Share on Instagram/WhatsApp without UIDocumentInteractionController - ios7

Is there any way to share an UIImage to Instagram and WhatsApp without using UIDocumentInteractionController?
I want to set a button for IG that won't open the OpenIn menu, and won't make me select an app from the menu.
Same goes for Whatsapp...
Or perhaps a way to use UIDocumentInteractionController but somehow setting the selected app to be (for example) Instagram without prompting the user to choose IG app from the OpenIn menu.
Thanks in advance

No, there is no way to share an image without UIDocumentInteractionController. Perhaps Whatsapp or Instagram will provide an API for this in the future.


How can i add a snapchat sharing button to my website. Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?

I am developing a website.I have added the many social login or sharing buttons,links like facebook,tweeter,gplus,pintrest on my php,html based website.
Now i have to add the social sharing button for snapchat.Is it possible to provide a link or button on my website to share a snap,image,content of stories in snapchat ?
I have tried to find out for any API or snapchat link or button to achive, but doesn't found any thing.
I also saw the question doesn't have any answer,reply,comments.
Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?
From the snapchat blog link following, I found that there is no API available provided by snapchat.
Is it possible to share contents of snapchat?
That blog post is more talking about using a 3rd party app intead of the snapchat app, this is something i can never see being allowd but is also not what i think you are after.
I assume you mean that you want to be able to share a screenshot or specific image on snapchat. I have not been able to find a way of doing this, the closest thing was a 3rd party app that enabled link insertion to snapchat (
On the other hand, if you want them to connect to you, this can be done with the url
hope this helps

Can we authenticate facebook user which view page in UIWebView?

I work on application which provide bonus content for certain actions Facebook Share, Facebook Like of our page and etc.
I have problem with Facebook Like, as we know Facebook SDK ToS don't allow us (developers) to programmatically like Facebook page, so I have two ideas
Open the native Facebook APP, which is straight forward.
UIWebView within' our APP. But here is the problem
How to authenticate the user in facebook, to skip the inconvenience of double login. (The first time is within' our app, to be able to fetch the result of /me/likes/(id))?
I also faced the same problem for liking pages
i found this it is very help full go through this it shows how to like face book pages by using web view
hope this helps

Post on Twitter in single click - like Instagram

I'm trying to implement Twitter share the way it is done in Instagram.
What it means is that I want the user to approve the built in Twitter credentials (defined in the iPhone settings) and after that, every time the user clicks a "share" button - it will post a tweet on Twitter without the need for the user to fill the text or see additional dialog like the TWTweetComposeViewController.
Any suggestions?
You can achieve this using TWRequest, go through the Q&A in this post..
Use TWrequest to send an image with a text to Twitter in IOS5
But in iOS 6 this might be deprecated, so check out the adjacent classes used for this purpose.

Facebook library login dialog how to modify its appearance?

Using the facebook library in order to login I call this method:
+ (BOOL)openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:(NSArray*)readPermissions
If the allowLoginUI:(BOOL)allowLoginUI parameter is set to yes the facebook login dialog is shown in full screen. Is there any way to change that and have the login dialog appear not in full screen? I would like it to just appear on foreground and take most of the screen size but not full screen.
I've seen this done but I would like to know if it is possible with the current facebook library?
I do not believe you are allowed to modify the login UI. I have seen devs getting rejected for modifying other aspects of the facebook SDK UI bundle (namely the login button) but this was clearly not acceptable.
My best guess is to set allowUI to no, and sort of mimic your own interface.
Although, from a UX perspective, I would prefer you kept it in the style defined by the FB SDK.

How to integrate facebook fan page within an iphone app?

I want to integrate facebook fan page in my game with out leaving the game. And I also want to detect If any one like that app, I mean I want to detect "like" button pressed or not.I view this tutorial But there is only instruction to add the like button,but o detection if any one tapped the button or not.
Any one help me please.Sample code or tutorial may help a lot.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook API on iOS is meant to redirect the user on the Facebook app (or website when the app is missing) in order to grant access for the like itself. This needs to be done at least once.
In order to gather information about who is liking what you can set up whatever log or backend functionality to the Facebook app that you have to create to activate the like functionality on your iOS app.