Recipes to implement a self-retained network lib - objective-c

I would like to implement a self-retained network lib that can be used also with ARC.
The calling code for this lib should be like the following.
- (void)downloadData {
NSURL *url = // alloc-init
NetworkFetcher *networkFetcher = [[NetworkFetcher alloc] initWithURL:url];
[networkFetcher startWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData *data){
_fetchedData = data;
// under ARC it will put a release call for the networkFetcher here
This approach is used by TWRequest (if I am not wrong it's deprecated now) class in Twitter framework. The advantage is that the caller does not need to maintain the fetcher alive itself.
Some details. The startWithCompletionHandler copies the block for future reuse. When the request has finished, the fetcheher releases the block settima it to nil.
So, what the approach I need to follow so the fetcher can be self-retained? Any best pratice?

You can add a "private" property
#interface NetworkFetcher ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) NetworkFetcher *selfRef;
in a class extension to the NetworkFetcher class. In startWithCompletionHandler, you set
self.selfRef = self;
to prevent the object from being deallocated. When the request has finished and the completion block has been called, set
self.selfRef = nil;
to destroy the retain cycle.

I usually use the technique described by Martin R which basically imitates the older retain and release but there are also other methods.
You can capture the fetcher in the completionHandler. Just use self anywhere in the completion handler and don't forget to release the block when it has been called. This is a bit less readable then using a property but it follows the same principle
Another method is to have a singleton (mutable) array of active fetchers. Adding/Removing follows the same principle as with self.selfRef property.
With a singleton array there is one big advantage - you can access the fetchers whenever you want - cancel them or just get the number of active fetchers (to limit number of simultaneous downloads, for example).


Message sent to deallocated instance using ARC

I wouldn't normally ask questions like this, but I really cant get my head around it. I have a class 'GetTableInfoFromDatabase', which connects to my database and downloads some JSON. This works great from the first screen of my tab-bar application. I can call the getNewData method as much as I want to effectively refresh the data.
My problem arises when I try and create an instance of the 'GetTableInfoFromDatabase' class and call the very same method from another tab. I get the following error:
*** -[GetTableInfoFromDatabase respondsToSelector:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1d89e830
The funny thing is, i'm using ARC. The culprit (in my opinion) is ASIHTTPRequest. I have had to enable -fno-objc-arc to get the project to compile. This library is used in the GetTableInfoFromDatabase class.
Here is the class:
- (void) getEventDataWithSender:(id)sender{
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
[request setDelegate:self];
[request startAsynchronous];
AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
self.managedObjectContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext;
And this is how i'm calling it:
GetTableInfoFromDatabase *getInfo = [[GetTableInfoFromDatabase alloc]init];
[getInfo getEventDataWithSender:self];
I've even changed the order of the tabs around, so the first tab to be displayed purely just calls this method, nothing else. Not even before the 'GetTableInfoFromDatabase' has been previously initialised by the class that initialised it first last time. Still crashes.
Has anyone got any ideas? This is so frustrating!
You need to assign that variable to a property if you plan on exposing it to other view controllers. ARC will, and should, immediately deallocate getInfo after this code executes:
GetTableInfoFromDatabase *getInfo = [[GetTableInfoFromDatabase alloc]init];
[getInfo getEventDataWithSender:self];
So if this line is included in say viewDidLoad: and nothing else refers to getInfo in that method, it will be immediately released. Why, because you haven't told the compiler that it should retain it.
So in the view controller that's exposing this class, on whatever tab it might be a child of... you would do something like this:
#class GetTableInfoFromDatabase; // forward declaration
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
#property (strong, nonatomic) GetTableInfoFromDatabase *getInfo;
#implementation ViewController
#synthesize getInfo = _getInfo;
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.getInfo = [[GetTableInfoFromDatabase alloc]init]; // assign your value to a property
[self.getInfo getEventDataWithSender:self];
So when you declare your property as Strong in your header, it will maintain a strong reference to it. #Synthesize getInfo = _getInfo means that it will create a getter and setter for self.getInfo around an instance variable named _getInfo. If you didn't want to expose it as a property, just an instance variable... you could do this:
#class GetTableInfoFromDatabase; // forward declaration
#interface ViewController : UIViewController {
GetTableInfoFromDatabase _getInfo;
#implementation ViewController
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
_getInfo = [[GetTableInfoFromDatabase alloc]init]; // assign your value to a property
[_getInfo getEventDataWithSender:self];
By default, the compiler will maintain a strong reference to that instance variable unless otherwise specified. You can have weak references as well, and all of those options are pretty well documented. So with ARC, or plain old memory management in general, you need to make an instance variable or property if you want it to hang around for a while.
Honestly... all ARC is doing for you is keeping you from having to call retain and release. Before ARC, setting that property would look like this:
GetTableInfoFromDatabase getInfo = [[GetTableInfoFromDatabase alloc]init];
self.getInfo = getInfo;
[getInfo release];
Now with ARC, the compiler just writes that code for you ;) Hope this helps!
[self.getInfo getEventDataWithSender:self];
Your GetTableInfoFromDatabase object is being deallocated, almost certainly because nothing is holding a strong reference to it. In your code above, getInfo is a local variable, so I would expect it to be released very shortly after this code, unless you are storing it somewhere.
Almost certainly, your dealloc in GetTableInfoFromDatabase does not clear the request's delegate. You should be holding the request in an ivar of GetTableInfoFromDatabase so that it can remove itself as delegate when it is deallocated.
As a side note, avoid prefacing ObjC methods with get. That has a special meaning in KVC (it means that the first parameter is supposed to be updated by reference). Typically the kind of method you have here would be prefaced with "fetch."

Writing my own block method

I am trying to follow through examples from other as well as Apple. I'm lost.
I have a singleton class that I use to handle my user logging in (challenges a web server, etc.).
I want to create a block I can call, pass in the username/password. The block will perform the web service calls then return if it was successful or not.
This is what i've manage to get working so far:
My singleton class looks like this:
typedef void (^AMLoginBlock)(NSString *userName, NSString *password);
#interface AuthManager : NSObject
+ (id)sharedManager;
+ (bool)loginUserWithBlock:(AMLoginBlock)block;
#implementation AuthManager
+ (id)sharedManager
static dispatch_once_t pred = 0;
__strong static id _sharedObject = nil;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
_sharedObject = [[self alloc] init]; // or some other init method
return _sharedObject;
+ (bool)loginUserWithBlock:(AMLoginBlock)block {
NSLog(#"im printing from AM");
return true;
I then call the method like so:
bool rtn = [AuthManager loginUserWithBlock:^(NSString *userName, NSString *password) {
NSLog(#"im here in the block LVC.");
My question is three parts:
How do I write a completion handler for the block similar to UIView animation... block.
Is it a good idea to perform these web service calls from a block based implementation?
Should I be declaring the block method like so:
- (bool)loginUserWithBlock:(AMLoginBlock)block;
instead of using +(bool)loginUser.. since it is in a singleton class. Not sure if this will cause multiple instances of the singleton to be created.
My goal is to be able to call this block like you call [UIView animation..]. So I can simply do:
[AuthManager loginUserWithUsername:foo
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (finished)
//push new view controller.
//spit out error
Completion Handler
You will want to copy the completion block to a class iVar:
#property (nonatomic, copy) void (^completionHandler)(bool *);
Because you are saving the block, you need to have a non-class method take the block (see following for how to do this without violating your singleton). An example of your method could be:
- (void)loginUserWithUsername:(NSString *)username
password:(NSString *)password
completion:(void(^)(bool *finished))completionBlock
// Copy the blocks to use later
self.completionHandler = completionBlock;
// Run code
[self doOtherThings];
Then when your login code has finished its work, you can call the block - here I pass self.error, a bool to the block :
- (void)finishThingsUp
// We are done with all that hard work. Lets call the block!
// Clean up the blocks
self.completionHandler = nil;
Good Idea
Well, this is a philosophical question, but I will say this: Blocks in Objective-C allow you to write code that performs a single task and easily integrate it into many programs. If you chose to not use a completion handler in your login code you would need your login code to:
Require that classes using it implement a protocol (as in a LoginDelegate)
Use some other system of informing your code such as Key Value observing or Notifications
Hard code it to only work with one type of calling class
Any of the above approaches are fine, I feel a block-based call back system is the simplest and most flexible. It allows you to just use your class without worrying about additional infrastructure (setting up notifications, conforming to protocols, etc. ) while still letting you reuse it in other classes or programs.
Methods that begin with a + in Objective-C are class methods. You cannot use class methods to manipulate iVars, as who would own that data?
What you can do is have a class method that always returns the same instance of that class, allowing you to have an object that can own data, but avoid ever having more than one of them.
This excellent Stack Overflow answer has sample code.
Good Luck!

Should releasing an object and setting it to nil be atomic?

I'm new to Objective C. I see in many iPhone/iPad applications that after releasing an object, it would then be set to nil.
[self.obj release]
self.obj = nil;
I assume this is done so as not to leave the pointer to reference a memory location that is now deallocated. Now assume the following situation:
//Thread #1 code
..some code
..some code
[self.obj release]
-------> Thread #2 runs //Thread #2 code
..some code
if (self.obj){
some code
self.obj = nil; <----- Thread #1 runs
I was wondering if this situation possible? And if it is, is there a way to make the release/nil atomic?
this is actually not entirely correct
[self.obj release]
self.obj = nil;
you should write simply
self.obj = nil;
which will call the setter that will release the previous instance.
Yes, it could blow up. Consider your code example.
[self.obj release];
self.obj = nil;
You use self.obj which means you are referencing accessor/mutators methods instead of accessing your object directly. Chances are you'd declare "obj" as a retained property. Your .h would be something like...
#property (retain) Something *obj;
and your .m
#synthesize obj;
If you later release your object by using the methods created by your #synthesize you are safe.
[self setObj:nil];
// or equally valid
self.obj = nil;
// Below is (almost) identical way to access, release and nil the variable directly.
// The major difference is you don't multi-threaded protection of your property
// declaration (explained below).
[obj release];
obj = nil;
If you look back at the property I specified above you'll notice I didn't put in the very commonly seen nonatomic. It wasn't by accident. Take a look at Apple's docs
Properties are atomic by default so that synthesized accessors provide robust access to properties in a multithreaded environment—that is, the value returned from the getter or set via the setter is always fully retrieved or set regardless of what other threads are executing concurrently.
You can surround both operations in an #synchronized block to ensure that both operations complete before leaving the block:
[self.obj release];
self.obj = nil;
Provided that any other threads that might access that variable also synchronize around the same lock object, you shouldn't run into any issues.

IBOutlets, instance variables and properties: Best Practices

I've done all sorts of research today on best practices with regards to declaring IBOutlets and instance variables, managing them, using the correct accessors and properly releasing them. I'm pretty much there, but I've got some niche questions that I hope somebody will be able to advise the best practice on. I'll format them as code and comment the questions so as to make it easier to understand. I've excluded some obvious parts that I didn't think were relevant and can be safely assumed to work (like pre-processor stuff, #end, required implementation methods etc).
#class OtherViewController;
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController {
NSString *_myString;
// The first two properties aren't declared in the interface
// above as per best practices when compiling with LLVM 2.0
#property (nonatomic, retain) OtherViewController *otherViewController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIButton *myButton;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *myString;
#property (readwrite) BOOL myBOOL;
#implementation MyViewController
// Synthesizing IBOutlets on iOS will cause them to be
// retained when they are created by the nib
#synthesize otherViewController;
#synthesize myButton;
// Assign instance variables so as to force compiler
// warnings when not using self.variable
#synthesize myString = _myString;
#synthesize myBOOL = _myBOOL;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// 1. Ignoring convenience methods, can you still alloc and init in dot notation
// even when it's being properly synthesized?
self.myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"myString"];
self.myString = existingNSStringObject;
// 2. Should you always call methods for IBOutlets and instance variables using dot notation?
// Is there any difference seeing as these aren't directly invoking setters/getters?
[self.myButton setText:self.myString];
[myButton setText:self.myString];
[self.otherViewController.view addSubview:mySubview];
[otherViewController.view addSubview:mySubview];
[self.myButton setAlpha:0.1f];
[myButton setAlpha:0.1f];
self.myButton.alpha = 0.1f;
myButton.alpha = 0.1f;
// 3. How fussy are scalar variables in terms of getters and setters,
// given that there is a #synthesize declaration for them?
self.myBOOL = YES;
myBOOL = NO;
if(self.myBOOL) { ... }
if(myBOOL) { ... }
// 4. On instantiation of new view controllers from NIBs, should you use
// dot notation? (I haven't been doing this previously).
otherViewController = [[OtherViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"OtherView" bundle:nil];
self.otherViewController = [[OtherViewController alloc] ... ]
- (void)viewDidUnload {
// 5. Best practice states that you nil-value retained IBOutlets in viewDidUnload
// Should you also nil-value the other instance variables in here?
self.otherViewController = nil;
self.myButton = nil;
self.myString = nil;
- (void)dealloc {
[otherViewController release];
[myButton release];
[_myString release];
I always declare and explicitly set a property's underlying instance variable. It's a little more work up front, but in my mind it's worth it to explicitly differentiate variables and properties and see at a glance what instance variables a class has. I also prefix instance variable names, so the compiler complains if I accidentally type property instead of
Calling alloc / init creates an object with a retain count of 1. Your synthesized property will also retain the object, causing a memory leak when it's released (unless you release your property right after, but that's bad form). Better to alloc / and release the object on a separate line.
Dot notation is effectively the same as calling [self setObject:obj]. Not using dot notation accesses the underlying instance variable directly. In init and dealloc, always access the instance variable directly as the accessor methods can include extra operations (such as key value observing notifications) that are not valid when the object is being created or destroyed. All other times use the synthesized accessor methods. Even if you're not doing anything special now, you might later override these methods later to change what happens when the variable is set.
Scalars work the same way, only you don't have to worry so much about memory.
One accesses the synthesized accessor methods, the other accesses the instance variable directly. See questions one and two again, and be careful about memory leaks!
The view controller may be pushed onto the screen again, in which case your viewDidLoad method will be called a second time. If you're setting initial values in viewDidLoad, go ahead and set your properties to nil here. This makes sense for properties that use a lot of memory and aren't going to affect the state of the view. On the other hand if you want the property to persist until you're sure it's no longer needed, create it in your init method and don't release it until dealloc.
1) You've slightly misunderstood #synthesize. #synthesize does nothing with the object. It only tells the compiler to generate the getter and setter methods according to the options used in your #property declaration
// Synthesizing IBOutlets on iOS will
cause them to be
// retained when they
are created by the nib
The outlets aren't retained (outlets are just notices to interface builder and don't affect the code), the objects are retained when the setter generated by #synthesize is used. When the nib is loaded, the loading system calls your generated setter.
2) Deciding whether to use accessors in objective C is no different from deciding to use accessors in any other object oriented language. It is a choice of style, need and robustness. That the accessor is serving as an IBOutlet makes no difference.
But in objective C I would suggest you should NOT use accessors in two places: dealloc and within the var's accessor method itself.
And if you ARE using the accessors in init then you need to be careful about your retain counts.
self.myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"myString"];
This line leaks memory. Using your copy accessor retains the object, so you should release it here after creating it.
3) Not sure what you mean by fussy. Possibly see answer to 2)
4) See 2) and be careful about memory management. If you call alloc/init you are now responsible for releasing the object - this is entirely independent of the retains/releases used by accessors and dealloc.
5) No, you should not nil other instance variables in viewDidUnload. Your controller is expected to maintain its state even if the view goes away. viewDidUnload is only for cleaning up potentially memory-heavy view objects when the controller's view is not currently on screen.
Consider a navigation controller. View controller 1 is on the stack and then view controller 2 is pushed and is now visible. If memory conditions get low, the system could attempt to unload view controller 1's view and will then call viewDidUnload.
Then popping view controller 2 will not create the view controller 1 object again, but it WILL load view controller 1's view and call viewDidLoad.
Re comments
2) That's exactly right - you can use a convenience constructor or release immediately after your alloc/init and assignment, or release before the block exits, or autorelease. Which you choose is mostly a matter of style (though some would argue against autorelease - but not me!)
3) There are accessors for scalars - you have created some in your code
#property (readwrite) BOOL myBOOL;
This creates methods myBOOL and setMyBOOL on your class.
Remember that there is nothing special about dot notation. It is only a convenience and when the code is compiled is exactly equivalent to [myObject property] and = x is exactly equivalent to [myObject setProperty:x]. Using dot notation is purely a style choice.
Dot notation and brackets notation are pretty much the same.
By self.myVariable you are accessing the getter of the property of the instance variable myVariable and by myVariable you are accessing the local variable. They're not the same thing.
You can customize the setters and the getters by overriding the methods and specific some certain conditions for them.
See first answer ( brackets are preferred - better understanding of the code )
Better make a separate method.
- (void) releaseOutlets {
self.firstOutlet = nil;
self.mySecondOutlet = nil;
self.myLastOutlet = nil;
and then call this method both in viewDidUnload and in dealloc methods.
Hope it helps !

Use autorelease when setting a retain property using dot syntax?

I see in some sample code that autorelease is used. I am not familiar with the instances when this is required. For example, if I create an annotation object
Header file
#interface someViewController: UIViewController
Annotation *annotation;
#property (nonatomic, retain) Annotation *annotation;
Implementation file
#implementation someViewController
#synthesize annotation
Question: Is it the correct approach if I initialize my annotation object in the implementation file like this?
self.annotation = [[Annotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:location];
Do I need to set autorelease for this? Or can I just do it the normal way and add the release in the dealloc method?
this is correct:
self.annotation = [[[Annotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:location] autorelease];
because annotation property is declared as a retain property, so assigning to it will increment its retain count.
you will also need, all the same, to release self.annotation in -dealloc.
in short:
init will set retain count to 1;
assigning to self.annotation, will set it to 2;
autorelease will set it back to 1 when the main loop is executed again;
release in dealloc will set the retain count to 0, so that the object will be deallocated);
the best way to think of autorelease is the following, in my opinion: autorelease will "schedule" an "automatic" release for your object at some (near) point in future (typically when the control flow goes back to the main loop, but details are hidden in the hands of Apple).
autorelease is mostly useful in conjunction with init, specifically in the following cases:
when you init a local variable, so that you don't have to release it explicitly before it goes out of scope (the main loop will do that for you);
when you return a pointer to an object you have just created without keeping ownership of it (typical case of the create/make* kind of selectors, the receiver is required to retain it to get ownership);
with properties that retain, when you assign to them an object that they should own uniquely;
with data structures that increment the retain count (NSMutableArray, NSMutableDictionary, etc): you should generally autorelease a newly inited object when you add it to such data structure.
apart from case 2, it is evident that the use of autorelease is meant to improve readability of the code and reduce the potential for errors (meaning that in all of the other cases, you could simply release explicitly your object after the assignment or at the end of the scope).
when using properties, you have always to check whether they are of the retain or assign/copy case; in the first case, assigning a newly inited object to a property generally requires autorelease.
Anyway, I would suggest at least skimming one of the many tutorial on memory management for iOS.
Autorelease is telling the object to release itself before leaving the scope.
Sometimes when you code, you'll encounter something like this
- (void)doSomething
NSString *foo = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"foo"];
//Some execution here
[foo release];
- (void)doSomething
//By doing this is telling to to release foo object before getting out of the scope
//which is similar with above practice
NSString *foo = [[[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"foo"] autorelease];
//Or you can do it this way
NSString *foo = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"foo"];
[foo autorelease];
//Some execution carry on, it'll release foo before entering next scope
//This is out of the scope
Of course, releasing an object doesn't mean deallocating the object.
Sometimes you retain the object so you can still use it outside of its scope.
Judging from your question, if your the object is located within your header file/interface.
You should release it in dealloc method. CMIIW.