Sql Server - detect a cell match - sql-server-2012

is it possible in sql server to detect if 2 cells are the same, for example
ID | Quantity |SerialNo | QuantityRemaining
1 | 1 | 1234 | 0
2 | -1 | 1234 | 0
and then based on the Serial matching, ammend the overall quantity for that field to 0 in this case as ive typed above? or a more efficient way maybe? or is it better to simply update the total quantity field within a view I have which calculates the total based upon a product code?

You can use an aggregate function:
SELECT SerialNo,
SUM(Quantiy) AS QuantityRemaining
FROM YourTable


Dividing sum results

I'm really sorry as this was probably answered before, but I couldn't find something that solved the problem.
In this case, I'm trying to get the result of dividing two sums in the same column.
| Id | month | budget | sales |
| -- | ----- | ------ | ----- |
| 1 | jan | 1000 | 800 |
| 2 | jan | 1000 | 850 |
| 1 | feb | 1200 | 800 |
| 2 | feb | 1100 | 850 |
What i want is to get the % of completition for each id and month (example: get 0,8 or 80% in a fifth column for id 1 in jan)
I have something like
sum (daily_budget) as budget,
sum (daily_sales) as sales,
budget/sales over (partition by 1,2) as efectivenes
from sales
group by 1,2
I know im doing this wrong but I'm kinda new with sql and cant find the way :|
This should do it
CAST(ROUND(SUM(daily_sales) * 100.00 / SUM(daily_budget), 1) AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS Effectiveness
I'm new at SQL too but maybe I can help. Try this?
sum (daily_budget) as budget,
sum (daily_sales) as sales,
(sum(daily_budget)/sum(daily_sales)) over (partition by id) as efectivenes
from sales
group by id
If you want to ALTER your table so that it contains a fifth column where the result of budget/sales is automatically calculated, all you need to do this add the formula to this auto-generated column. The example I am about to show is based on MySQL.
Open MySQL
Find the table you wish to modify in the Navigator Pane, right-click on it and select "Alter Table"
Add a new row to your table. Make sure you select NN (Not Null) and G (Generated Column) check boxes
In the Default/Expression column, simply enter the expression budget / sales.
Once you run your next query, you should see your column generated and populated with the calculated results. If you simply want the SQL statement to do the same from the console, it will be something like this: ALTER table YOUR_TABLE_NAME add result FLOAT as (budget / sales);

SQL - Representing SUM's after using CASE to transform STR -> INT

I am sorry for what may be a long post in advance.
I am using Rational Team Concert (RTC) which stores work item data in conjunction with Jazz Reporting Service to create reports. Using the Report Builder tool, it allows you to write your own queries to pull data as a table, and has its own interface to represent the table as a graph.
There is not much options for of graphing; the chart type defaults as a count, unless you specify it to show a sum. In order to graph by sum, the data must be a number rather than a string. By default, the Report Builder assumes all variables in the SELECT statement are strings.
The data which I will be using are a bunch of work items. Each work item is associated to a team (A, B) and has a work estimation number (count1, count2).
Item # | Team | Work |
123 | A | count1 |
124 | A | count2 |
125 | B | count2 |
Since the work estimation is entered as a Tag, the first step was to use a CATCH WHEN block when using SELECT to transform count1 -> 1, and count2 -> 2 (the string tag to an actual number which can be summed). This resulted in a table with numbers 1 and 2 in place of the typed tag (good so far).
Item # | Team | Work |
123 | A | 1 |
124 | A | 2 |
125 | B | 2 |
The problem is that I am trying to graph by sum, which means getting the tool to identify the variables in the SELECT statement as numbers, except for some reason any variable I declare in a SELECT statement is always viewed as a string (The tool has a table of the current columns i.e. variables in the SELECT, along with that the tool identifies as its variable type).
Attempted Solutions:
The first query I did was to return a table of each work item with its team name and work estimate
Which resulted in
Team | Work |
A | 1 |
A | 2 |
B | 2 |
but the tool still sees the numbers as strings. I then tried explicitly casting the CASE to an integer, but resulted in the same issue
Which again the tool still represents as a string.
Current Goal:
As I cannot confirm if the tool has an underlying problem, compatibility issues with queries, etc. What I believe will work now would be to return a table with 2 rows: The sum of the work for each team
|Sum of 1's and 2's |
Team A | SUM(1) + SUM(2) |
Team B | SUM(1) + SUM(2) |
What I am having trouble with is using sub queries to use SUM to sum the data. When I try
SUM(CASE WHEN ... END) AS TIME2 I get an error that "Column modifiers AVG and SUM apply only to number attributes". This has me thinking that I need to have a sub query which returns the column after the CASE, and then SUM that, but I am sailing into uncharted waters and can't seem to get the syntax to work.
I understand that a post like this would be better off on the product help forum. I have tried asking around but cannot get any help. The solution I am proposing of returning the 2 row/column table should bypass any issues the software may have, but I need help sub-querying the SUM when using a case.
I appreciate your time and help!
Below is the full query code which preforms the CASE correctly, but still causes with the interpreted type by the tool:
CAST(CASE WHEN T1.TAGS='|release_points_1|' THEN 1 ELSE (CASE WHEN T1.TAGS='|release_points_2|' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END) END AS Integer) AS TAG,
This small adjustment to your current query should work:
SUM(CAST(CASE WHEN T1.TAGS='|release_points_1|' THEN 1 ELSE (CASE WHEN T1.TAGS='|release_points_2|' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END) END AS Integer)) AS TAG,

SQL - group by both bits

I have an SQL table with one bit column. If only one bit value (in my case 1) occurs in the rows of the table, how can I make a SELECT statement which shows for, example, the occurance of both bit values in the table, even if the other does not occur? This is the result I'm trying to achieve:
| IsItTrue | AMOUNT |
| 1 | 12 |
| 0 | NULL |
I already tried to google the answer but without success, as English is not my native language and I am not that familiar with SQL jargon.
select IsItTrue, count(id) as Amount from
(select IsItTrue, id from table
select 1 as IsItTrue, null as id
select 0 as IsItTrue, null as id) t
group by bool

Access 2007 select first value of query results

I am running into a rather annoying thingy in Access (2007) and I am not sure if this is a feature or if I am asking for the impossible.
Although the actual database structure is more complex, my problem boils down to this:
I have a table with data about Units for specific years. This data comes from different sources and might overlap.
Unit | IYR | X1 | Source |
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 80 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 101 | 2 |
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 |
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 |
Now I would like the user to select certain sources, order them by priority and then extract one data value for each year.
For example, if the user selects source 1, 2 and 3 and orders them by (3, 1, 2), then I would like the following result:
Unit | IYR | X1 | Source |
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 |
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 |
I am able to order the initial table, based on a specific order. I do this with the following query
SELECT Unit, IYR, X1, Source
FROM TestTable
WHERE Source In (1,2,3)
This gives me the following intermediate result:
Unit | IYR | X1 | Source |
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 |
A | 2010 | 80 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 101 | 2 |
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 |
Next step is to only get the first value of each year. I was thinking to use the following query:
SELECT X.Unit, X.IYR, first(X.X1) as FirstX1
FROM (...) AS X
Where (…) is the above query.
Now Access goes bananas. Whatever order I give to the intermediate results, the result of this query is.
Unit | IYR | X1 |
A | 2009 | 55 |
A | 2010 | 80 |
A | 2011 | 90 |
In other words, for year 2010 it shows the value of source 1 instead of 3. It seems that Access does not care about the ordering of the nested query when it applies the FIRST() function and sticks to the original ordering of the data.
Is this a feature of Access or is there a different way of achieving the desired results?
Ps: Next step would be to use a self join to add the source column to the results again, but I first need to resolve above problem.
Rather than use first it may be better to determine the MIN Priority and then join back e.g.
t.Source ,
SWITCH ( [Source]=3, 1,
[Source]=1, 2,
[Source]=2, 3) as PrioritySource
Source In (1,2,3)
) as t
MIN(SWITCH ( [Source]=3, 1,
[Source]=1, 2,
[Source]=2, 3)) as PrioritySource
Source In (1,2,3)
IYR ) as MinPriortiy
ON t.Unit = MinPriortiy.Unit and
t.IYR = MinPriortiy.IYR and
t.PrioritySource = MinPriortiy.PrioritySource
which will produce this result (Note I include Source and priority source for demonstration purposes only)
UNIT | IYR | X1 | Source | PrioritySource
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 | 2
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 | 1
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 | 2
Note the first subquery is to handle the fact that Access won't let you join on a Switch
Yes, FIRST() does use an arbitrary ordering. From the Access Help:
These functions return the value of a specified field in the first or
last record, respectively, of the result set returned by a query. If
the query does not include an ORDER BY clause, the values returned by
these functions will be arbitrary because records are usually returned
in no particular order.
I don't know whether FROM (...) AS X means you are using an ORDER BY inline (assuming that is actually possible) or if you are using a VIEW ('stored Query object') here but either way I assume the ORDER BY is being disregarded (because an ORDER BY should only apply to the final result).
The alternative is to use MIN() (or possibly MAX()).
This is the most concise way I have found to write such queries in Access that require pulling back all columns that correspond to the first row in a group of records that are ordered in a particular way.
First, I added a UniqueID to your table. In this case, it's just an AutoNumber field. You may already have a unique value in your table, in which case you can use that.
This will choose the row with a Source 3 first, then Source 1, then Source 2. If there is a tie, it picks the one with the higher X1 value. If there is a further tie, it is broken by the UniqueID value:
SELECT t.* INTO [Chosen Rows]
FROM TestTable AS t
WHERE t.UniqueID=
(SELECT TOP 1 [UniqueID] FROM [TestTable]
WHERE t.IYR=IYR ORDER BY Choose([Source],2,3,1), X1 DESC, UniqueID)
This yields:
Unit IYR X1 Source UniqueID
A 2009 55 1 1
A 2010 150 3 4
A 2011 90 1 5
I recommend (1) you create an index on the IYR field -- this will dramatically increase your performance for this type of query, and (2) if you have a lot (>~100K) records, this isn't the best choice. I find it works quite well for tables in the 1-70K range. For larger datasets, I like to use my GroupIncrement function to partition each group (similar to SQL Server's ROW_NUMBER() OVER statement).
The Choose() function is a VBA function and may not be clear here. In your case, it sounds like there is some interactivity required. For that, you could create a second table called "Choices", like so:
Rank Choice
1 3
2 1
3 2
Then, you could substitute the following:
SELECT t.* INTO [Chosen Rows]
FROM TestTable AS t
[TestTable] t2 INNER JOIN [Choices] c
ON t2.Source=c.Choice
WHERE t.IYR=t2.IYR ORDER BY c.[Rank], t2.X1 DESC, t2.UniqueID);
Indexing Source on TestTable and Choice on the Choices table may be helpful here, too, depending on the number of choices required.
Can you get this to work without the need for surrogate key? For
example what if the unique key is the composite of
If you have a compound key, you can do it like this-- however I think that if you have a large dataset, it will totally kill the performance of the query. It may help to index all four columns, but I can't say for sure because I don't regularly use this method.
SELECT t.* INTO [Chosen Rows]
FROM TestTable AS t
WHERE t.Unit & t.IYR & t.X1 & t.Source =
(SELECT TOP 1 Unit & IYR & X1 & Source FROM [TestTable]
WHERE t.IYR=IYR ORDER BY Choose([Source],2,3,1), X1 DESC, Unit, IYR)
In certain cases, you may have to coalesce some of the individual parts of the key as follows (though Access generally will coalesce values automatically):
t.Unit & CStr(t.IYR) & CStr(t.X1) & CStr(t.Source)
You could also use a query in your FROM statements instead of the actual table. The query itself would build a composite of the four fields used in the key, and then you'd use the new key name in the WHERE clause of the top SELECT statement, and in the SELECT TOP 1 [key] of the subquery.
In general, though, I will either: (a) create a new table with an AutoNumber field, (b) add an AutoNumber field, (c) add an integer and populate it with a unique number using VBA - this is useful when you get a MaxLocks error when trying to add an AutoNumber, or (d) use an already indexed unique key.

Grouping by partial value

I'm very new to SQL and I have no clue how to even begin with this one.
I've got two tables: Warehouse and Items. Here's how they look like(simplified):
ItemID | QuantityInStock | QuantityOnOrder | QuantityOnOrder2 | QuantityOnOrder3 | QuantityOnOrder4
1111 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0
2222 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
3333 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0
ItemID | Code
1111 | abc123456-111-01
2222 | abc123456-111-02
3333 | abc123457-112-01
What I need to return via SQL query is this:
ShortCode | Quantity
abc123456 | 9
abc123457 | 3
ItemID is the key to join both tables
Code in the Items table include main product code (abc123456) and variants (-111-01). I need to group the lines by main product code only
Quantity I need comes from Warehouse table and it equals "QuantityInStock - QuantityOnOrder - QuantityOnOrder2 - QuantityOnOrder3 - QuantityOnOrder4". Using this we get abc123456 (comes in two variants in Items table with ItemId 1111 and 2222) and Quantity is equal 8 minus 1 minus 0 minus 1 minus 0 for 1111, and 3 minus 0 minus 0 minus 0 minus 0 for 2222 which together gives 9
This is probably the worst explanation ever, so I hope there is someone that can understand it.
Please help.
Assuming that you can always count on matching the first 9 characters of the Code column then the following query should work.
/// note that the SUM method may return a negative (-) number
SELECT LEFT(I.[Code], 9) AS 'ShortCode', SUM([QuantityInStock] - [QuantityOnOrder] - [QuantityOnOrder2] - [QuantityOnOrder3] - [QuantityOnOrder4]) AS 'Quantity'
FROM [dbo].[Warehouse] AS W
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Items] AS I ON I.[ItemId] = W.[ItemId]
GROUP BY LEFT(I.[Code], 9)
Using standard SQL:
LEFT(Items.Code, 9) AS ShortCode,
SUM(T.remaining) AS Quantity
FROM Items
QuantityInStock - QuantityOnOrder - QuantityOnOrder2 - QuantityOnOrder3 - QuantityOnOrder4 AS remaining
FROM Warehouse
) AS T ON (T.ItemID = Items.ItemID)
GROUP BY LEFT(Items.Code, 9);
Not tested, but should work. Only potential issue is that you use uppercase letters in your table and column names, so you might have to enclose all table and column names in backticks (`) or square brackets depending on your DB server.
EDIT: If you want to filter those with less than a certain number of pieces left, just add:
HAVING SUM(T.remaining) > xxx
Where xxx is the minimum quantity you want