LoD: calling components` components - allowed or not? - oop

Is it allowed to call components' components according to the Law of Demeter?
By component I mean an object
which was "exclusively" injected into the container or was created in
the container
which has the same life cycle with it's container
For example, Brain is a component of a Dog:
partial class Dog
private readonly IBrain brain;
public Dog(IBrain brain)
this.brain = brain;
Here is some information I found:
Your method can call methods on its own fields directly (but not on
the fields' fields)
message target can only be one of the following objects:
... an object referred to by the object's attribute
A method of an object should invoke only the methods of the following
kinds of objects:
any objects it creates/instantiates
its direct component objects
And here is a case:
partial class Dog
public void Command(string cmd)
var movement = brain.GetMemory().GetMovement(cmd);

Is it allowed to call components' components according to the Law of Demeter?
By definition this is not allowed since you should Only talk to your immediate friends.
In other words, the IBrain service should not expose its internal services through its interface (assuming that GetMemory() returns an IMemory service of some kind). Instead, the IBrain interface should either provide provide a method that allows retrieving the movement -or- the IMemory should be injected directly intoDog`.


Role of private & non-private initializers in (Dart) private & non-private class constructors?

I'm new to OOP currently with intermediate level of understanding. I'm constantly gaining ground by learning Dart and C#. I'm also exploring the design patterns to really understand how it all clicks together based on different scenarios. As for now I'm trying to make sense of following 4 scenarios related to class constructors. I understand the implications of underscore at constructor level and at initializer level. But I am looking for something that may seem quite obvious and clear to experienced programmers out there. Please share your valuable insights as I don't know what I'm missing here.
Scenario 1: Private Constructor with no initializer
I know this is different from Singleton. Singleton allows single instantiation, this below does not even once. Is there something more to it?
Real World Example:
class Firebase {
// Ensures end-users cannot initialize the class.
Scenario 2: Private Constructor with optional public or non-private initializer
What's the use of this type of private constructor that has non-private initializer (this.app)? Why have a non-private initializer (this.app) in a private constructor? What is achieved through this?
Real World Example:
class FirebaseAuth extends FirebasePluginPlatform {
/// The [FirebaseApp] for this current Auth instance.
FirebaseApp app;
FirebaseAuth._({required this.app})
: super(app.name, 'plugins.flutter.io/firebase_auth');
/// Returns an instance using the default [FirebaseApp].
static FirebaseAuth get instance {
FirebaseApp defaultAppInstance = Firebase.app();
return FirebaseAuth.instanceFor(app: defaultAppInstance);
Scenario 3: public Constructor with private initializer
Why have a private property in a non-private constructor? What is achieved through this?
Fictitious Example:
class Constructify {
Map<String,dynamic> _property;
Scenario 4: Private Constructor with private initializer
Why have a private initializer at all when the constructor itself is private? What is achieved through this?
Real World Example:
class FirebaseApp {
/// A [FirebaseApp] instance can only be accessed from a call to `app()` [FirebaseCore].
/// This constructor ensures that the delegate instance it is constructed with is one which extends [FirebaseAppPlatform].
FirebaseApp._(this._delegate) {
final FirebaseAppPlatform _delegate;
Scenario 1: _ in Dart means the variable/method/function/constructor is package private. So as long as we are inside the same package, we are allowed to use the field. So in Scenario 1 this actually means we can only create Firebase objects if we call the constructor from the package where Firebase has been declared. This will also prevent you from extending the class in another package since we cannot call the constructor on the Firebase class we are extending from.
Scenario 2: The package private constructor ensures that objects can only be created by code from the same package. The named app parameter is marked required so it is not optional. After the object has been created, you can in this case change the app variable. I don't know if this makes sense in this scenario but you can do it. I would properly in most cases mark app as final.
Scenario 3: The private field can be set to a value using the constructor but since the field is package private, we can ensure nobody outside our package can access the field afterwards.
Scenario 4: A package private constructor is used by some other code in the same package. If you want to ensure only your own package are allowed to create new objects of FirebaseApp and don't want code outside your package to get access to the field _delegate, you can do what this example does.

Benefits of an abstract class with a factory constructor?

I've recently run into some examples that make use of abstract classes as interfaces but also add factory constructors to the abstract interface so it can in a sense be "newed" up. For example:
abstract class WidgetService {
factory WidgetService() = ConcreteWidgetService;
Widget getWidget();
void saveWidget(Widget widget);
class ConcreteWidgetService extends BaseWidgetService implements WidgetService {
Widget getWidget() {
// code to get widget here
void saveWidget(Widget widget) {
// code to save widget here
Usages of this service would be in some other service or component like so:
WidgetService _service = new WidgetService();
Based on my understanding of this sample, the line above would essentially "new" up a WidgetService, which usually produces an warning from the Dart analyzer, and said service variable would actually be an instance of ConcreateWidgetService based on the assignment of the ConcreateWidgetService to the factory constructor of the WidgetService.
Is there a benefit to this approach? From my OOP experience, I've used abstract classes/interfaces to program against when I didn't know the concrete type I would be given. Here it seems we are assigning the concrete type immediately to the abstract factory constructor. I guess my second question would be in this instance why not just use the ConcreteWidgetService directly here instead of repeating all the method signatures?
In your example the benefits are limited but in more complex situations the benefits become more clear.
A factory constructor allows you more control about what the constructor returns. It can return an instance of a subclass or an already existing (cached) instance.
It can return different concrete implementations based on a constructor parameter:
abstract class WidgetService {
WidgetService _cached;
factory WidgetService(String type) {
switch (type) {
case 'a':
return ConcreteWidgetServiceA();
case 'b':
return ConcreteWidgetServiceB();
return _cached ??= DummyWidgetServiceA();
Widget getWidget();
void saveWidget(Widget widget);
Your example seems to be a preparation to be extended eventually to such a more flexible approach.
In Dart, all classes are also automatically interfaces. There's nothing strange about creating a instance of - 'newing up' - an 'interface', because it's actually just creating an instance of a class.
The purpose of some abstract classes is specifically to define an interface, but they have factory constructors that return a 'default implementation' of themselves.
For instance:
void main() {
var v = new Map();
prints: _InternalLinkedHashMap - the (current) default implementation of Map.
Core library users can create and using instances of Map without knowing or caring about the implementation they actually get. The library authors may change the implementation without breaking anyone's code.
Of course, other classes may implement Map also.
With respect to your code sample, WidgetService _service = new WidgetService(); does not produce an analyzer warning. See this example on DartPad (Note I fixed a couple of errors in your sample).
I was initially confused by:
factory WidgetService() = ConcreteWidgetService;
instead of:
factory WidgetService() => new ConcreteWidgetService();
but it seems to work.

How to Solve Circular Dependency

Hi I have a problem with the structure of my code, it somehow goes into Circular Dependency. Here is an explanation of how my code looks like:
I have a ProjectA contains BaseProcessor and BaseProcessor has a reference to a class called Structure in ProjectB. Inside BaseProcessor, there is an instance of Structure as a variable.
In projectB there are someother classes such as Pricing, Transaction etc.
Every class in ProjectB has a base class called BaseStructure i.e. Structure, Pricing and Transaction classes all inherited from BaseStructure.
Now in Pricing and Transaction classes, I want to call a method in BaseProcessor class from BaseStructure class which causing Circular Dependency.
What I have tried is:
Using Unity, but I didn't figure out how to make it work because I try to use function like:
unityContainer.ReferenceType(IBaseProcessor, BaseProcessor)
in BaseStructure then it will need a reference of BaseProcessor which also cause Circular Dependency.
And I've also tried creating an interface of IBaseProcessor and create a function(the function I want to call) declaration in this interface. And let both BaseProcessor and BaseStructure inherit this interface. But how can I call the function in Pricing and Transaction class without create an instance of BaseProcessor?
Can anyone please tell me how to resolve this problem other than using reflection?
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks :)
You could use the lazy resolution:
public class Pricing {
private Lazy<BaseProcessor> proc;
public Pricing(Lazy<BaseProcessor> proc) {
this.proc = proc;
void Foo() {
Note that you haven't to register the Lazy because Unity will resolve it by BaseProcessor registration.
Your DI container can't help solving the circular reference, since it is the dependency structure of the application that prevents objects from being created. Even without a DI container, you can't construct your object graphs without some special 'tricks'.
Do note that in most cases cyclic dependency graphs are a sign of a design flaw in your application, so you might want to consider taking a very close look at your design and see if this can't be solved by extracting logic into separate classes.
But if this is not an option, there are basically two ways of resolving this cyclic dependency graph. Either you need to fallback to property injection, or need to postpone resolving the component with a factory, Func<T>, or like #onof proposed with a Lazy<T>.
Within these two flavors, there are a lot of possible ways to do this, for instance by falling back to property injection into your application (excuse my C#):
public class BaseStructure {
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1) { ... }
// Break the dependency cycle using a property
public IBaseProcessor Processor { get; set; }
This moves the IBaseProcessor dependency from the constructor to a property and allows you to set it after the graph is constructed. Here's an example of an object graph that is built manually:
var structure = new Structure(new SomeDependency());
var processor = new BaseProcessor(structure);
// Set the property after the graph has been constructed.
structure.Processor = processor;
A better option is to hide the property inside your Composition Root. This makes your application design cleaner, since you can keep using constructor injection. Example:
public class BaseStructure {
// vanilla constructor injection here
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1, IBaseProcessor processor) { ... }
// Defined inside your Composition Root.
private class CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor : IBaseProcessor {
public IBaseProcessor WrappedProcessor { get; set; }
void IBaseProcessor.TheMethod() {
// forward the call to the real processor.
Now instead of injecting the BaseProcessor into your Structure, you inject the CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor, which will be further initialized after the construction of the graph:
var cyclicBreaker = new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor();
var processor = new BaseProcessor(new Structure(new SomeDependency(), cyclicBreaker));
// Set the property after the graph has been constructed.
cyclicBreaker.WrappedProcessor = processor;
This is basically the same as before, but now the application stays oblivious from the fact that there is a cyclic dependency that needed to be broken.
Instead of using property injection, you can also use Lazy<T>, but just as with the property injection, it is best to hide this implementation detail inside your Composition Root, and don't let Lazy<T> values leak into your application, since this just adds noise to your application, which makes your code more complex and harder to test. Besides, the application shouldn't care that the dependency injection is delayed. Just as with Func<T> (and IEnumerable<T>), when injecting a Lazy<T> the dependency is defined with a particular implementation in mind and we're leaking implementation details. So it's better to do the following:
public class BaseStructure {
// vanilla constructor injection here
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1, IBaseProcessor processor) { ... }
// Defined inside your Composition Root.
public class CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor : IBaseProcessor {
public CyclicDependencyBreakingBaseProcessor(Lazy<IBaseProcessor> processor) {...}
void IBaseProcessor.TheMethod() {
With the following wiring:
IBaseProcessor value = null;
var cyclicBreaker = new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor(
new Lazy<IBaseProcessor>(() => value));
var processor = new BaseProcessor(new Structure(new SomeDependency(), cyclicBreaker));
// Set the value after the graph has been constructed.
value = processor;
Up until now I only showed how to build up the object graph manually. When doing this using a DI container, you usually want to let the DI container build up the complete graph for you, since this yields a more maintainable Composition Root. But this can make it a bit more tricky to break the cyclic dependencies. In most cases the trick is to register the component that you want to break with a caching lifestyle (basically anything else than transient). Per Web Request Lifestyle for instance. This allows you to get the same instance in a lazy fashion.
Using the last CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor example, we can create the following Unity registration:
container.Register<BaseProcessor>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IStructure, Structure>();
container.RegisterType<IDependency, SomeDependenc>();
container.Register<IBaseProcessor>(new InjectionFactory(c =>
new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor(
new Lazy<IBaseProcessor>(() => c.GetInstance<BaseProcessor>())));

OO Design Issue related to subclassing

I have a parent bean having one instance variable like below :
public Class ParentBean {
protected boolean show; // this variable will be used to show some UI component
public void action() {
// update show variable here
public boolean isShow() {
return show;
Is it a good design if I want to reuse the "show" variable in a child bean (to show other UI component specific to child bean ) as shown below :
public Class ChildBean extends ParentBean {
// override the action method from parent bean
public void action() {
// update show variable here
show = true /false;
In effect , show variable is being updated by "childBean" by overriding action() method.
Is this a good design practice ? Otherwise same thing has to be repeated in ChildBean to get this work done.
If you use the show variable for the same purpose in the subclass, as you seem to be doing in this example, then obviously you should reuse it, because otherwise you just end up writing the same code twice, which is contrary to the point of OOP.
In general, in OOP, it is common to override superclass methods in subclasses, as well as modifying superclass instance variables, as long as you know what the variable you are modifying is being used for (you don't want to be randomly changing instance variables in classes that you don't completely understand, or don't have access to the source of, because you don't want any unfortunate side effects), so when it's your own code, this is absolutely fine.
As a general guideline, if your options are either to copy and paste a massive hunk of code and use it unchanged, or subclass and use the superclass' instance variables or functions, it's better to subclass. Otherwise, you're missing out on the point of OOP.
Changing the value in subclass will not affect superclass variable
This is fine with respect to the design. When a subclass object is instantiated, it will have a different copy of variable. and If superclass object is instantiated it will have different copy.
It is. Having a protected variable means you are allowed to modify it into parent or children classes (remember every single instance of each class has its own property values). So, if you have some generic functionality which is valuable for all the children:
Parent class:
public void action(){
//update show variable here
show = true;
Appart from that, if you want to add some extra functionality in a specifical child:
Child class:
public void action(){
//Extra functionality goes here
//You can also access parent's 'protected' fields
if (show){
An example of the use:
Parent p = new Parent();
p.action();//Prints nothing
Child c = new Child();
p.action();//Prints 'shown'

WCF - Return object without serializing?

One of my WCF functions returns an object that has a member variable of a type from another library that is beyond my control. I cannot decorate that library's classes. In fact, I cannot even use DataContractSurrogate because the library's classes have private member variables that are essential to operation (i.e. if I return the object without those private member variables, the public properties throw exceptions).
If I say that interoperability for this particular method is not needed (at least until the owners of this library can revise to make their objects serializable), is it possible for me to use WCF to return this object such that it can at least be consumed by a .NET client?
How do I go about doing that?
Update: I am adding pseudo code below...
// My code, I have control
public class MyObject
private TheirObject theirObject;
public int SomeNumber
get { return theirObject.SomeNumber; } // public property exposed
private set { }
// Their code, I have no control
public class TheirObject
private TheirOtherObject theirOtherObject;
public int SomeNumber
get { return theirOtherObject.SomeOtherProperty; }
set { // ... }
I've tried adding DataMember to my instance of their object, making it public, using a DataContractSurrogate, and even manually streaming the object. In all cases, I get some error that eventually leads back to their object not being explicitly serializable.
Sure, write a wrapper class that has all of the same public properties available and simply put "get { return internalObject.ThisProperty; }. Decorate the wrapper class so that it works with WCF.
Another option is to write a Proxy class which mirrors the properties of the type you wish to use exactly, and return that via WCF.
You can use AutoMapper to populate the proxy object.
This approach has the advantage that your service's consumers don't need to take a dependency on the third party library in trying to use it.