Choosing one value from partially duplicate rows - sql

I am trying to choose between two rows of data in order to get a total count of type.
Table - Evaluations
EvaluationID (link to minEval_ID and max_EvalID)
Table - Outcome
This is what my current query is:
SELECT "NewEligType"=
COUNT (*),
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc IN (1,4,5,7) Then 1 Else 0 END) 'Established Condition',
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc=6 Then 1 Else 0 END) 'Established Delay & At-Risk',
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc=2 and b.EstablishedDelays=1 Then 1 Else 0 END) 'Established Delay only: One Delay',
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc=2 and b.EstablishedDelays=2 Then 1 Else 0 END) 'Established Delay only: Two Delays',
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc=2 and b.EstablishedDelays>=3 Then 1 Else 0 END) 'Established Delay only: Three+ Delays',
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc=8 Then 1 Else 0 END) 'Clinical Judgement'
from Outcome a
join Evaluations b
on a.max_EvalID=b.evaluationid and a.min_evalID=b.evaluationID
where a.EligTypeRecalc<>3
The problem I'm encountering is picking the correct Eval_ID to choose the correct number of delays and not count the other. The EstablishedDelays associated with max_EvalID is correct unless the EligTypeRecalc is 0, then it should count the delays associated with min_EvalID.
So far I've come up with this basic logic but I'm having a mind block on how to get it to the next step:
CASE WHEN EligTypeRecalc=max_EvalID
THEN EstablishedDelays=max_EvalID
ELSE EstablishedDelays=min_EvalID
Bonus points: I only have Read access to the database.
**What's the proper query syntax to use to select the row associated and exclude the other?
Thanks for your advice!

You might try wrapping your summary of the Evaluations table into a CTE and then join that to the Outcome table.

Here is the code I used, its a little long:
WITH min_eval AS
FROM Outcomes a
JOIN Evaluations b
ON a.min_EvalID=b.evaluationid
WHERE a.EligTypeRecalc<>3
max_eval AS
FROM Outcomes a
JOIN Evaluations b
ON a.max_EvalID=b.evaluationid
WHERE a.EligTypeRecalc<>3
SELECT "NewEligType"=
COUNT (*),
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc IN (1,4,5,7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Established Condition',
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc=6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Established Delay & At-Risk',
SUM (CASE WHEN (a.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND a.EstablishedDelays=1) OR (a.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND a.EstablishedDelays=0 AND b.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND b.EstablishedDelays=1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Established Delay only: One Delay',
SUM (CASE WHEN (a.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND a.EstablishedDelays=2) OR (a.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND a.EstablishedDelays=0 AND b.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND b.EstablishedDelays=2) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Established Delay only: Two Delays',
SUM (CASE WHEN (a.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND a.EstablishedDelays>=3) OR (a.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND a.EstablishedDelays=0 AND b.EligTypeRecalc=2 AND b.EstablishedDelays>=3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Established Delay only: Three+ Delays',
SUM (CASE WHEN a.EligTypeRecalc=8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Clinical Judgement'
FROM max_eval a
JOIN min_eval b
ON a.DataMatch=b.DataMatch


sum a value that appears on multiple rows ones per id in microsoft sql

I have a table that looks like below. In my query I'm sum:ing the order item value for each order item type, but I'm not sure how to summarize the providerfee per order id when the providerfee appears on multiple rows. Sum(providerfee) would give me 60 instead of 30.
Raw table (sample):
order id
order item type
order item value
Aggregated table if I would query above example table with the query I'm using now:
What value I wish to get in the providerfee column in my aggregated table instead:
Does anyone now best practice of fetching the right sum per order id from the providerfee-column? I think it won't make any sense to publish the actual query I'm writing but basically what I'm doing to fetch the amounts for order item types is:
with amounts as (
case when orderItemType= 'Product' then orderItemValue else 0 end as productAmount
,case when orderItemType = 'Shipping' then orderItemvalue else 0 end as shippingAmount
case when orderItemType = 'Fee' then orderItemvalue else 0 end as InvoicefeeAmount
from exampleTable
sum(amounts.productAmount) as productAmount
,sum(amounts.shippingAmount) as shippingAmount
,sum(amounts.invoicefeeAmount) as invoicefeeAmount
,sum(amounts.providerfee) as providerfeeAmount <---- This one gives me too high values since I'm summing every rows and providerfee appears on every row
from amounts
Here's a picture of how my actual table look like. Providerfee is supposed to be 638 just like invoiceAmount
One thing I also tried was a logic with row number function. But this gave me a result where three providerfees where missing. Instead of 638 I got 551. Can't see why since I counted in the raw table and got it to 638 myself. Not sure if I'm missing something logical with row number function that can have an impact on the SUM. Should I try another function to be able to pull out only one providerfee-row per order id?
with amounts as (
row_number() over (partition by orderId order by orderItemTimestamp DESC) as rn
,case when orderItemType= 'Product' then orderItemValue else 0 end as productAmount
,case when orderItemType = 'Shipping' then orderItemvalue else 0 end as shippingAmount
,case when orderItemType = 'Fee' then orderItemvalue else 0 end as InvoicefeeAmount
from exampleTable
sum(amounts.productAmount) as productAmount
,sum(amounts.shippingAmount) as shippingAmount
,sum(amounts.invoicefeeAmount) as invoicefeeAmount
,sum(amounts.providerfee) as providerfeeAmount <---- This one gives me too high values since I'm summing every rows and providerfee appears on every row
,sum(case when (amounts.providerfee is not null and amounts.rn = 1) then amounts.providerfee else 0 end) as providerfee2
from amounts
Grand total can be done using conditional aggregation. (Note that I here expect every Orderto have exactly one Invoicefee.)
select COUNT(distinct OrderId) as noOfOrders,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Product' then orderItemValue else 0 end) as productAmount,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Shipping' then orderItemvalue else 0 end) as shippingAmount,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Fee' then orderItemvalue else 0 end) as InvoicefeeAmount,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Fee' then providerfee else 0 end) as providerfee
from amounts
You can also add a GROUP BY, to get aggregation per order:
select OrderId,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Product' then orderItemValue else 0 end) as productAmount,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Shipping' then orderItemvalue else 0 end) as shippingAmount,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Fee' then orderItemvalue else 0 end) as InvoicefeeAmount,
SUM(case when orderItemType = 'Fee' then providerfee else 0 end) as providerfee
from amounts
group by OrderId

Sql loop over unique elements of a column

I am trying to get data of rows into columns. This is my data before query.
This is my query.
SUM(CASE WHEN (Terms="Art") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Art,
SUM(CASE WHEN (Terms="Action") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Action,
SUM(CASE WHEN (Terms="Board") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Board,
SUM(CASE WHEN (Terms="Puzzle") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Puzzle,
SUM(CASE WHEN (Terms="Adventure") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Adventure,
SUM(CASE WHEN (Terms="Others") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Others
After Query this is my data.
Which is fine and intended data. But problem is in query as you can see I have to explicitly write each term. I want to automate that using loop. Theoretical solution is to write subquery to get all unique terms and then loop over them. But I don't know how.

SQL using SUM in CASE in SUM

I had this query select
sum(CASE WHEN kpi.average >= temp.average THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recordOrder,
which worked fine, but I had to change it to this
sum(CASE WHEN sum(kpi.averageUse) / sum(kpi.averageTotal) >= temp.average THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recordOrder,
These queries have to get number of rows, where some value (average) is greater than average from TEMP table. But in the second query I have more accurate data (weighted average).
but I am getting error
1111 invalid use of group function
Any ideas how to write SUM in CASE in SUM?
This code is just non-sensical because you have nested sum functions:
sum(CASE WHEN sum(kpi.averageUse) / sum(kpi.averageTotal) >= temp.average THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recordOrder,
Without seeing your larger query, it is not possible to know what you really intend. But I would speculate that you don't want the internal sum()s:
sum(CASE WHEN (skpi.averageUse / kpi.averageTotal) >= temp.average THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recordOrder,

Sum of single column for different conditions

I have two columns in my table colum#1 is varchar(MAX) and column#2 is int.
In column#2 I have negative and positive entries I want sum of positive entries in one column and sum of negative entries in other column in my select query
To achieve this I did
SELECT SUM(atbl.M),SUM(atbl.p)
from (select M=case when column#2<0
then column#2 else 0 end,
P=case when column#2 > 0
then column#2 else 0 end
from testTable) atbl
select SUM(case when column#2<0 then column#2 else 0 end) as M
,SUM(case when column#2 > 0 then column#2 else 0 end) as P
from testTable
Is there any better way to achieve this.
If you do it frequently on that column then use a view:
create view testView as
sum(case when column#2 < 0 then column#2 else 0 end) as M,
sum(case when column#2 > 0 then column#2 else 0 end) as P
from testTable

select sum statement

I created this select statement I will convert to a view. I need help with this. I need to be able to add the total of Minority that = Yes and No show total on report pages.
SUM (case ps.Minority when 'Yes' then 1 else 0 end) MinorityTotal,
SUM (case ps.Gender when 'Female' then 1 else 0 end) FemaleTotal,
SUM(case ps.Cleveland_Resident when 1 then 1 else 0 end) ClevelandResidents,
PersonnelSummary ps
group by
You nearly have it:
SUM (case ps.Minority when 'Yes' then 1 else 0 end) AS MinorityYes,
SUM (case ps.Minority when 'No' then 1 else 0 end) AS MinorityNo,
COUNT(*) AS Total,
With the Total I'm assuming that every row should be counted. This is what you want if:
The only values that exist in the column are 'Yes' and 'No' or
Values different from 'Yes' and 'No' should also be counted in the total.
You're forcing us to guess what you want. You have a count of the people who said that they were in a minority; do you want a count of the people who said No? Or do you want a count of the number who said 'either "Yes" or "No"' and excluding those who gave 'decline to say' or simply no answer at all?
SUM (case ps.Minority when 'Yes' then 1 else 0 end) MinorityTotalYes,
SUM (case ps.Minority when 'No' then 1 else 0 end) MinorityTotalNo,
SUM (case ps.Minority when 'Yes' then 1 when 'No' then 1 else 0 end)
AS StatedMinorityTotal,
SUM (case ps.Gender when 'Female' then 1 else 0 end) FemaleTotal,
SUM(case ps.Cleveland_Resident when 1 then 1 else 0 end) ClevelandResidents,
PersonnelSummary ps
group by