Paypal Sandbox: Using cc number for multiple email addresses - selenium

I want to use selenium for my smoke test. When I test it manually from my desktop, it works just fine. But it always failed in the automated test with the error of: unabel to use cc because it's already registered with other email address or something like that.
How to get away from this inconsistent behaviour?

Yes, Paypal already lifted the requirement of logging in into developer site in order to use sandbox site ( However it will always trigger a "create new user" scenario. The error message will be something around: you cannot use the cc number linked to another email (probably from the billing info).
To remove this limitation, always sign in into dev portal before using sandbox site.


Google Developers Console - Oauth consent screen configuration doesn't save the input

I'm trying to connect my application with Google calendar to receive data. I registered a new application in Google Developers Console, activated Google Calender API and tried to configure the Oauth consent screen.
There I selected my email address, entered a product name and tried to save it.
What it says:
Sorry, there’s a problem. If you entered information, check it and try again. Otherwise, the problem might clear up on its own, so check back later.
What's my mistake here? By Google it is not the best failure description. I also can not find anything else about it in the internet, only that some one suggested to enter a billing account, what I don't want. Any ideas?
I signed out of all Google accounts, signed back in, and then it worked.
I meet the some problem.
I used google cloud with two accounts, i guess there is conflict with two accounts. I clean the chrome browser history and cache , then the problem is solved.
If anyone is here within this last week in 2020, this is a GSuite bug that's being tracked here -
No one has been able to update or create add-ons. Clearing cache, incognito - none of it has any effect here. Just have to wait for the devs.

Cannot test payment via personal test paypal account created with paypal sandbox (also email appears not to be recognised at public site)

I need to be able to test payments made via public using a "dummy" personal account created via the PayPal Sandbox tools:
- here I created a Business Merchant Account (where the payment will be sent to) and also a Personal account (which I want to use to make the payment on the usual public site.
The Problem
The problem is that the email address and password that I set up the sandbox personal account do not work on the public site as I would expect - reports the standard login failure. It also seems that the email address is not recognised - when I click the forgot password link and enter the same email, it says email not found. Surprising given that this email was what I used to set up the personal paypal account via the sandbox.
The question, summing up
So What would I need to do to be able to use a PayPal-sandbox-created personal account to test payments made via the public site?
My Research on this problem so far
I've looked around already for existing answers - on SO and via google...
PayPal accounts, testing and sandbox (this doesn't help me - I tried the accepted answer about using a stronger password with special character but no difference)
how to login in personal test account ( the answer here doesn't help me as it's just a stock answer of instructions - doesn't actual help the asker - and the asker's problem isn't quite the same as my problem )
Found the solution :) Happy to be answering my own question: the working solution is to use in the form action when testing, instead of
As per page 27 of:
It says:
IMPORTANT: To execute test transactions on Sandbox you need to
complete a purchase as a test buyer with your buyer test account.
Typically, you go through your website purchase flow as a buyer. You
must ensure that you execute your test on
instead of
So, for example, the snippets of code for your paypal button would look something like:
<form action="" method="post">
but still use just for the action button (as the image is not available on
<input type="image" src="" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
Don't forget to change the form action to use when you go live!
Obviously the pre-requisites are to setup a dummy merchant and dummy buyer account - as I described in my question - this is still valid and my steps should work.
If it doesn't work - i.e. login fails for example, clear out your browser data entirely. I had this problem and cleared everything - cookies history etc. and it worked.
See related question here: paypal sandbox not working
(as this answer works, I will be accepting it when I am allowed to do so).
Just clearing cookies worked for me. By the way there was 44 cookies

Error when attempting to authenticate a user using the Google Contacts API

I came across this problem with a company's intranet that we run (powered by Wordpress) - it's got us all stumped.
When attempting to authenticate a user using the Google Contacts API, an error is returned after granting permission to access the user's contact list and before full authentication is given, but no details are given as to what the error actually is.
It was working absolutely fine until one day in late April/early May it suddenly stopped working.
We we're using the following scope:
An interim solution has been put into place, using the Google+ API instead. This is working well, except that the API is not providing the user's email address after authenticating, only their profile details.
We absolutely need the email address in order to limit access to the website to people with certain email addresses, as well as intergrate properly with WordPress' user management, generating new user accounts and linking them to authenticated email addresses.
We'd really appreciate any help!
You're not providing much in the way of details, but Google+ Sign-in should have what you want, and it comes with pre-cooked PHP code, see
Also, you can go through the basic login flow and if you use a scope like "openid email" you’ll definitely get the email address; see

For Twitter , how to create test user accounts?

Facebook allows you to create test user accounts that can only be used for testing purpose.
Does Twitter provide similar functionality ? I don't want to get my application blacklisted for creating fake user accounts; do I have to use my real user account for testing my application ? What strategies are your using for testing application with Twitter ?
As far as I know, there is nothing in Twitter's rules against creating account (unlike Facebook, where with the exception of test accounts, you're not allowed to create multiple accounts for testing purposes). So, you can just register the account like you normally would.
You might want to take a look at this post for some other tips for test accounts (hiding your tweets, deleting the account when you're done testing, etc.).
I'm currently creating a Twitter application and here are some of the strategies I'm using.
I create my accounts in combination with Gmail addresses. If I create a gmail account as user , I secure the Twitter name #bob on Twitter. That way it's kind of hard to forget where to email a lost password. I don't go crazy, as I don't need 100's of test accounts but I do have up to three.
I log on to my test accounts using Chrome because it will automatically recall your password as soon as you type in your Twitter name on the home page. That way it is easy to switch between them, but note that I find it hard sometimes to know which account is actually active because I'm constantly looking at other profiles. This gets confusing if I don't constantly look at the logged in user icon indicator.
Never, ever re-tweet anything unless you absolutely have to for a test case or use hash-tags unless for a test case. Unbelievably even on a completely un-publicized account, I had a few surprise Twitter users in my DB a few seconds after I re-tweeted a link.
on Localhost, close all your other browser windows while your testing. Especially if your calling the API through AJAX. You never know which sites you have open whom also call the Twitter API through AJAX, and this can seriously screw with your tests and rate limits. Especially when your developing live.
I would not recommend protecting your tweets. It's too limiting for most use cases.
For my site, I need to place a link in the tweets. Twitter will not
allow live links to http://localhost so you have to plan around
this and have a live test server sooner then you may anticipate.
Twitter has one of the easiest registration processes I have seen. You can quite easily create several test accounts; this is the only method I have used.
Here is a blog post about it. Integration

I am attempting to integrate into my site. I have set up and activated a test account in their domain and have obtained and inserted their API key/login for my account into my configurations. I run my script through their API and I get the proper success message that they've received the information. However, every time I log into the domain and search for the transactions via their Search tab, it always returns with nothing regardless of what parameters I search with. What can cause this?
Look in the unsettled transactions. That's where they'll be.
FYI, Authorize.Net developer accounts do not actually process transactions. They only validate that the data you sent over via their API was valid and complete. If it is you will receive an approved response with a fake transaction number, approval, and AVS response code (which is always a match). If your made an invalid API call an error message will be returned alerting you to your error so you can correct it.
If you don't want o call Authorize.Net for support or they give you the run around, you can also get help in their developer forums. does not actually log transactions in test mode.
You should call their support; they are fantastic. However, from my experience you typically get a shared account where lots of tests are running and it can be hard to search for your transaction.