How to add a number of rows determined by a reference cell - vba

I have an Excel spreadsheet with a few hundred files. Within each file is several images. I need each image to have a new row inserted under the "parent" file row. I have code that will insert the correct number of rows, but it won't go to the next cell and none of the offset's I change are fixing it.
Sub CB3262014()
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, m As Long, currentCell As Range
Set currentCell = ActiveCell
Do While Not IsEmpty(currentCell)
n = currentCell.Value
m = currentCell.Row
If n > 0 Then
Rows(m + 1 & ":" & m + n).Insert
Set currentCell = currentCell.Offset(n + 1, 0)
Set currentCell = currentCell.Offset(1, 0)
End If
End Sub
I'm also struggling with how to get it to jump down/skip two rows each time. The way my data set is set up, there's two rows - then the row with the parent file and the reference number for how many additional rows to add.
Here's a sample from the spreadsheet and how I would like it to be. I will fill in file names, I just put them there so it's easier to see what's happening.
Current Spreadsheet [1]:
Goal Spreadsheet [2]:

By inspection of the attached images, it seems the loop is looping down rows with blanks in. The loop therefore stops immediately on encountering the first blank due to:
Do While Not IsEmpty(currentCell)
So, replace that with Do Until currentCell is Range("C100000").End(xlUp) and the loop should continue as expected. A minor performance improvement would be to cache that cell to save evaluating it each loop such as:
Dim lastCell As Range
Set lastCell = Range("C100000").End(xlUp)
Do Until currentCell is lastCell


Using VBA to find start value, count rows till that value becomes 0 and record result. Repeat for same column until the end of the data reached

I'm a newbie to VBA/coding in general and my usual tactic of sticking bits of pre-written code isn't working for my problem.
I'm looking to create a macro that will do 3 things:
Allow me to find a starting point for the data in a column.
Start counting the number of rows once the cell value has
changed to a constant.
Once the value moves back to the starting point for the count to stop and record the number of cells counted in separate column with positioning of the count in that column at the start point of the count.
Repeat until the end of the data.
For this case the start point will be when the cell has a value of >0.
It will increase to a constant number (300).
Once at 300 the macro will have to count the number of rows that contain the numerical value 300 until the value goes back to 0.
Report count in a separate table on the worksheet with the entry being input at the same relative position in the new table as when the count started from the data.
And finally the loop.
I need to also do a similar count but in the horizontal direction (i.e. counting columns on a row). If anyone can create a code for the vertical/row count problem above I'd really appreciate it if you could annotate it so I can attempt to understand/learn which bits of code carry out each action and thus change it up for horizontal/column count.
I've attached a screenshot of the spreadsheet however as a new user it must be as a link. The blue highlighted table is the data used for the vertical /row count problem I am talking about. The blank table underneath the highlighted table has manually inputted correct answers for the first column of data for what I would like the macro to do in case I haven't accurately described my request.
I have also attached the horizontal table with correct manually inputted answers for row 1 in the separate table for the column count along the row.
Lastly, here is the code that I have written to tackle the problem, however it is very basic and won't run.
Sub Count0()
For Each c In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D30:D39")
If c.Value = 0 Then
End If
If c.Value > 0 Then
v = Range(c.Value)
For i = 3 To Rows.Count
If Cells(i, 1).Value <> v Then
MsgBox CStr(i - 2)
End If
Next i
Next c
End Sub
This worked in the limited case I tested (two columns and several rows in different patterns. It's pretty basic--there are more elegant ways to do it.
Sub Count0()
'To hold the current cell
Dim current As Range
'To hold the total number of rows and columns having data
Dim rows As Long
Dim cols As Long
'To iterate across rows and columns
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
'Flag/counter variables
Dim found As Long 'Saves row on which first "constant" was found
Dim count As Long 'Saves count of "contants"
'Use SpecialCells method to obtain the maximum number of rows and columns
' that have data.
cols = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
rows = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
'Increment through all columns that have data. This is a bit inefficient
' because it really isn't necessary to go through all the empty cells,
' but it works.
For c = 1 To cols
'Initialize flag/counter
found = 0
count = 0
'Increment through all rows for the current column.
For r = 1 To rows
'Examine the current cell
Set current = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(r, c)
'For positive values, save the first row that has the value
' and count the number of values.
If current.Value > 0 Then
If found = 0 Then found = r
count = count + 1
End If
'When the next non-positive value is reached--OR the end of the
' row is reached--and there was a constant found, write the count
' to the next worksheet in the cell corresponding to the row and
' column having the first instance of the constant.
If (current.Value <= 0 Or r = rows) And found > 0 Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(found, c).Value = count
'Reset the flag/counter
found = 0
count = 0
End If
Next r
Next c
End Sub
I was struggling with what you had written, and ended up doing this in the end. I left you variables for changing the sheets to read from and print to (assuming you can print the results to another sheet- if not it should be easy enough to change).
This should also work for all cells in your range, assuming that there are values in all boxes.
Problems I noted with your original code were:
The first if did nothing
I'm pretty sure you shouldn't use numbers in sub/function names
Dimensioning no variables is a bad idea
Anyway, give me a comment if you need any help (and well done for writing a good first question).
Sub CountZero()
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet, SummarySheet As Worksheet
Dim CurrentCell As Range
Dim FirstRow As Long, LastRow As Long
Dim FirstColumn As Long, LastColumn As Long
Dim TotalValues As Long
Set SourceSheet = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set SummarySheet = Worksheets("Sheet2")
FirstRow = 1
LastRow = SourceSheet.Range("A" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row
FirstColumn = 1
LastColumn = SourceSheet.Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).column
For col = FirstColumn To LastColumn
For Rw = FirstRow To LastRow
Set CurrentCell = SourceSheet.Cells(Rw, col)
If CurrentCell <> 0 Then
TotalValues = ProcessSection(CurrentCell)
SummarySheet.Cells(Rw, col).value = TotalValues
Rw = Rw + TotalValues
End If
Next Rw
Next col
End Sub
Function ProcessSection(FirstCellWithValue As Range) As Long
Dim Counter As Long: Counter = 0
Do Until FirstCellWithValue.Offset(Counter, 0).value <> FirstCellWithValue.value
Counter = Counter + 1
ProcessSection = Counter
End Function
As a small disclaimer, I haven't tested this, let me know if there are problems.

Prevent Vertically Merged Cells from Breaking Across Page - Automatically

I have to create documents that have large tables of data copied into them from Excel. The tables can be hundreds of rows long and generally ~20 columns wide. Many of the columns have been merged vertically to enhance readability and group sets of data.
I have been able to write a macro that will fully format the entire table, except I have not been able to figure out how to automatically prevent the Vertically Merged cells from breaking/splitting across multiple pages. To do it manually, you select all of the rows in the merger except for the last one and then you turn on "Keep With Next" in the paragraph settings. I thought this would be easy to do, but you can not access individual rows in VBA if there are any vertically merged cells in the table.
Does anyone have an idea how to automatically go through the rows and set the "Keep With Next" property for groups of rows that have been merged together?
Here is an example of how Word normally handles vertically merged cells across tables:
This is how I would like it to look, with doing all the work manually:
Yes, working with merged cells in Word (and Excel for that matter) is quite annoying.
This can be done, though, by accessing individual cells in table. I have written the following Sub Routine below that should work for you. I assumed that you had at least one column with no vertically merged cells in it and that you only had one column that controlled the length of the merged block. Although adding more controlling columns should be easy.
Sub MergedWithNext() 'FTable As Table)
Dim Tester As String
Dim FTable As Table
Dim i As Integer
Dim imax As Integer
Dim RowStart As Integer
Dim RowEnd As Integer
Dim CNMerged As Integer
Dim CNNotMerged As Integer
Dim CNMax As Integer
CNMerged = 2 'A column number that is vertically merged that you don't want to split pages
CNNotMerged = 1 'A column number that has no vertical mergers
Set FTable = Selection.Tables(1)
With FTable
imax = .Rows.Count
CNMax = .Columns.Count
'Start with no rows kept with next
ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=.Cell(1, 1).Range.Start, _
End:=.Cell(imax, CNMax).Range.End).ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext = False
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To imax 'Assume table has header
Tester = .Cell(i, CNMerged).Range.Text 'Test to see if cell exists
If Err.Number = 0 Then 'Only the first row in the merged cell will exist, others will not
'If you are back in this If statement, then you have left the previous block of rows
'even if that was a block of one. The next If statement checks to see if the previous
'row block had more than one row. If so it applies the "KeepWithNext" property
If (RowEnd = (i - 1)) Then
'.Cell(RowStart, 1).Range.ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext = True
ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=.Cell(RowStart, CNNotMerged).Range.Start, _
End:=.Cell(RowEnd - 1, CNNotMerged).Range.End).ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext = True
'Use RowEnd - 1 because you don't care if the whole merged block stays with the next
'row that is not part of the merger block
End If
RowStart = i 'Beginning of a possible merger block
RowEnd = 0 'Reset to 0, not really needed, used for clarity
RowEnd = i 'This variable will be used to determine the last merged row
End If
If i = imax Then 'Last Row
If (RowStart <> imax) Then
ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=.Cell(RowStart, CNNotMerged).Range.Start, _
End:=.Cell(imax - 1, CNNotMerged).Range.End).ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext = True
'Use imax - 1 because you don't care if the whole merged block stays with the next
'row that is not part of the merger block
End If
End If
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End Sub
This code will loop through each row in the table, excluding the header, looking for vertically merged cells. Once it finds a block, it will assign the "Keep With Next" property to each row in the block, except for the last row.

For Each Next loop unexpectedly skipping some entries [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Excel VBA deleting rows in a for loop misses rows
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have been coding a macro in Excel that scans through a list of records, finds any cells with "CHOFF" in the contents, copying the row that contains it, and pasting those cells into another sheet. It is part of a longer code that formats a report.
It has worked just fine, except that the "For Each" loop has been skipping over some of the entries seemingly at random. It isn't every other row, and I have tried sorting it differently, but the same cells are skipped regardless, so it doesn't seem to be about order of cells. I tried using InStr instead of cell.value, but the same cells were still skipped over.
Do you have any idea what could be causing the code just not to recognize some cells scattered within the range?
The code in question is below:
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Set Rng = Range(Range("C1"), Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
x = 2
For Each Cell In Rng
If Cell.Value = "CHOFF" Then
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
y = x
x = y + 1
End If
Next Cell
The For Each...Next loop doesn't automatically keep track of which rows you have deleted. When you delete a row, Cell still points to the same address (which is now the row below the original one, since that was deleted). Then on the next time round the loop, Cell moves onto the next cell, skipping one.
To fix this, you could move Cell up one within the If statement (e.g. with Set Cell = Cell.Offset(-1,0)). But I think this is one of the rare cases where a simple For loop is better than For Each:
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngSourceRow As Long
Dim lngDestRow As Long
Dim objSourceWS As Worksheet
Dim objDestWS As Worksheet
Set objSourceWS = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Set objDestWS = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2)
lngLastRow = objSourceWS.Range("C" & objSourceWS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lngDestRow = 1
For lngSourceRow = lngLastRow To 1 Step -1
If objSourceWS.Cells(lngSourceRow, 3).Value = "CHOFF" Then
objSourceWS.Rows(lngSourceRow).Copy Destination:=objDestWS.Cells(lngDestRow, 1)
lngDestRow = lngDestRow + 1
End If
Next lngSourceRow
This loops backwards (as per Portland Runner's suggestion) to avoid having to do anything about deleted rows. It also tidies up a couple of other things in your code:
You don't need to do any Selecting, and it's better not to (see this question for why)
You can specify a destination within Range.Copy rather than having to do a separate select and paste
You can change the value of a variable "in place" without having to assign it to a second variable first (i.e. x = x + 1 is fine)
you should use Long rather than Integer for variables that contain row numbers, since there are more rows in an Excel spreadsheet than an Integer can handle (at least 65536 compared to 32767 max for an Integer)
Obviously test that it still does what you require!
Try using Selection.Copy instead of Selection.Cut
If you have to remove those lines you can mark the lines (for example writing something in an unused cell) inside the loop and then remove it once finished the main loop.
I had a similar issue when I was trying to delete certain rows. The way I overcame it was by iterating through the loop several times using the following:
For c = 1 To 100
Dim d As Long: d = 1
With Sheets("Sheet")
For e = 22 To nLastRow Step 1
If .Range("G" & e) = "" Or .Range("I" & e) = "" Then
.Range("G" & e).EntireRow.Delete
.Range("I" & e).EntireRow.Delete
d = d + 1
End If
End With
c = c + 1
So, basically if you incorporate the outer for loop from my code into your code, it should work.

Macro for copying a specific Row of formulas into newly created rows

I recently posted a question, and unfortunately did not get very far with any answers. I have re-worked my macro to mirror a similar scenario I found elsewhere. The problem is I am now getting stuck at the very end.
Purpose of the macro:
1. Beneath the selected cell, I need to insert x new rows = entered months -1
In the first inserted row, I need a set of relative formulas that can be found in the Actual Row 2 of the current worksheet (basically copy and paste row 2 into the first row created)
In the subsequent inserted rows, I need a set of relative formulas that can be found in the Actual Row 3 of the current worksheet
As is, the macro does what I want, except I don't know how to paste row 3 in all subsequent rows. I'm assuming I need some conditional statement?
As mentioned in my last post, I am trying to teach myself VBA, so any help would be appreciated!!
Sub InsertMonthsAndFillFormulas(Optional vRows As Long = 0)
Dim x As Long
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select 'So you do not have to preselect entire row
If vRows = 0 Then
vRows = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
"Enter the total number of months in the program", Title:="Add Months", _
Default:=1, Type:=1) 'Default for 1 row, type 1 is number
If vRows = False Then Exit Sub
End If
Dim sht As Worksheet, shts() As String, i As Long
ReDim shts(1 To Worksheets.Application.ActiveWorkbook. _
i = 0
For Each sht In _
i = i + 1
shts(i) = sht.Name
x = Sheets(sht.Name).UsedRange.Rows.Count 'lastcell fixup
Selection.Resize(rowsize:=2).Rows(2).EntireRow. _
Resize(rowsize:=vRows - 1).Insert Shift:=xlDown
Rows(2).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Selection.Offset(1).Resize( _
Rows(3).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Selection.Offset(2).Resize( _
On Error Resume Next
Next sht
End Sub
Ok, based on your comments, the below code should meet your needs. But first, a few things to note.
I've added several comments to help you understand what is happening in the code.
Based on your comment regarding vRows, the code will now terminate if the user keeps the default input box value ("1"). The logic is that if the value is only one, then no rows need to be added. Notice that I subtract 1 from the Inputbox value.
The code assumes you have headers or at least filled cells in row one. I use row one to find the last used column.
If there's any chance that the wrong sheet can be active when this code is executed, uncomment line 16 of my code. (Obviously you'd need to change the code to reflect your sheet's name.
Finally, this code assumes that the upper-left corner of your dataset is in A1.
Tested on Sample Dataset
Sub InsertMonthsAndFillFormulas(Optional vRows As Long = 0)
Dim lastCol As Long
Dim r As Range
'Ask user for number of months.
'If the user keeps the default value (1), exit sub.
If vRows = 0 Then
vRows = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
"Enter the total number of months in the program", Title:="Add Months", _
Default:=1, Type:=1) - 1
If vRows = 0 Then Exit Sub
End If
'Uncomment this line if you are concerned with which sheet needs to be active.
With ActiveSheet
'Set the range to work with as the cell below the active cell.
Set r = ActiveCell.Offset(1)
'Find the last used column. (Assumes row one contains headers)
'Commented this out to hard-code the last column.
'lastCol = .Rows("1:1").Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
'Insert the new rows.
r.EntireRow.Resize(vRows).Insert Shift:=xlDown
'r needs to be reset since the new rows pushed it down.
'This time we set r to be the first blank row that will be filled with formulas.
Set r = .Range(.Cells(ActiveCell.Offset(1).Row, 1), _
.Cells(ActiveCell.Offset(1).Row, "H")) '<~~ Replaced lastCol with "H"
'**Add formulas to the new rows.**
'Adds row two formulas to the first blank row.
.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(2, "H")).Copy r
'Adds row three formulas to the rest of the blank rows.
.Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(3, "H")).Copy r.Offset(1).Resize(vRows - 1)
End With
End Sub
The variable lastCol is what defines the right most column to copy formulas from. This variable is set using column headers in row 1. I prefer using variables like this to make the code more robust (i.e. you can add a column to your dataset without breaking the macro), however, for this to work you need headers above every used column (or at least cells that contain values).
If you aren't concerned with adding more columns in the furture, you can hard-code the last column into the code (see my revisions).

Stuck at deleting a record stored in a variant datatype

Ok I have tried these and grasped some view on variants and I have written these code
Sub main()
Dim Vary As Variant
Vary = Sheet1.Range("A1:D11").Value
For i = 1 To UBound(Vary)
For j = i + 1 To UBound(Vary)
If Vary(i, 1) = Vary(j, 1) Then
'I should delete the vary(j,1) element from vary
'in excel sheet we use selection.entirerow.delete
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
This is the sample I tried
1 somevalues in BCD columns
Now Delete the 4th row don think I'm working for unique records I'm just learning stuff to do and while I was learning variant I am stuck at this point deleting a complete row stored in variant
I have stored (A1:D11).value in variant
Now how can I delete the A6 element or row in variant so that I can avoid it while I copy the variant to some other sheet?
Can I also delete the C AND B columns in variant so that when i do transpose it wont copy the C and B columns?
I don't know what exactly a variant is - I was thinking to take a set of range and do operations like what we do for an excel sheet then take that variant and transpose it back to sheet.
Is that the right way of thinking or did I misunderstand the use of variants?
`variant(k,1)=text(x)` some array shows mismatch ? whats wrong?
If you are planning on using a varray to look at cells in each row to decide if you should delete the row or not, you should loop through your varray backwards, the same way you would if you did a for loop through the cell range. Since you are starting on row 1, the variable i will always equal the row number the element was located on, so you can use that to delete the proper row.
Here's a sample (more simple than what you are trying to do, though) that will delete each row in which the cells in columns A and B are the same.
Sub test()
Dim varray As Variant
varray = Range("A1:B11").Value
For i = UBound(varray, 1) To 1 Step -1
If varray(i, 1) = varray(i, 2) Then
Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete
End If
End Sub
Notes of interest:
UBound(varray, 1) gives the count of the rows
UBound(varray, 2) gives the count of the columns
One workaround without a second array is to introduce a deliberate error into an element you want to replace, then use SpecialCells to delete the cell after dumping the variant array back over the range. This sample introduces an error into the array position corresponding to A6 (outside the loop as its an example), then when the range is dumped to E1, the SpecialCell error removal shifts F6:H6 into E6:G6. ie
pls save before testing - this code will overwrite E6:H11 in the first worksheet
Sub main()
Dim Vary As Variant
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = Sheets(1).Range("A1:D11")
Set rng2 = rng1.Offset(0, 4)
Vary = rng1.Value2
For i = 1 To UBound(Vary)
For j = i + 1 To UBound(Vary)
'your test here
Next j
Next i
Vary(6, 1) = "=(1 / 0)"
With rng2
.Value2 = Vary
On Error Resume Next
.SpecialCells(xlFormulas, xlErrors).Delete xlToLeft
End With
End Sub