Itunes Connect status Pending Contract [closed] - app-store-connect

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Closed 8 years ago.
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to Itunes Connect I have a status of "Pending Contract". In the menu Contracts, Tax, and Banking is the contract for this app not visible. Do I need to be active in this status?.

Click on "Agreements, Tax, and Banking" in itunesConnect then request and sign the appropriate contracts. Then you're good to go.

May be you should go to Member Center or Dev Center and Accept the latest(iOS 8) License agreement, then you will be able to renew your contracts for iAds and paid apps again


Amazon API that would allow bulk order without manually entering all information [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have hundreds of employees that I would like to gift them with items purchased on Amazon. It would be convenient for me to place orders for those gifts directly from my CRM without manually entering the information just using an API.
Would be thankful for a lead.
I did some websearch but not much to be found out there

Integration with payFort react-native-expo [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I tried to use payFort with react native expo but it's didn't work so if anyone used it and can help me?
There is no support available until today for Payfort in react-native in the expo, you have to use webview and make API calls manually to authenticate the user and verify the signature and all, I worked on this a few years back and it was a mess.
So now the solution is to collect the user information in some form and use pay fort rest APIs and make that payment process happen.

Can I change pricing of inapp purchase after app submission [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Can I change the pricing of inapp purchase after submitting app to the appstore.
And I want to know whether we can use custom prices like $1.75 or $2.50 etc
If these are not possible how can I implement these functionalities
a) Yes, you can change the pricing of app or in-app purchase at any stage.
b) No, you can only use predefined price tiers. There's an unofficial document here: App Store Pricing Matrix
As for implementing this functionalities: everything related to managing your application in the App Store is done trough iTunes Connect. Where you can also get official price matrix but you'll need a developer account and a signed contract with Apple first.

itunes music developer app referral [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How do App developers get a referral bonus for sending users to the itunes store to purchase a song? If i'm not mistaken theres a 30% referral bonus, so to speak, just trying to determine how to tap into that.
It's documented here. I'm pretty sure the referral fee is 5%. Not 30%. It may depend on the type of media you're getting the commission on.

What's involved in accepting payments online? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I was going to write an online ordering system for a small deli, and was wondering what's involved in accepting plastic payments online.
Both the deli, and it's customers are in the U.S.
If the deli already takes credit cards, you should contact their credit card processor and see if they have a internet payment gateway (and library/API).
If not, you need a Merchant account at the bank and a Credit Card processor that provides the gateway and API.
Edit: Other options would also be to go with PayPal or Google Checkout integration.
Check out
Paypal for the easiest integration
or for a custom implementation / lower fees etc