Rich text edior and syntax highlighter in rails? - ruby-on-rails-3

I would like to develop a application like forum in ruby on rails.
Forum with all categories.
Rich text editor like editor.
Syntax highlight is important feature.
Please any one suggest good gems for my requirement.

Check out Redcarpet. Here's a 7 minute rails cast showing specifically how to set it up and customize the options in your editor. It seems like what you're looking for and is very simple.


I can not change language on xwiki

Dose anyone know how to change language on xwiki?
I followed this link below, but, nothing change at all.
The step is following.
Go to XWikiPreferences.
Click content.
Click localization.
Change SUPPORTED LANGUAGES and default language.
I am Japanese so I choose Japanese, namely 日本語.
Set timezone
Click on save button.
Environment: Centos 6
java 1.8.0
xwiki 10.1
Do I have to take another action when I want to change language?
Best regards,
TL;DR: It worked, but unfortunately XWiki's User Interface is not yet translated into Japanese. Check by editing a page and looking at the editor's labels.
Longer answer:
As you can see from the link you mentioned (and the updated list - see the "Supported Languages" panel, on the right), XWiki does not list Japanese as supported language. This just means that there are no available translations for that language, so the User Interface will show the text labels in the English default.
This does not stop you from setting your wiki, as you did, to use the Japanese language. One way to check that the setting has taken effect is to edit a page and see the WYSIWYG editor's UI showing labels (like when hovering with the mouse over its buttons) in Japanese. This is a bit of a special case, since that editor provides its own translations and it just happens that it includes Japanese. (for information, that component is a 3rd party project, integrated into XWiki, so it manages its own translations that get distributed and integrated with the editor)
Additionally, if you set your wiki to be multilingual, it makes sense to use even languages where the UI is not translated yet because you will be able to edit various translations for the same page, should your usecase need that feature.
If you want to do something about it, you are welcomed to check out the translations wiki and start translating XWiki's UI for the Japanese language. The next release will include your translations and a lot of people, including yourself, will be grateful for it :)

How to change the PDF template regarding the language?

In our forms we use a PDF template to print out the data. Works great. As we will have our forms available in 4 languages in orbeon, we would like to have 4 different PDF templates. The same template but in other languages, with orbeon choosing the right one depending on the currently chosen language.
How to achieve this ?
I use FormBuilder and the "Attach template" functionality.
Unfortunately, this isn't currently supported out-of-the-box by Orbeon Forms. See RFE #246.

What is the name of this NetBeans Theme property?

I am customizing a NetBeans themes to find set up the right colour balance for my eyes.
I would like to change the colour of the default PHP functions in the suggestion (auto-complete box) to something different as I find the dark blue is hard to read.
I haven't had much like finding the name of the property to do so.
To explain further. I know where to change the colours. I just can't find this particular one.
Tools > Options > Fonts & Colours.
I am using 7.4 nightly build version (2013-06-19_17-09-51/ that I got here:
I have changed my look & feel and using Dark Metal theme for the Tool itself.
(Tools > Options > Misc. > Windows (tab)
If I find the answer myself, I'll post it here.
It seems like it's not actually the Fonts&Colour theme that sets the colour.
Changing the theme from my custom one to e.g. Desert theme doesnt change the colour of the auto-completion box. So I was looking at the wrong place... nevertheless, I would still like to change the default colour of the text depicted below.
If anyone knows how, please share! :)
It turns out that this is a bug.
I asked about the same issue on the NetBeans forum and got a reply.
Please see here for details:

Is there such thing as embedding an HTML editor in visual basic?

I was recently asked to do some research on some third party HTML editors to be embedded into our current software (Which is built in VB).
I began doing some research, but no luck.
I don't know much about building HTML editors, but is this something that can easily be done?
From what I've been told, I need something like CKEditor, but not for web use.
My quick search:
Microsoft WinForms HTML Editor
TX Text Control
Definitely what I was looking for

VB.NET - New text editor? (Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Extraction)

I'm thinking of developing a more efficient version of the Rich Text format but I need to know a little about Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Extraction.
Like when reading the file, read all the {Property Boxes} and use them in a RichTextBox.
{C=0000FF}Hello world!{/C}
Prints "Hello world!" in red.
This would also be good to figure out because I am also building acode editor for a very simple version of Python and color codded text would make things easier and seems pretty standard.
There's a codeproject article about this called Syntax highlighting textbox written in C# which might give you some pointers.
And in case you're going to use a RichTextBox I'd suggest this blog post Some RichTextBox tricks .
It might be worth trying to get hold of the book Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop which has a chapter called Chapter 9: Syntax Highlighting (quite old book but might be able to get a second hand copy).