maps in iOS 6. Will it be supported in earlier iOS versions?
I want to display a map in an app which has to support iOS 5 and newer. How could I do this? In the earlier versions iOS uses Google Maps and in the latest version it uses its own map.
Will anybody help me out?
I don't think there ever was a Google Maps API kit.
Every time a map from Google showed up in an iPhone app, it was through the iOS MapKit API. I think Google was only the maps provider. What they did in iOS 6 was changing their map provider for themselves. So I think upgrading to MapKit in iOS 6 will just require a little maintenance, and not a full rewrite. I'm guessing most of it will run fine on iOS 5.
Note : this is just my own guess, I haven't looked into developing for iOS 6 yet.
For all I've seen MapKit is essentially the same. Under iOS 5 the default map provider will be Google, under iOS 6 it will be Apple. If you specify a custom map provider that will be used in either. Just be sure to test properly in iOS 5.0, 5.1 & 6.
There are some differences on the versions of the framework for iOS 6 and for below iOS 6. I've noticed that the offset value of the annotations is different from