Getting Error in quickblox connection - quickblox

I have developed login with Facebook script using the quickblox API for ios
My problem is if I enter following details, which I have got from the sample quickblox code:-
[QBSettings setApplicationID:92];
[QBSettings setAuthorizationKey:#"wJHdOcQSxXQGWx5"];
[QBSettings setAuthorizationSecret:#"BTFsj7Rtt27DAmT"];
[QBSettings setAccountKey:#"7yvNe17TnjNUqDoPwfqp"];
Everything works perfectly fine and the user list of the application is displayed. But, if I use following details which I have created from my signup:-
[QBSettings setApplicationID:11532];
[QBSettings setAuthorizationKey:#"dVefUXHppL86GNm"];
[QBSettings setAuthorizationSecret:#"MVhRuvu54Rc-9vf"];
[QBSettings setAccountKey:#"9DxpqJzCtjX9uRKkTbqN"];
Then I get this error:-
{"error":{"message":"Missing client_id parameter.","type":"OAuthException","code":101}}


Getting error while trying to sign in with Facebook

I'm using React Native Firebase Authentification and Facebook SDK for signing in. It was working completely fine but now I'm getting this error
[Error: [auth/configuration-not] An internal error has occurred. [ CONFIGURATION_NOT_FOUND ]]
Please check project_id in you google-services.json and also in your firebase console if facebook auth in enabled or not.

IBM Mobilefirst 8.0 WLAuthorizationManager.login throws "LOGIN_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS" after window.location.reload() in cordova app

Hi I am using WLAuthorizationManager for the authentication in my application, the app works perfectly fine for the first time i have code to reload the app using "$window.location.reload" after my user logs out of my application.
The problem arrises after logout , i do a logout perfectly via "WLAuthorizationManager.logout" and after successful logout i am trying to login again.
This time it show me "LOGIN_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS" error. But it works fine when i close my application and login again.
I tried using document.location.realod and also WL.Client.reloadApp everything results same.

File not found exception using Yodlee API on android

I am trying yodlee api on android but getting file not found exception when I called HTTP GET request on : Request URL=
When I used java sample api as standalone java application it's work fine but in android it is giving exception. cobrand as well member login works fine on android.
You should first check the code, as this is not something which Yodlee API returns. Seems to be an issue with your android code. Do you mind updating the question with your code and actual exception you are getting?

YouTube API v3 sample project raising GTLJSONRPCErrorDomain -32602 unauthorized error

I have just downloaded the Google API objective C client. I opened the YouTube example project in Xcode on my Mac. It builds and runs without errors.
I registered a project with Google APIs, and created a Client ID for installed applications, choosing iOS and entering the sample code's Bundle ID, com.example.YouTubeSample. I left the App Store ID blank and deep linking disabled.
I entered the resulting Client ID and Client secrets into the sample app. I signed myself into Google through the app's window too, and it tells me I am signed in.
I then uploaded a 85kb .mov file. When it finished, it gave me the error:
Error Code=-32602
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (Unauthorized)" UserInfo=0x...
{error=Unauthorized, NSLocalizedFailureReason=(Unauthorized),
GTLStructuredError=GTLErrorObject 0x...:
{message:"Unauthorized" data:[1] code:-32602}}
(Since the sample app is for Mac OS, not iOS, I also tried creating a second Client ID in Google APIs, for an installed application of type "other". I entered this new ID and secret into the sample app, and when I uploaded the .mov file I got the same error.)
Over in the API console, I see an error report showing 5 Error code 400s and 2 error code 500s.
What have I done wrong?
OK, the reason for this error was very simple. My google account did not have a YouTube channel associated with it.
However, with that fixed I am now getting a different error message (code -32602, "bad request"). I will post a new question for that.

Get "Cannot Post To Facebook" with iOS SDK when using test account

When attempting to post using a Facebook generated test account from the app using the iOS 6 ,UIActivityViewController or SLComposeViewController I get the error popup message "Cannot Post To Facebook - The post cannot be sent because the connection to Facebook failed". I see this both on an iPhone and the simulator.
The iOS API works fine with a real Facebook account.
The test account works fine when using the Facebook iOS App or the web interface.
Facebook will not allow back to back posting of same content. But this case is not handled by SLComposeViewController. It will pass result as SLComposeViewControllerResultDone and through you an error message
Cannot Post To Facebook - The post cannot be sent because the connection to Facebook failed.