bootstrap-responsive.min.css not found in bootstrap nuget package - twitter-bootstrap-3

The bootstrap-responsive.min.css file is not found in the bootstrap nuget package.
Even though CDN is available for the file, I'm using MVC and want to bundle the local file.
Where can this file be found?

bootstrap-responsive.min.css is a Bootstrap v2.x.x-specific file.
It no longer exists in Bootstrap v3.x.x because Bootstrap v3.x.x is responsive by default.


i didnot find my bootstra. min.css file in my dist folder?

i download bootstrap 4 version for web development but in node_modules>bootstrap>dist>CSS> bootstrap.min.CSS is not there and in the online trainer link this file with html so what file i select to linked
I'am afraid you may have downloaded the wrong one. Have you downloaded from the official bootstrap site:
You will find the file in the folder css > bootstrap.min.css
You can copy that and put it in the project you are working on.

Problem with Bootstrap and bundle in ASP.NET Core

I use Visual Studio 2017, I downloaded the Bootstrap package but I have no idea what should I do next. I am using bundle file and package...
What should I do?
Also I downloaded a file from get bootstrap website but I don't know how to compile it!
The first way is to copy the css and js file to wwwroot/lib folder in your project.
The second way is to use BootstrapCDN if you want to skip the download.
A better way of using bootstrap in core project is to use LibMan(To be able to use LibMan you should have VS 2017 version 15.8 or higher.):
1.In Solution Explorer, right-click the project folder in which the files should be added. Choose Add > Client-Side Library. The Add Client-Side Library dialog appears:
2.Select the jsdelivr provider from the Provider drop down.
3.Type the library name to fetch in the Library text box.
4.Specify the project folder for storing the files in the Target Location text box.
5.Cilck Install button.
Then you could use the following code to reference the boostrap:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script src="~/lib/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>
Note: As mentioned on the download site, this does not include jQuery, so if you want to use jQuery, you need to download that separately.

get bootstrap by NPM and include to html

Generally I am using CDN (or nuget) for including Bootstrap or other client side libraries to my website
Recently I read about NPM/Bower and other modern package-management tools, and decided to try
After some time of surfing and investigating I am now completely puzzled, how to just download and include bootstrap distrib css/js files to my page like it was....
1 st Try, I install bootstrap with NPM, it downloads whole Bootstrap with all sources/modules and etc to the node_module directory... well, I found distributions in node_modules/Bootstrap/dist folder
now questions:
Should I link node_modules/Bootstrap/dist/ css and js files to my site?
If yes, should I then deploy whole node_modules folder with website?
if No, and I know that npm package is modular and bla bla bla and should be included by require("bootstrap") than lots of other questions
is require("bootstrap") node js or some oter js function?
should I include some other node packages or js files in order require("bootstrap") to work
where should I write require("bootstrap") in html in script tag? create some js and include it or what?
2 nd try, Ok than I understand that npm might be package management for NodeJs server side, and got bower... but again it downloads the same files to another folder bower_components and again same questions...
As you mentioned, bower works well for this use case. Change the destination of the bower_components directory as described here How to change bower's default components folder?
then include as you normally would. Do not use the require function since that is for nodejs server side only.

why does sencha app build production replace my css file?

I've had to go back to an old version of compass: 0.12.7
Otherwise it fails on missing files. Before installing I removed the existing compass installation.
It correctly compiles my css file when I make a change to the scss file.
But when I ask sencha to make a production build with "sencha app build production" the css file in my project gets replaced with a different one.
The file probably gets overwritten at the following line during the build process:
[INF] executing compass using system installed ruby runtime
overwrite ../css/app.css
So it claims to use my installed version of compass.
What am I doing wrong here?
You have the same problem i have met.
Sencha touch 2.4.0 SASS compile error
You should not write your custom css in app.css.
IMHO, there are two ways to add custom css.
1. app.json
2. #import your custom scss file in app.scss in resource/sass/app.scss and then use sencha ant sass to compile css file.

Grunt does not load config.json to build Bootstrap

I copied the config.json to the bootstrap source folder and followed the compiling instructions on Bootstrap's site.
It build bootstrap with everything where I only wanted what was in the config.json file.
What is missing?
The Grunt build doesn't use the config.json file. Only the web-based Customizer uses it.
To customize with Grunt, just edit the.less files and/or Gruntfile.js directly.