Can I use a variable as the value of the option AUDIT_GUID for the CREATE SERVER AUDIT statement? - sql

I am trying to make the Audit_GUID value in the CREATE SERVER AUDIT command dynamic by using the NEWID() function in SQL. Below is my SQL script to do this:
USE [master]
DECLARE #newGUID as uniqueidentifier
CREATE SERVER AUDIT Audit_Select_Queries -- Name of the Audit(unique for a Server)
( FILEPATH = N'XXXX' -- Folder to Store Audit Files at
,MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES = 2147483647 -- Max possible number of Files
( QUEUE_DELAY = 1000 -- Delay Audit actions by this time for completion
,ON_FAILURE = CONTINUE -- Database operation is more important than Audit
,AUDIT_GUID = #newGUID -- UUID of the Audit (unique for a server)
But I get a syntax error near #newGUID saying "Incorrect syntax near '#newGUID'"
Please let me know what am I doing wrong.
EDIT: I am working on Microsoft SQL Server 2012

No ...
CREATE SERVER AUDIT is a statement – so AUDIT_GUID isn't a 'parameter' in the same way that a SQL Server parameter of a stored procedure is a parameter. If you're familiar with other languages, you could consider CREATE SERVER AUDIT as a 'special form' and, as such, you simply need to remember that it doesn't accept variables for that option.
I can understand why that's confusing as, for example, the BACKUP statement(s) do allow variables for certain 'parameters' ("options"), namely the name of the database; e.g. this is perfectly valid T-SQL:
DECLARE #databaseName nvarchar = "insert_name_of_database_here";
For clarifying these types of questions, just consult Microsoft's documentation for the relevant version of SQL Server if you can't remember whether some parameters or options accept variables or not. [You can easily open the relevant documentation from SSMS by highlighting the statement, built-in procedure, etc. and hitting F1 on your keyboard.]
But if You're Willing to Dynamically Generate the T-SQL ...
Here's how you can use dynamic SQL – via EXECUTE or sp_executesql – to do what you're trying to do:
DECLARE #dynamicSql nvarchar(1000);
AUDIT_GUID = ''' + CAST(#newGUID AS nvarchar(255)) + ''''
+ '...' + ...,
EXEC sp_executesql #dynamicSql;


SQL Updating column after adding it giving "Invalid column name" error

I have the following SQL in SQL Server 2005 but I get an error stating "Invalid column name 'ExpIsLocalTime' (ln 7) when I run it:
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'ExpIsLocalTime' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'[dbo].[tbl_SessionsAvailable]'))
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_SessionsAvailable ADD
ExpIsLocalTime bit NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_tbl_SessionsAvailable_ExpIsLocalTime DEFAULT (0)
UPDATE dbo.tbl_SessionsAvailable
SET ExpIsLocalTime = 1
This will be in a script file that may be run more than once so I'm trying to make sure the UPDATE only runs once. Is there something about BEGIN/END that delays the execution of the DDL statement?
Your SQL query to do the UPDATE refers to a column that has not yet been created. At compile time, SQL Server detects that the column does not exist, so it gives you the error "Invalid column name 'ExpIsLocalTime'".
In order to include the UPDATE in this query, you will need to encapsulate it in a dynamic SQL query. In other words, something like this:
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'ExpIsLocalTime' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'[dbo].[tbl_SessionsAvailable]'))
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_SessionsAvailable ADD
ExpIsLocalTime bit NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_tbl_SessionsAvailable_ExpIsLocalTime DEFAULT (0)
SELECT #SQL = N'UPDATE dbo.tbl_SessionsAvailable SET ExpIsLocalTime = 1'
EXEC sp_executesql #SQL
We have the same issue in our SQL scripts that maintain tables. After a table is created, if we add a column to it later, we have to use dynamic SQL to avoid these compilation errors.
Another possibly simpler solution is using the GO statement after the Alter statement. This would send the DDL to the server. Then run the rest of your SQL. This should work if you are using sqlcmd osql or SSMS.

Running scripts - Check if a SQL Server 2008 database exists and replace if not (USE Database)

Running scripts - check if a SQL Server 2008 database exists and replace if not (USE Database)
I run a script on lots of servers. However some database names are not always the same hence we have to edit 'use database'
if DB_ID('sports') is not null -- check to see if exists
use sports
use SportsLive`-- use the correct one
Always one is not going to exist...
Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 15
Database 'SportsLive' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
Any way around this?
use[xxx] must be at beginning of the code so
if you what to use this query
you need to put the rest of the code together
with the 'use[xxx]...' like in the example
DECLARE #i nvarchar(50)
DECLARE #a nvarchar(50)
SET #i =DB_NAME(coalesce((db_id('sports')),(db_id('SportsLive'))))
SET #a= 'USE ['+#i+']
select * from [your table]'
EXEC (#a)

Statement 'SELECT INTO' is not supported in this version of SQL Server - SQL Azure

I am getting
Statement 'SELECT INTO' is not supported in this version of SQL Server
in SQL Server
for the below query inside stored procedure
,#sqlSelect NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
,#sqlFrom NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
,#sqlTempTable NVARCHAR(MAX) = '#itemSearch'
,#sqlInto NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
,#params NVARCHAR(MAX)
SET #sqlSelect ='SELECT
SET #sqlFrom =' FROM dbo.ITEM AS IT'
SET #sqlInto = ' INTO ' + #sqlTempTable + ' ';
IF (#cityId > 0)
SET #sqlFrom = #sqlFrom +
ON CI2.CITYID = #cityId'
SET #sqlSelect = #sqlSelect +
SELECT #params =N'#cityId int '
SET #sql = #sqlSelect +#sqlInto +#sqlFrom
EXEC sp_executesql #sql,#params
I have around 50,000 records, so decided to use Temp Table. But surprised to see this error.
How can i achieve the same in SQL Azure?
Edit: Reading this blog suggesting us to CREATE a Table inside Stored procedure for storing data instead of Temp table. Is it safe under concurrency? Will it hit performance?
Adding some points taken from
Each Table must have clustered index. Tables without a clustered index are not supported.
Each connection can use single database. Multiple database in single transaction is not supported.
‘USE DATABASE’ cannot be used in Azure.
Global Temp Tables (or Temp Objects) are not supported.
As there is no concept of cross database connection, linked server is not the concept in Azure at this moment.
SQL Azure is shared environment and because of the same there is no concept of Windows Login.
Always drop TempDB objects after their need as they create pressure on TempDB.
During buck insert use batchsize option to limit the number of rows to be inserted. This will limit the usage of Transaction log space.
Avoid unnecessary usage of grouping or blocking ORDER by operations as they leads to high end memory usage.
SELECT INTO is one of the many things that you can unfortunately not perform in SQL Azure.
What you'd have to do is first create the temporary table, then perform the insert. Something like:
INSERT INTO #itemSearch
The new Azure DB Update preview has this problem resolved:
The V12 preview enables you to create a table that has no clustered
index. This feature is especially helpful for its support of the T-SQL
SELECT...INTO statement which creates a table from a query result.
Create the table using # prefix, e.g. create table #itemsearch then use insert into. The scope of the temp table is limited to the session so there will no concurrency problems.
Well, As we all know SQL Azure table must have a clustered index, that is why SELECT INTO failure copy data from one table in to another table.
If you want to migrate, you must create a table first with same structure and then execute INSERT INTO statement.
For temporary table which followed by # you don't need to create Index.
how to create index and how to execute insert into for temp table?

How can I conditionally use a linked server depending on the environment a stored proc is currently running in?

Here's the issue I'm having. I am trying to create a stored proc that will be deployed to DEV, QA, and PROD environments. Because of the strict requirements on the deployment process, I have to make sure my proc in the same across all three environments and has to work (of course!). The problem is that this proc references a table in a different database. In DEV and QA this is ok, because the database is on the same server, however in PROD the database in question is located on a separate server. The following is a code snippet from my proc that tries to deal with the different environment issues:
IF ##SERVERNAME<>'Production'
select distinct m.acct_id
from l_map m (nolock)
join #llist ll on ll.acct_id = m.acct_id
where ll.acct_id not in (select l_number from [OTHERDATABASE].[dbo].[OTHERTABLE] where lmi_status_code not in (select item from #ruleItems))
select distinct m.acct_id
from l_map m (nolock)
join #llist ll on ll.acct_id = m.acct_id
where ll.acct_id not in (select l_number from [OTHERSERVER].[OTHERDATABASE].[dbo].[OTHERTABLE] where lmi_status_code not in (select item from #ruleItems))
My proc is called from within a different proc. When I test the above logic directly, I get the results I expect. However, when I try to test it in context in DEV or QA (from the top level proc), I get an error saying that [OTHERSERVER] could not be found. I cannot (and don't need to) create a linked server in DEV and QA, but I need to be able to use the linked server in the PROD environment. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Use synonyms, see here.
Also see these two SO examples: one, two.
Synonym definition on each server may be (is) different, but the code (stored procedure) does not change.
My suggestion is to create a view on the table in the linked server. On your test server you can create a view onto a local table with test data.
In this way information about the linked server is isolated to the view. Then you can write your stored proc or other queries referencing the view, rather than referencing the linked server directly.
Note that this will not enable you to test the security and permissions you need, only that the query works with the schema.
I have the same situation.
Using an alias, I can not use OpenQuery that I need to execute functions with parameters on the destination server, where a simple SELECT INTO or EXECUTE was not possible.
Using EXEC will return (using my configuration) in error Msg 7411:
Server 'linked_server_name' is not configured for RPC.
Here is an example of my approach using a string query. Note that on testing I don't use linked server but you can use one if you need:
-- Prepare Source Query Fragment
IF ##SERVERNAME = 'production_server'
SET #SelectQuery = ' OPENQUERY (['
+ #SourceServer + '],''EXEC [production_source_db].[schema_name].['
+ #FuncrionName+'] '''''
+ #param_1 + ''''', '''''
+ #param_2 + ''''''')';
SET #SelectQuery = ' EXEC [testing_schema].['
+ #FuncrionName+'] '''
+ #param_1 + ''', '''
+ #param_2 + ''')';
-- Prepare Destination Query Fragment
IF ##SERVERNAME = 'production_server'
SET #Destination = '[production_destination_server].[production_destination_db].[schema_name]';
SET #Destination = '[testing_schema]';
-- Execute the data transfer
INSERT INTO ' + #Destination + '.[Destination_Table] (
, [Col2])
, [Col2]
FROM ' + #SelectQuery )

How do I paramaterise a T-SQL stored procedure that drops a table?

I'm after a simple stored procedure to drop tables. Here's my first attempt:
CREATE PROC bsp_susf_DeleteTable (#TableName char)
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = #TableName)
When I parse this in MS Query Analyser I get the following error:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure bsp_susf_DeleteTable, Line 6
Line 6: Incorrect syntax near '#TableName'.
Which kind of makes sense because the normal SQL for a single table would be:
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'tbl_XYZ')
Note the first instance of tbl_XYZ (in the WHERE clause) has single quotes around it, while the second instance in the DROP statement does not. If I use a variable (#TableName) then I don't get to make this distinction.
So can a stored procedure be created to do this? Or do I have to copy the IF EXISTS ... everywhere?
You should be able to use dynamic sql:
declare #sql varchar(max)
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = #TableName)
set #sql = 'drop table ' + #TableName
Hope this helps.
Update: Yes, you could make #sql smaller, this was just a quick example. Also note other comments about SQL Injection Attacks
Personally I would be very wary of doing this. If you feel you need it for administrative purposes, please make sure the rights to execute this are extremely limited. Further, I would have the proc copy the table name and the date and the user executing it to a logging table. That way at least you will know who dropped the wrong table. You may want other protections as well. For instance you may want to specify certain tables that cannot be dropped ever using this proc.
Further this will not work on all tables in all cases. You cannot drop a table that has a foreign key associated with it.
Under no circumstances would I allow a user or anyone not the database admin to execute this proc. If you havea a system design where users can drop tables, there is most likely something drastically wrong with your design and it should be rethought.
Also, do not use this proc unless you have a really, really good backup schedule in place and experience restoring from backups.
You'll have to use EXEC to execute that query as a string. In other words, when you pass in the table name, define a varchar and assign the query and tablename, then exec the variable you created.
Edit: HOWEVER, I don't recommend that because someone could pass in sql rather than a TableName and cause all kinds of wonderful problems. See Sql injection for more information.
Your best bet is to create a parameterized query on the client side for this. For example, in C# I would do something like:
// EDIT 2: on second thought, ignore this code; it probably won't work
SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand();
sc.Connection = someConnection;
sc.CommandType = Command.Text;
sc.CommandText = "drop table #tablename";
sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#tablename", "the_table_name");