Download List - Mac Objective-c - objective-c

It would be far to much for me to ask for a full solution. However, could you point me in the right direction in what I need to look up, learn etc as its the first time I am going to attempt something like this.
What I want to do, is in my Mac application, have a list of items which are files which I want to store online. Then from inside the application the user can download any of the items stored at that location online. If I add new items to download online I want the app to automatically add them to the list for download.
That make sense? Anyway, its the first time I have done anything like this using an online server and accessing it via an app, so any support would be hugely appreciated.

Sounds like you want an ftp type server, you can then get list of remote files, upload and download file, if you do search for Cocoa ftp I am sure you will find someone has written a nice wrapper class for ftp, there are even complete open source apps for ftp whose code you can examine, FileZilla, other you could just use NSTask, and call the ftp command line tool on all macs.


How to capture voice of user using Avaya IVR?

I want to capture voice of users using IVR built on Orchestration Designer and store it in file system as wav files. As far as I know, there is a way to do that by using Speech Servers such as Nuance,but, since it is expensive we want to find an alternative way. I have been searching internet for week, but could not find anything related. Is there a way to capture voice using java or voiceXML? Is it even possible without using speech servers?
you could use recoding node to record the voice. '.wav' would be saved in data/temp in your application but it would be deleted once your session is over. You need to write customize java code to copy and paste from temp to your local dir before the session gets invalidated.

Check if Dropbox has synced

Before I look into this any further I just wondered if it's possible within to check if DropBox has synced?
Basically the program I have written uses DropBox to synchronize jobs to a Main computer which then ultimately process the zip file and deletes it. Once the job is processed a text file is re synced and the person who originally sent the job gets feedback as to its progress. All this works great. However, I would like to give an indication within the program itself so some of the less computer literate can see that DropBox has synced and they can safely turn off there laptops and head off home.
Has anybody any experience of this?
You could use the Dropbox API to do the upload/download instead, at which point you'd know exactly when things had happened.
See for information about the API.

List or schema of all dcm4chee xsl templates

recently we managed to solved some data transferring problem by finding out there is additional .xsl we could use. Since .xsl files seems to be main way of controlling information flow in dcm4chee (beside jmx configurations ofc) im wondering whether there is some kind of list or index or something like that with enumerated all .xsl files one could use and their places in workflow.
I mean it would be nice to know exactly in which points we could have some influence on process.
I tried to google something like that but no success so far :/
Any help will be appreciated.
Some online list of demo .xsl files is available at
Which one will be used is configurable through the jmx console and the configuration is then written back into the configuration files.
So searching for .xsl both as file extension and as full text search pattern in your dcm4chee installation directory will point you exactly to the places where the workflow can be influenced.
It is Java-style, Linux-style open source project so don't expect it to be too user friendly or Google friendly. I'm not aware of any easy to consume overview table/list/index but it would be nice to have one. It is open source so maybe you can add one..

Creating a search app like EasyFind

On OS X there is a popular app called EasyFind that searches for strings inside of a files content or you can just do a name search. More importantly, it searches in hidden files and inside of package contents.
So my research with using the Spotlight API leads me to believe that it is not possible to do this. Should I assume EasyFind is doing this all manually without using any Cocoa search API?
If that is true, does anyone know of some code to get me started, even just pseudo?
Basically I want to build an app that will find every single image on the drive no matter where it is or what permissions it has. This also includes icon files.
One other thing I can't seem to find an answer to is whether or not you can do a search like this on the command line in OS X.
In the command line you can use the find command line tool. That gives you access to all the files in the filesystem if you run it with root permissions (sudo). You can pipe its results to grep to find for strings inside the files. You can also use the strings command line tool to look for strings inside binary files.
This is not very complicated to implement within a Cocoa App. Just Google for how to iterate through all the hard drive contents. NSFileManager could be a good place to start digging.
Also check out FindAnyFile. It is a nice app that does similar to EasyFind but just on file properties (name, dates, etc.). It doesn't read file contents.

Loadrunner file upload

I have Google'd this subject a lot over the past few days, but I cannot find a best practice solution. My question is basically how do I script in LR a fileupload? My app consists of a browse button, a pop up that lets me locate the file and it closes after I have located the file. Finally the app has a upload button to upload the file.
My script is recorded using URL mode and I guess I need to create some kind of custom request? URL mode creates somewhat complex scripts and placing custom requests inside these script is challenging.
BTW: I have not tried to record and play back the file upload process described yet, and using URL mode might just solve it without further customization? Or did someone actually made file upload using LR and URL mode work? A small example would be greatly appreciated!
Different applications will go about uploading a file from a client to a server in different ways. Your best bet is to record your application doing the upload and taking a look at what LoadRunner records.
Mark the point before and after the upload as you record by creating a transaction so you can easily find the spot in your code where the upload actually happens.