Convert char back to mtype in Promela Spin - spin

Let's say, for instance, I have the following
mtype = {ONE, TWO, THREE} ;
mtype array[3] ;
mtype test ;
test = array[0] ;
printf("Test is %e\n", test) ;
I get
Test is 1
which I understand is because the underlying variable is a char type. However, I would like to get the mtype of that char, is there any way to cross reference a char back to its mtype?

You haven't initialized array[3] with valid values. Here is what I get:
== foo.pml ==
mtype = {ONE, TWO, THREE};
mtype array[3];
mtype test;
init {
array[0] = TWO; // initialize!
test = array[0];
printf ("Test is '%e'\n", test);
$ spin foo.pml
Test is 'TWO'
1 process created
If I then modify foo.pml to remove the initialization of array[0] then the output is:
$ spin foo.pml
Test is '0'
1 process created


Why does `variable++` increment the variable but `variable + 1` does not?

Here's the problem in which I encountered this issue:
The function should compare the value at each index position and score a point if the value for that position is higher. No point if they are the same. Given a = [1, 1, 1] b = [1, 0, 0] output should be [2, 0]
fun compareArrays(a: Array<Int>, b: Array<Int>): Array<Int> {
var aRetVal:Int = 0
var bRetVal:Int = 0
for(i in 0..2){
when {
a[i] > b[i] -> aRetVal + 1 // This does not add 1 to the variable
b[i] > a[i] -> bRetVal++ // This does...
return arrayOf(aRetVal, bRetVal)
The IDE even says that aRetVal is unmodified and should be declared as a val
What others said is true, but in Kotlin there's more. ++ is just syntactic sugar and under the hood it will call inc() on that variable. The same applies to --, which causes dec() to be invoked (see documentation). In other words a++ is equivalent to (for Int or other primitive types that gets optimised by the compiler and increment happens without any method call) followed by a reassignment of a to the incremented value.
As a bonus, consider the following code:
fun main() {
var i = 0
val x = when {
i < 5 -> i++
else -> -1
println(x) // prints 0
println(i) // prints 1
val y = when {
i < 5 -> ++i
else -> -1
println(y) // prints 2
println(i) // prints 2
The explanation for that comes from the documentation I linked above:
The compiler performs the following steps for resolution of an operator in the postfix form, e.g. a++:
Store the initial value of a to a temporary storage a0;
Assign the result of to a;
Return a0 as a result of the expression.
For the prefix forms ++a and --a resolution works the same way, and the effect is:
Assign the result of to a;
Return the new value of a as a result of the expression.
variable++ is shortcut for variable = variable + 1 (i.e. with assignment)
variable + 1 is "shortcut" for variable + 1 (i.e. without assignment, and actually not a shortcut at all).
That is because what notation a++ does is actually a=a+1, not just a+1. As you can see, a+1 will return a value that is bigger by one than a, but not overwrite a itself.
Hope this helps. Cheers!
The equivalent to a++ is a = a + 1, you have to do a reassignment which the inc operator does as well.
This is not related to Kotlin but a thing you'll find in pretty much any other language

Passing an inlined CArray in a CStruct to a shared library using NativeCall

This is a follow-up question to "How to declare native array of fixed size in Perl 6?".
In that question it was discussed how to incorporate an array of a fixed size into a CStruct. In this answer it was suggested to use HAS to inline a CArray in the CStruct. When I tested this idea, I ran into some strange behavior that could not be resolved in the comments section below the question, so I decided to write it up as a new question. Here is is my C test library code:
#include <stdio.h>
struct myStruct
int A;
int B[3];
int C;
void use_struct (struct myStruct *s) {
printf("sizeof(struct myStruct): %ld\n", sizeof( struct myStruct ));
printf("sizeof(struct myStruct *): %ld\n", sizeof( struct myStruct *));
printf("A = %d\n", s->A);
printf("B[0] = %d\n", s->B[0]);
printf("B[1] = %d\n", s->B[1]);
printf("B[2] = %d\n", s->B[2]);
printf("C = %d\n", s->C);
To generate a shared library from this i used:
gcc -c -fpic slib.c
gcc -shared -o slib.o
Then, the Perl 6 code:
use v6;
use NativeCall;
class myStruct is repr('CStruct') {
has int32 $.A is rw;
HAS int32 #.B[3] is CArray is rw;
has int32 $.C is rw;
sub use_struct(myStruct $s) is native("./") { * };
my $s =;
$s.A = 1;
$s.B[0] = 2;
$s.B[1] = 3;
$s.B[2] = 4;
$s.C = 5;
say "Expected size of Perl 6 struct: ", (nativesizeof(int32) * 5);
say "Actual size of Perl 6 struct: ", nativesizeof( $s );
say 'Number of elements of $s.B: ', $s.B.elems;
say "B[0] = ", $s.B[0];
say "B[1] = ", $s.B[1];
say "B[2] = ", $s.B[2];
say "Calling library function..";
say "--------------------------";
use_struct( $s );
The output from the script is:
Expected size of Perl 6 struct: 20
Actual size of Perl 6 struct: 24
Number of elements of $s.B: 3
B[0] = 2
B[1] = 3
B[2] = 4
Calling library function..
sizeof(struct myStruct): 20
sizeof(struct myStruct *): 8
A = 1
B[0] = 0 # <-- Expected 2
B[1] = 653252032 # <-- Expected 3
B[2] = 22030 # <-- Expected 4
C = 5
Why does nativesizeof( $s ) give 24 (and not the expected value of 20)?
Why is the content of the array B in the structure not as expected when printed from the C function?
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and Perl 6 Rakudo version 2018.04.01, but have also tested with version 2018.05
Your code is correct. I just fixed that bug in MoarVM, and added tests to rakudo, similar to your code:
In C:
typedef struct {
int a;
int b[3];
int c;
} InlinedArrayInStruct;
In Perl 6:
class InlinedArrayInStruct is repr('CStruct') {
has int32 $.a is rw;
HAS int32 #.b[3] is CArray;
has int32 $.c is rw;
See these patches:
If you are not building rakudo (and also NQP and MoarVM) directly from latest source from github, you probably have to wait for the 2018.08 release that will appear here:

Making cin take selective inputs [Turbo C++]

Don't hate cause of Turbo, I already hate my school!
I wish to show an error msg if a character is entered instead of an int or float in some file such as age or percentage.
I wrote this function:
template <class Type>
Type modcin(Type var) {
take_input: //Label
int count = 0;
for ( ; count < 1; count++) { //Printed only once
cout<<"\n Invalid input! Try again: ";
goto take_input;
return var;
but the output is not desirable:
How do I stop the error msg from being repeated multiple times?
Is there a better method?
NOTE: Please make sure that this is TurboC++ that we are talking about, I tried using the approach in this question, but even after including limits.h, it doesn't work.
Here, a code snippet in C++.
template <class Type>
Type modcin(Type var) {
int i=0;
int count = 0;
if(!cin) {
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
for ( ; count < 1; count++) { //Printed only once
cout<<"\n Invalid input! Try again: ";
} while (!cin);
return var;
The variables are tailored to match yours' so you can understand better. This code isn't perfect though.
It can't handle cases like "1fff", here you would just get a 1 in return. I tried solving it but then a infinite loop was being encountered, when I'll fix it, I'll update the code.
It also can't function in TurboC++ effectively. I don't know if there are alternatives but the numeric_limits<streamsize>::max() argument gives a compiler error ('undefined symbol' error for numeric_limits & streamsize and 'prototype must be defined' error for max()) in Turbo C++.
So, to make it work in Turbo C++. Replace the numeric_limits<streamsize>::max() argument with some big int value such as 100.
This will make it so that the buffer is only ignored/cleared till 100 characters are reached or '\n' (enter button/newline character) is pressed.
The following code can be executed on both Turbo C++ or proper C++. The comments are provided to explain the functioning:
template <class Type> //Data Integrity Maintenance Function
Type modcin(Type var) { //for data types: int, float, double
cin >> var;
if (cin) { //Extracted an int, but it is unknown if more input exists
//---- The following code covers cases: 12sfds** -----//
char c;
if (cin.get(c)) { // Or: cin >> c, depending on how you want to handle whitespace.
cin.putback(c); //More input exists.
if (c != '\n') { // Doesn't work if you use cin >> c above.
cout << "\nType Error!\t Try Again: ";
cin.clear(); //Clears the error state of cin stream
cin.ignore(100, '\n'); //NOTE: Buffer Flushed <|>
var = modcin(var); //Recursive Repeatation
else { //In case, some unexpected operation occurs [Covers cases: abc**]
cout << "\nType Error!\t Try Again: ";
cin.clear(); //Clears the error state of cin stream
cin.ignore(100, '\n'); //NOTE: Buffer Flushed <|>
var = modcin(var);
return var;
//NOTE: The '**' represent any values from ASCII. Decimal, characters, numbers, etc.

How does the Yosys ConstEval API work?

I'm trying to write a plugin that requires evaluating combinatorial circuits. From what I can gather ConstEval is the tool which does this. However, the API is not so clear to me. Is there somewhere a rundown of the members of ConstEval and what they do?
(Asked by jeremysalwen on github).
Using the ConstEval class is actually quite easy. You create a ConstEval object for a given module and set the known values using the void ConstEval::set(SigSpec, Const) method. After all the known signals have been set, the bool ConstEval::eval(SigSpec&, SigSpec&) method can be used to evaluate nets. The eval() method returns true when the evaluation was successful and replaces the net(s) in the first argument with the constant values the net evaluates to. Otherwise it returns false and sets the 2nd argument to the list of nets that need to be set in order to continue evaluation.
The methods push() and pop() can be used for creating local contexts for set(). The method stop() can be used to declare signals at which the evaluation should stop, even when there are combinatoric cells driving the net.
The following simple Yosys plugin demonstrates how to use the ConstEval API (
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include "kernel/consteval.h"
struct EvalDemoPass : public Pass
EvalDemoPass() : Pass("evaldemo") { }
virtual void execute(vector<string>, Design *design)
Module *module = design->top_module();
if (module == nullptr)
log_error("No top module found!\n");
Wire *wire_a = module->wire("\\A");
Wire *wire_y = module->wire("\\Y");
if (wire_a == nullptr)
log_error("No wire A found!\n");
if (wire_y == nullptr)
log_error("No wire Y found!\n");
ConstEval ce(module);
for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++) {
ce.set(wire_a, Const(v, GetSize(wire_a)));
SigSpec sig_y = wire_y, sig_undef;
if (ce.eval(sig_y, sig_undef))
log("Eval results for A=%d: Y=%s\n", v, log_signal(sig_y));
log("Eval failed for A=%d: Missing value for %s\n", v, log_signal(sig_undef));
} EvalDemoPass;
Example usage:
$ cat > evaldemo.v <<EOT
module main(input [1:0] A, input [7:0] B, C, D, output [7:0] Y);
assign Y = A == 0 ? B : A == 1 ? C : A == 2 ? D : 42;
$ yosys-config --build
$ yosys -m -p evaldemo evaldemo.v
-- Running command `evaldemo' --
Eval failed for A=0: Missing value for \B
Eval failed for A=1: Missing value for \C
Eval failed for A=2: Missing value for \D
Eval results for A=3: Y=8'00101010

What does having two asterisk ** in Objective-C mean?

I understand having one asterisk * is a pointer, what does having two ** mean?
I stumble upon this from the documentation:
- (NSAppleEventDescriptor *)executeAndReturnError:(NSDictionary **)errorInfo
It's a pointer to a pointer, just like in C (which, despite its strange square-bracket syntax, Objective-C is based on):
char c;
char *pc = &c;
char **ppc = &pc;
char ***pppc = &ppc;
and so on, ad infinitum (or until you run out of variable space).
It's often used to pass a pointer to a function that must be able to change the pointer itself (such as re-allocating memory for a variable-sized object).
Following your request for a sample that shows how to use it, here's some code I wrote for another post which illustrates it. It's an appendStr() function which manages its own allocations (you still have to free the final version). Initially you set the string (char *) to NULL and the function itself will allocate space as needed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void appendToStr (int *sz, char **str, char *app) {
char *newstr;
int reqsz;
/* If no string yet, create it with a bit of space. */
if (*str == NULL) {
*sz = strlen (app) + 10;
if ((*str = malloc (*sz)) == NULL) {
*sz = 0;
strcpy (*str, app);
/* If not enough room in string, expand it. We could use realloc
but I've kept it as malloc/cpy/free to ensure the address
changes (for the program output). */
reqsz = strlen (*str) + strlen (app) + 1;
if (reqsz > *sz) {
*sz = reqsz + 10;
if ((newstr = malloc (*sz)) == NULL) {
free (*str);
*str = NULL;
*sz = 0;
strcpy (newstr, *str);
free (*str);
*str = newstr;
/* Append the desired string to the (now) long-enough buffer. */
strcat (*str, app);
static void dump(int sz, char *x) {
if (x == NULL)
printf ("%8p [%2d] %3d [%s]\n", x, sz, 0, "");
printf ("%8p [%2d] %3d [%s]\n", x, sz, strlen (x), x);
static char *arr[] = {"Hello.", " My", " name", " is", " Pax",
" and"," I", " am", " old."};
int main (void) {
int i;
char *x = NULL;
int sz = 0;
printf (" Pointer Size Len Value\n");
printf (" ------- ---- --- -----\n");
dump (sz, x);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (arr) / sizeof (arr[0]); i++) {
appendToStr (&sz, &x, arr[i]);
dump (sz, x);
The code outputs the following. You can see how the pointer changes when the currently allocated memory runs out of space for the expanded string (at the comments):
Pointer Size Len Value
------- ---- --- -----
# NULL pointer here since we've not yet put anything in.
0x0 [ 0] 0 []
# The first time we put in something, we allocate space (+10 chars).
0x6701b8 [16] 6 [Hello.]
0x6701b8 [16] 9 [Hello. My]
0x6701b8 [16] 14 [Hello. My name]
# Adding " is" takes length to 17 so we need more space.
0x6701d0 [28] 17 [Hello. My name is]
0x6701d0 [28] 21 [Hello. My name is Pax]
0x6701d0 [28] 25 [Hello. My name is Pax and]
0x6701d0 [28] 27 [Hello. My name is Pax and I]
# Ditto for adding " am".
0x6701f0 [41] 30 [Hello. My name is Pax and I am]
0x6701f0 [41] 35 [Hello. My name is Pax and I am old.]
In that case, you pass in **str since you need to be able to change the *str value.
Or the following, which does an unrolled bubble sort (oh, the shame!) on strings that aren't in an array. It does this by directly exchanging the addresses of the strings.
#include <stdio.h>
static void sort (char **s1, char **s2, char **s3, char **s4, char **s5) {
char *t;
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s2, *s3) > 0) { t = *s2; *s2 = *s3; *s3 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s3, *s4) > 0) { t = *s3; *s3 = *s4; *s4 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s4, *s5) > 0) { t = *s4; *s4 = *s5; *s5 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s2, *s3) > 0) { t = *s2; *s2 = *s3; *s3 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s3, *s4) > 0) { t = *s3; *s3 = *s4; *s4 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s2, *s3) > 0) { t = *s2; *s2 = *s3; *s3 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
int main (int argCount, char *argVar[]) {
char *a = "77";
char *b = "55";
char *c = "99";
char *d = "88";
char *e = "66";
printf ("Unsorted: [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n", a, b, c, d, e);
sort (&a,&b,&c,&d,&e);
printf (" Sorted: [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n", a, b, c, d, e);
return 0;
which produces:
Unsorted: [77] [55] [99] [88] [66]
Sorted: [55] [66] [77] [88] [99]
Never mind the implementation of sort, just notice that the variables are passed as char ** so that they can be swapped easily. Any real sort would probably be acting on a true array of data rather than individual variables but that's not the point of the example.
Pointer to Pointer
The definition of "pointer" says that it's a special variable that stores the address of another variable (not the value). That other variable can very well be a pointer. This means that it's perfectly legal for a pointer to be pointing to another pointer.
Let's suppose we have a pointer p1 that points to yet another pointer p2 that points to a character c. In memory, the three variables can be visualized as :
So we can see that in memory, pointer p1 holds the address of pointer p2. Pointer p2 holds the address of character c.
So p2 is pointer to character c, while p1 is pointer to p2. Or we can also say that p2 is a pointer to a pointer to character c.
Now, in code p2 can be declared as :
char *p2 = &c;
But p1 is declared as :
char **p1 = &p2;
So we see that p1 is a double pointer (i.e. pointer to a pointer to a character) and hence the two *s in declaration.
p1 is the address of p2 i.e. 5000
*p1 is the value held by p2 i.e. 8000
**p1 is the value at 8000 i.e. c
I think that should pretty much clear the concept, lets take a small example :
For some of its use cases:
This is usually used to pass a pointer to a function that must be able to change the pointer itself, some of its use cases are:
Such as handling errors, it allows the receiving method to control what the pointer is referencing to. See this question
For creating an opaque struct i.e. so that others won't be able to allocate space. See this question
In case of memory expansion mentioned in the other answers of this question.
feel free to edit/improve this answer as I am learning:]
A pointer to a pointer.
In C pointers and arrays can be treated the same, meaning e.g. char* is a string (array of chars). If you want to pass an array of arrays (e.g. many strings) to a function you can use char**.
(reference: more iOS 6 development)
In Objective-C methods, arguments, including object pointers, are
passed by value, which means that the called method gets its own copy
of the pointer that was passed in. So if the called method wants to
change the pointer, as opposed to the data the pointer points to, you
need another level of indirection. Thus, the pointer to the pointer.