Unable to load font: Roboto-Regular after updating to new Google+ SDK - google-plus

After updating to new Google+ sdk get an error NSBundle(GPP3PAdditions) gpp_registerFonts]_block_invoke() Unable to load font: Roboto-Regular
If someone got the same?

Add "GooglePlus.bundle" file to your project from Google iOS Sdk.

Yes it is helpfull thank you very much!!!
Also if anyone using CocoaPods please see here it also will help
GooglePlus with CocoaPods linking error
add ${inherited} to Other Linker Flags

Here is the solution.
Get the fonts from finder and copy files to your project. Then in your Info.plist file make changes like
After this click on build phases make sure you included font files(Roboto..) over there.
For more clarity check it..How to include and use new fonts in iPhone SDK?
I hope it helps someone.


how to solve Deprecated API Usage WebViewi in React Native IOS?

I'm building a React Native application that I'm trying to deploy to the App Store.
I used a couple of packages, the ones that I think gives me the errors are
I found this solution and I also deleted other files found in the same location with this name RCTWKWebView etc..
Now I get build error with missing files.
I also deleted those same files under pod config files../React/Core
What should I do ? Am I missing something?
It's the first time dealing with this error and I can't seem to find a useful solution.
Thank you in advance
I think your react-native versions cause the problem. You try to remove files include UIWebView in name on the XCode under the React folder. After that, you try to upload it to AppStore.

ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support

I am trying to upload my app to the app store. I can archive my app and successfully upload to App Store Connect, however, it keeps getting rejected with the following error message:
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Retainer Tracker" 1.0 >>(8). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
I've tried a bunch of diffrent fixes I've found online but still can't get it to work. Can anyone help?
The basic reason is your application using swift and your swiftsupport folder is empty. Let's move in detail
If your application using Xcode to make .ipa file and there is no third-party IDE involve to create Xcode project, you can fix this issue by upgrading your Xcode
If you are using some other IDE to make the Xcode project then please follow that link. I already give the answer to this question. Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty
The problem occurred right after I added a specific Swift Library
Doing the following fixed the issue in my case
Go to Targets > YourApp > Build Settings
Under Packaging:
Defines Module: Yes
Under Assets:
Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries: Yes
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
For us, our CICD pipeline was using an Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile to distribute the ipa build to Testflight/AppStore.
We fixed this by using an App-Store Provisioning Profile instead.

Why cant xcode find <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>?

I'm working on a ejected react native news app and want to add the ability to open the app from an external link. The problem is that xcode cant find the file that is needed to configure this.
This link includes steps to take when manually link: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking-libraries-ios#manual-linking
After those steps i continued with the steps for iOS:
After following theese steps, Xcode still cant find the items. I have added $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/LinkingIOS to my Header Search Paths. Solution from this RCT Linking Manager file not found, but still nothing. Please help
Anyone who is facing this issue for a react-native archive for ios platform just place
#import <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>"
after the first line
"#import "AppDelegate.h"" in the AppDelegate.m file.
This thing worked for me.

Not able to upload build on iTunes because of instabug

I am using Appcelerator instabug module 1.1.1 for my project. But when I am going to upload this build to iTunes (For test) it throwing this error.
I googled lot but didn't get solution.
Also I tried by removing instabug file from instabug.framework/instabug and instabug.framework/version/A/instabug but by doing this I am not able to run project.
Please help me.
Thanks & Regards,
This means that instabug.a is somehow included in your final .ipa file (you can change the extension to .zip, unzip and show contents of your app folder via "show package contents". If you can find instabug.a there, then you have to figure out how and fix it. This should fix your issue.

Xcode4.3.2 AVFoundation.framework not found?

Xcode4.3.2 AVFoundation.framework not found
I am missing the following Framework: /System/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework. so cannot use the AVFoundation frameworks for the iPhone simulator or device. Is there a way to download just this foundation?
can anyone help me please
thanks in advance
You can see here
Refer this link too
How add Framework to project on Xcode 4.3.2