Making Excel report into SSRS with Pivot Tables - sql

I am trying to create a SSRS report from an ad hoc script I have. I can get results but the user of the report requests certain pivots that I can not seem to correctly display the information.
Below is an export of the report from sql with the pivots added. I want each row to be grouped by the GRADE first, OD second, and ID third. The pivot is adjusted for the STOCK NUMBERs. Each row with matching grade,OD, and ID will have numerous stock numbers.
This is the closest I have have came to displaying the information in SSRS.
Is there anyway I can have the Stock numbers run across a single row instead of a row for each stock number?

I would create a Column Group based on Stock number. That will generate a column for each Stock number.

It was a little more tricky than I thought. Since I did not want the Stock Number to actually be a column header but to just list on each column corresponding to my group it was not an actual pivot and was why it was not working properly.
Basically to get it to work I had to use the LookUpSet+Join function in SSRS to list the stock numbers out. I was not required to list them out on different columns. Thank-you for your replies.
Here is the code I used in the column
=Join(LookupSet(Fields!grade.Value & Fields!od.Value & Fields!wall.Value & Fields!id.Value, Fields!grade.Value & Fields!od.Value & Fields!wall.Value & Fields!id.Value, RTrim(Fields!stock_number.Value), "FOC"), ", ")


SQL Server - collapsing multiple row values into one field

I'm trying to produce the result shown in the "Desired Results" section (in SQL Server 2016) in my screenshot below, where the objections associated with each borrower number are in one column delimited by commas instead of separate rows.
I don't want to restructure my database - I just want to display the results as requested for a customer report. Thanks
I was able to use the STRING_AGG function which I didn't know existed to produce the results I need.
SELECT ht.Hearings_CaseID, Borrower_Number, STRING_AGG(Objection,',') AS Objection
FROM Hearings_Test ht INNER JOIN
Hearings_Objections_Test hot on ht.Hearings_CaseID = hot.Hearings_CaseID
ht.Hearings_CaseID, Borrower_Number

How do I get three columns to concatenate into one combo-box in Access 2010

I have a combo-box in an Access 2010 form that I want to show the concatenation of three fields in three separate columns as a result. Currently, I only get the first column to show upon selection even though all three show in the dropdown. The previous questions I have looked at seem to deal with platforms I'm not using.
In a qry, I have the following simple SQL statement that combines all three into a Desc column.
SELECT tblReLetArea.CWHContractNo, tblReLetArea.ReLetAreaLot, tblReLetArea.ReLetAreaName, tblReLetArea.[CWHContractNo] & ": " & [ReLetAreaLot] & " - " & [ReLetAreaName] AS [Desc]
FROM tblReLetArea;
I have attempted variations but nothing changes and I don't get any error messages.
You need to set two things:
The amount of columns in the combobox (combobox.ColumnCount) must be set to 4
The column widths of the combobox (combobox.ColumnWidths) must be set to 0;0;0 to hide the first 3 columns
Note that you could indeed remove the first 3 columns from your query altogether, or reorder the columns. That would influence the availability of the columns in VBA.

Excel: Selecting Specific Columns and Rows in Pivot Table and Formatting

I'm using a Pivot Table in Excel 2010, and while searching posts I find that a lot of users are frustrated like me because it doesn't keep all formats.
So what I'm trying to do is run a macro that formats columns in a Pivot table, but limited to the last row and column in the table. I have the formatting info, but I just need to know how to apply it to specific columns and rows.
What I was thinking might work is finding the last column of the Values row, in this case "Stops per Rte" which is the last Values column; however, I have months listed at the top, so it repeats across months. If the user filters only certain months then the # of columns will decrease.
Same goes for the # of rows: of course, the user should be able to expand/collapse rows as needed, so I only want the column format to go to the last row or just above "Grand Total", if possible.
Hopefully, this makes sense. Thanks in advance! = )

How to aggregate details in Pentaho Report Designer (PRD) 3.9?

Very new to Pentaho Reporting,
I have a query grabbing columns categories, quantity, and gross. It returns about 200 rows.
Without changing the query, is there a way for the report to display the aggregates for each category (I have category as a group)? For example, All you can eat should only display a sum of the Amount and GrossValue columns.
Same for dessert (notice there are two group headers - why?)
You just need to get used to with pentaho report designer.
Refer information given at the end of this page simple report.
You can add one parameter in group footer and set its properties.
They provides properties like aggregation-type, which can be set as Sum or count and then it will show at the end of each group with sum or count of the rows as per the type you specified.

Counting text-items per page in MS access

I'd like to count a text-string in every page on a report and print out the count of the strings in the page-footer.
Searching for a string in a text field is straight forward, counting the findings within the text-field too, but how is it possible to sum the findings in a integer variable per report-page when it has several entries?
i.e. I´ve got a report-page like this where each new line is a new record.
Here the first report-page:
Now the page-footer:
There are 4 records. The letter "F" has been found 6 times on this report page.
Now the second report-page:
There are 5 records. The letter "F" has been found 10 times on this report page.
I'd be happy if smdy has an advice for me.
First step is to figure out how many occurances of "f" occur in each record. Which you can do using
= Len([myField]) - Len(Replace([myField],"f",""))
Now for the total occurances in that page you use the Sum function in a text box in the report footer section.
= Sum( ... )
= Sum(Len([myField]) - Len(Replace([myField],"f",""))) ' if report based on a table
= Sum([myCalculatedField]) ' if you use the occurance count formula in the query instead
If you need to total across the page there is a link detailing how to go about it here (you'll have to scroll down a bit)
You haven't shown any of the expressions that you are using but, essentially, in the Report Footer you would include a textbox which uses your aggregate function:
=COUNT([SomeField]) 'or
=SUM(iif(some condition, 1, 0))
where SomeField is a field in the detail section, or some condition refers to this field.
That is, you need to SUM (or COUNT) across the whole report by referring to field(s) in the details section. You do not do this by attempting to refer to the subtotals that you have in the page-footers - this won't work.