Why would CPCL code sent to a Zebra QLn220 printer work, whereas the same code does NOT work when sent to a Zebra QL220? - compact-framework

Based on user preferences (type of label selected, and whether to send a "Keep Alive" message), different CPCL commands are sent from a handheld device to a Zebra QL[n]220 belt printer. This code:
const string quote = "\"";
string keepPrinterOn = string.Format("! U1 setvar {0}power.dtr_power_off{0} {0}off{0}", quote);
string shutPrinterOff = string.Format("! U1 setvar {0}power.dtr_power_off{0} {0}on{0}", quote);
string advanceToBlackBar = string.Format("! U1 setvar {0}media.sense_mode{0} {0}bar{0}", quote);
string advanceToGap = string.Format("! U1 setvar {0}media.sense_mode{0} {0}gap{0}", quote);
...works for the (newer) QLn220 printer, but on the (older) QL220, rather than the printer receiving the commands and acting on them, it simply prints the raw commands onto the labels. IOW, the QL220 belt printer, instead of converting the commands to actions, or barcodes, it prints stuff like this directly on the label:
0 200 200 241 1
TEXT 4 3 0, 0 0.75
TEXT 5 0 0 90 DRPEPPER (7X2) = 14
BARCODE UPCA 1 1 50 0 137 054900000295
Is it that something changed between the QL220 and the QLn220 as to the CPCL protocol, or...???
Well, this is bizarre; oddly enough, I added this code:
string getDeviceLang = string.Format("! U1 getvar {0}device.languages{0}", quote);
string setDeviceLangZPL = string.Format("! U1 setvar {0}device.languages{0} {0}ZPL{0}", quote);
. . .
String deviceLanguage = PrintUtils.GetSettingFromPrinter(getDeviceLang);
if (deviceLanguage.Equals("line_print"))
...and although the call to GetSettingFromPrinter() returns an empty string (as seen in MessageBox.Show), the printing therefater works as desired anyway (it prints the labels as desired, instead of just printing the raw commands onto them)!?
Note: My QLn220 Zebra printer does have a usb port (the older QL220, which is the one that was causing the problems, does not). When I sent it the "what language are you using" (getDeviceLang) command using Zebra Setup Utils, it responded with, "hybrid_xml_zpl"

Hybrid zpl combines both CPCL and ZPL print commands.
Receipt printers (imz, em220...etc) are set originally from factory in Line print mode. Some of the older QL220 are as well. Its best to set them to Hybrid and you should have no problems.
Arrowhead Corp - Zebra ISV


Why Rmarkdown shows different random numbers in pdf output than the ones in the Rmd file?

I set.seed in Rmd file to generate random numbers, but when I knit the document I get different random numbers. Here is a screen shot for the Rmd and pdf documents side by side.
In R 3.6.0 the internal algorithm used by sample() has changed. The default for a new session is
> set.seed(2345)
> sample(1:10, 5)
[1] 3 7 10 2 4
which is what you get in the PDF file. One can manually change to the old "Rounding" method, though:
> set.seed(2345, sample.kind="Rounding")
Warning message:
In set.seed(2345, sample.kind = "Rounding") :
non-uniform 'Rounding' sampler used
> sample(1:10, 5)
[1] 2 10 6 1 3
You have at some point made this change in your R session, as can be seen from the output of sessionInfo(). You can either change this back with RNGkind(sample.kind="Rejection") or by starting a new R session.
BTW, in general please include code samples as text, not as images.

sqlQuery in R fails when called via source() [duplicate]

The following, when copied and pasted directly into R works fine:
> character_test <- function() print("R同时也被称为GNU S是一个强烈的功能性语言和环境,探索统计数据集,使许多从自定义数据图形显示...")
> character_test()
[1] "R同时也被称为GNU S是一个强烈的功能性语言和环境,探索统计数据集,使许多从自定义数据图形显示..."
However, if I make a file called character_test.R containing the EXACT SAME code, save it in UTF-8 encoding (so as to retain the special Chinese characters), then when I source() it in R, I get the following error:
> source(file="C:\\Users\\Tony\\Desktop\\character_test.R", encoding = "UTF-8")
Error in source(file = "C:\\Users\\Tony\\Desktop\\character_test.R", encoding = "utf-8") :
C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\character_test.R:3:0: unexpected end of input
1: character.test <- function() print("R
In addition: Warning message:
In source(file = "C:\\Users\\Tony\\Desktop\\character_test.R", encoding = "UTF-8") :
invalid input found on input connection 'C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\character_test.R'
Any help you can offer in solving and helping me to understand what is going on here would be much appreciated.
> sessionInfo() # Windows 7 Pro x64
R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16)
Platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
[7] base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.12.1
> l10n_info()
[1] TRUE
[1] 1252
On R/Windows, source runs into problems with any UTF-8 characters that can't be represented in the current locale (or ANSI Code Page in Windows-speak). And unfortunately Windows doesn't have UTF-8 available as an ANSI code page--Windows has a technical limitation that ANSI code pages can only be one- or two-byte-per-character encodings, not variable-byte encodings like UTF-8.
This doesn't seem to be a fundamental, unsolvable problem--there's just something wrong with the source function. You can get 90% of the way there by doing this instead:
eval(parse(filename, encoding="UTF-8"))
This'll work almost exactly like source() with default arguments, but won't let you do echo=T, eval.print=T, etc.
We talked about this a lot in the comments to my previous post but I don't want this to get lost on page 3 of comments: You have to set the locale, it works with both input from the R-console (see screenshot in comments) as well as with input from file see this screenshot:
The file "myfile.r" contains:
russian <- function() print ("Американские с...");
The console contains:
source("myfile.r", encoding="utf-8")
> Error in source(".....
> [1] "Russian_Russia.1251"
[1] "Американские с..."
Note that the file-in fails and it points to the same character as the original poster's error (the one after "R). I can not do this with Chinese because i would have to install "Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0", but the process is the same, you just replace the locale with "chinese" (the naming is a bit inconsistent, consult the documentation).
I think the problem lies with R. I can happily source UTF-8 files, or UCS-2LE files with many non-ASCII characters in. But some characters cause it to fail. For example the following
danish <- function() print("Skønt H. C. Andersens barndomsomgivelser var meget fattige, blev de i hans rige fantasi solbeskinnede.")
croatian <- function() print("Dodigović. Kako se Vi zovete?")
new_testament <- function() print("Ne provizu al vi trezorojn sur la tero, kie tineo kaj rusto konsumas, kaj jie ŝtelistoj trafosas kaj ŝtelas; sed provizu al vi trezoron en la ĉielo")
russian <- function() print ("Американские суда находятся в международных водах. Япония выразила серьезное беспокойство советскими действиями.")
is fine in both UTF-8 and UCS-2LE without the Russian line. But if that is included then it fails. I'm pointing the finger at R. Your Chinese text also appears to be too hard for R on Windows.
Locale seems irrelevant here. It's just a file, you tell it what encoding the file is, why should your locale matter?
For me (on windows) I do:
source.utf8 <- function(f) {
l <- readLines(f, encoding="UTF-8")
It works fine.
Building on crow's answer, this solution makes RStudio's Source button work.
When hitting that Source button, RStudio executes source('myfile.r', encoding = 'UTF-8')), so overriding source makes the errors disappear and runs the code as expected:
source <- function(f, encoding = 'UTF-8') {
l <- readLines(f, encoding=encoding)
You can then add that script to an .Rprofile file, so it will execute on startup.
I encounter this problem when a try to source a .R file containing some Chinese characters. In my case, I found that merely set "LC_CTYPE" to "chinese" is not enough. But setting "LC_ALL" to "chinese" works well.
Note that it's not enough to get encoding right when you read or write plain text file in Rstudio (or R?) with non-ASCII. The locale setting counts too.
PS. the command is Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE",locale = "chinese"). Please replace locale value correspondingly.
On windows, when you copy-paste a unicode or utf-8 encoded string into a text-control that is set to single-byte-input (ascii... depending on locale), the unknown bytes will be replaced by questionmarks. If i take the first 4 characters of your string and copy-paste it into e.g. Notepad and then save it, the file becomes in hex:
52 3F 3F 3F 3F
what you have to do is find an editor which you can set to utf-8 before copy-pasting the text into it, then the saved file (of your first 4 characters) becomes:
52 E5 90 8C E6 97 B6 E4 B9 9F E8 A2 AB
This will then be recognized as valid utf-8 by [R].
I used "Notepad2" for trying this, but i am sure there are many more.

DotNetZip zipping files with Arabic names

When creating a zip file out of many Arabic named files, I have as prompted in DotNetZip's FAQ changed the code page to the following:
Using zip As New ZipFile()
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
zip.AlternateEncodingUsage = Ionic.Zip.ZipOption.Always
Dim row As Integer
For row = 0 To ds.Tables("d").Rows.Count - 1
fileToDownload = Server.MapPath("~/.../Resources/Attachments/" + ds.Tables("d").Rows(row).Item(1).ToString)
zip.AddFile(fileToDownload, "Files")
Response.BufferOutput = False
Dim zipName As String = [String].Format(gvRow.Cells(8).Text.Trim + ".zip")
Response.ContentType = "application/zip"
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + zipName)
End Using
I have used several listed Arabic encoding codes, but most of them produce '???' whereas this one produces names as the following: '¦ßs-¦ µ+++ ¦ß+pß.docx'
What is the correct code to be used? Or am I missing something?
Use UTF8 Encoding and pass it as parameter to the constructor:
Using zip As New Ionic.Zip.ZipFile(Encoding.UTF8)
End Using
this code works with me with Arabic file names (windows 7).
EDIT #1 : you must force DotNetZip to use the specified encoding by using Always option instead of AsNesseary :
Using zip As New Ionic.Zip.ZipFile()
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
zip.AlternateEncodingUsage = Ionic.Zip.ZipOption.Always
End Using
EDIT #2 : based on your comment, I think your operating system does not support Arabic UI,for windows 7 professional 32 bit, go to Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Administrative [tab] -> click "change System locale" button -> choose "Arabic Egypt" for Example -> OK -> OK (restart computer is needed) , Don't worry, the language of windows 7 still English.
EDIT #3 : As I mentioned in EDIT #2, your system must support Arabic UI, for example, create a file called (ملف جديد) then add it to archive using WinZip or Winrar, then open the generated archive, if you can read file names correctly , then try to use one of the following encodings in your code :
If you are unable to read Arabic file names inside the generated archive, you must configure your system to support Arabic UI.
Also, please use the following order for these lines, put the Encoding, then add files or folders :
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
zip.AlternateEncodingUsage = Ionic.Zip.ZipOption.Always
After using what seemed like a myriad of trials using code pages, simply replacing this:
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
with this:
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(720)

Ghostscript, Duplex print same side twice when NumCopies is bigger than 1

I using the command :
-c "mark /BitsPerPixel 1 \
/NoCancel true \
/NumCopies 2 \
/Duplex true \
/OutputFile (%printer%Ricoh c2051) \
/UserSettings << /DocumentName (Arquivo Teste) \
/MaxResolution 500 >> \
(mswinpr2)finddevice putdeviceprops setdevice" -f "C:\Test123.pdf"
The PDF file have 3 pages, when I set the NumCopies 2 for example, the result is 3 pages :
page 1 = the text of page one, in both sides;
page 2 = the text of page two, in both sides;
page 3 = the text of page three, in both sides;
But when I set just one copy the result is 2 pages:
page 1 : the text of page one and in the other side the text of page 2
page 2 : the text of page three and the other side blank .
like Duplex are supposed to be.
Anyone knows how this happened ?
Its a consequence of the way mswinpr2 works, it doesn't care about you setting /Duplex true because the device is not a duplexing device (your printer obviously is, but that's not the same thing). In fact the majority of the command line will have no effect on teh output.
When you set NumCopies, it prints each page 'NumCopies' times to the printer so if your printer is set to do duplexing then it prints the first copy of page 1 on the first side, then the second copy of page 1 on the second side (ie the back of page 1) then the first copy of page 2 on the third side (the front of page 2) and so on.
You cannot achieve multiple collated copies using the mswinpr2 device.
The command line you have set suggests that you have the PostScript option for your printer, you could instead use the ps2write device to convert the PDF to PostScript and send the PostScript to the printer, the latest version of Ghostscript allows for the injection of device-specific options into the output PostScript so you could easily add NumCopies and Duplex there, assuming your printer has sufficient memory to do duplexing and NumCopies at the same time.

Upload Files to Mainframes from VB.net

I am trying to upload a file from my pc to mainframes. I am trying to upload it using Chilkat FTP2. Below is the code.
The file I am trying to upload is 2009102600000
Dim ftp As New Chilkat.Ftp2()
Dim success As Boolean
' Any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days.'
success = ftp.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial")
If (success <> true) Then
Exit Sub
End If
ftp.Hostname = "www.myside.com"
ftp.Username = "****"
ftp.Password = "****"
' The default data transfer mode is "Active" as opposed to "Passive".'
' Change it to Passive by setting the Passive property:'
ftp.Passive = true
' Connect and login to the FTP server.'
success = ftp.Connect()
If (success <> true) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Change to the remote directory where the file will be uploaded.'
success = ftp.ChangeRemoteDir("ABC.SITEUPLOAD.UPLOAD")
If (success <> true) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Upload a file.'
Dim localFilename As String
localFilename = "c:\2009102600000"
Dim remoteFilename As String
remoteFilename = "2009102600000"
success = ftp.PutFile(localFilename,remoteFilename)
If (success <> true) Then
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox("File Uploaded!")
The error I am getting is dataset not found use MVS dsn name or something like that.
I would really appreciate if you can help me out with this one please.
I'm not at all sure you can treat data set prefixes as directories. When I'm doing uploads to the mainframe with ftp, I always just specify the full target name. I would get rid of the
section altogether and just change:
remoteFilename = "2009102600000"
remoteFilename = "'ABC.SITEUPLOAD.UPLOAD.2009102600000'"
if it's a sequesntial data set, or:
remoteFilename = "'ABC.SITEUPLOAD.UPLOAD(2009102600000)'"
if it's a member (in which case the data set will have to exist first).
It would also help if you changed the MsgBox statements so that they included an indication as to what is actually causing the error. Something along the lines of:
MsgBox("Connect error: " & ftp.LastErrorText)
MsgBox("ChangeRemoteDir error: " & ftp.LastErrorText)
MsgBox("PutFile error: " & ftp.LastErrorText)
instead of the generic:
One other point: you'll notice I've put single quotes around the targets above. That's because z/OS has a habit of (sometimes) prefixing your login name to members. It may be that:
put xyz.txt upload(xyz)
is actually trying to put it into yourname.upload(xyz). Quoting it will prevent that.
Update: You know, I just noticed something that totally escaped me the first time I read this question. The error message spells it out plainly.
Data set name segments and member names within partitioned data sets are limited to 8 characters. Hence your 'ABC.SITEUPLOAD.UPLOAD(2009102600000)' is invalid on two counts, the SITEUPLOAD and the 2009102600000. Try shortening the names and re-transferring.
Here's the proof:
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax> ftp bigiron
Connected to bigiron.box.com.
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R9 at BIGIRON.BOX.COM, 02:15:23 on 2009-11-06.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.
User (bigiron.box.com:(none)): pax
331 Send password please.
230 PAX is logged on. Working directory is "PAX.".
ftp> put test.txt 'pax.siteupload'
200 Port request OK.
501 Invalid data set name "'pax.siteupload'". Use MVS Dsname conventions.
ftp> put test.txt 'pax.siteupld'
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set PAX.SITEUPLD
250 Transfer completed successfully.
ftp: 177 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 177000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> put test.txt 'pax.jcl(abcdefghi)'
200 Port request OK.
501 Invalid data set name "'pax.jcl(abcdefghi)'". Use MVS Dsname conventions.
ftp> put test.txt 'pax.jcl(abcdefgh)'
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set PAX.JCL(ABCDEFGH)
250 Transfer completed successfully.
ftp: 177 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 177000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> bye
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
Are you sure you don't need to store it as a generational dataset from the root directory? Like this: